Upper Juniors Parent Information Tuesday 23 rd September 2014 Trinity Primary School
New Curriculum Topic webs New topics – cross curricular approach Emphasis on grammar Languages – continued link with Gillotts
History The Terrible Tudors – issues affecting the Tudors including a source- based mystery investigation PE - Outdoor games French Learning correct pronunciation through phonics Computing Multimedia and word processing to present information about the Tudors Science Forces - gravity, air resistance, water resistance and friction. Understanding balanced and unbalanced forces and their effect. Investigations into how levers, pulleys and gears help us use smaller forces. PSHE Exploring the schools value: friendship RE - Moral Maze Music -Year 6 Brass lessons -Year 5 - exploring rounds Design and Technology Building a Tudor Street
Equipment PE Kit (to be kept in school PE bag) Plain Navy track suit bottoms Navy shorts School sports t-shirt School hoody (optional, and for PE only) Trainers
Equipment Classroom equipment ONE small pencil case (this must fit in your tray) Two sharpened pencils Small rubber Sharpener Ruler (not bendy) Handwriting pen (no biros/ink erasers) A few coloured pencils Glue stick Whiteboard pen Highlighter Scissors (optional)
Homework Update homework policy last year Set on a Tuesday to be handed in the following Monday Five areas: –Weekly sentences based on spelling words –Reading records 3x/5x per week –Compulsory science/English homework –Maths homework –Optional homework grid
How parents can help with homework… Help children establish a good evening/morning routine. Give encouragement but don’t correct every mistake. Help children to manage their time so they are not doing all the homework at the last minute. Encourage them to read aloud to you from time to time and write an encouraging comment in their homework diary.
What you can do to help English 1. Reading – 20 minutes every day is the ideal. 2. Learn about the different text types yourself so you can discuss them/ 3. Discuss television programmes / films – why did that character respond that way? What might happen next? 4. Read anything and everything and discuss it. 5. Discuss what you are reading with your children. Share your likes and dislikes. 6. Look at posters/adverts – how are they laid out, do they catch your eye? Why? 7. Work on improving/extending sentences in their writing including Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation (VCOP)
What you can do to help Maths 1. Guide to helping children online on website 2. Times tables! 3. Discuss real-life situations that use Maths. 4. Give children opportunities to handle money, to weigh out ingredients to measure. 5. Talk about time – analogue and digital clocks. How much time will we have to have dinner before Strictly starts? How long does the X Factor last tonight? Does that include the advert breaks? 6. Play games that involve keeping score.
Year 6 - SATs English Reading comprehension Writing – Teacher assessments throughout the year. There is a paper that they sit but those results only informs the teacher assessments. Grammar Maths Written paper A Written paper B Mental maths test