Settling the Middle [or “ Restoration ” Colonies. GOALS  profit and individual betterment.


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Presentation transcript:

Settling the Middle [or “ Restoration ” Colonies. GOALS  profit and individual betterment.

New Netherlands & New Sweden Founded in the 1660s by:  Friends of British King Charles II.  Land speculators.  Middle class farmers & craftsmen.

More Like Later America Than Other Regions! Economic diversity. Large cities  more cosmopolitan culture. Some slavery [6%-12% of the population]. Ethnic and religious diversity. Religious toleration. “Bread Colonies.”

New York Manors & Land Grants Patroonships Owner of company New York Manors & Land Grants Patroonships Owner of company

New York Harbor, 1639

New Amsterdam

Peter Stuyvesant Governor of New Amsterdam

Peter Stuyvesant Peter Stuyvesant Major figure in the early history of New York City (New Netherlands)Major figure in the early history of New York City (New Netherlands) Built protective wall on Wall St.Built protective wall on Wall St. Built the canal that became Broad StreetBuilt the canal that became Broad Street Developed BroadwayDeveloped Broadway

New York Then and Now

William Penn The “Holy Experiment” * Preached religious freedom * Equal treatment of Native Americans *Founded the “Society of Friends” aka. Quakers * Given a royal land grant by Charles II to found PA

Royal Land Grant to Penn

Penn & Native Americans Believed Natives should be treated fair If land was taken, market price should be given as compensation If land was taken, market price should be given as compensation Both equal white and Native representation for disputes Both equal white and Native representation for disputes

Penn ’ s Treaty with the Native Americans

Urban Population Growth

Ethnic Groups

Settling the Lower South 1660s – 1730s The Carolinas & Georgia. Planters & yeomen farmers from VA or the Sugar Islands. Debtors & other petty criminals.

Port of Charles Town, SC The only southern port city.

Crops of the Carolinas IndigoIndigo RiceRice

Rice & Indigo Exports from SC & GA:

Founder of Georgia James Oglethorpe A “buffer zone” between Britain’s North American colonies & Spanish Florida.

The Trustees of Georgia Painted by William Verelst, 1734

1733 Savannah Grill pattern of settlement.

18c Southern Colonies

King Philip ’ s War, 1675 – 1676 Conflict between the Native tribes of New England and English settlers (also some Natives)Conflict between the Native tribes of New England and English settlers (also some Natives) Over half of the colonist’s towns (90ish) were attackedOver half of the colonist’s towns (90ish) were attacked About 1 of 65 colonists were killed (one of the highest ratios in American historyAbout 1 of 65 colonists were killed (one of the highest ratios in American history War ends when Metacom is killedWar ends when Metacom is killed Metacom, known to the English as King Phillip

King Philip ’ s War, 1675 – 1676)