T alking Terriers New England Terrier Club Inside this Issue President’s Message Calendar of Upcoming Events New Members Committees Do Not Forget the Annual Winter Match – 3/13/2011 Brags Dog / Puppies President’s Message: January 2011 issue AKC UPDATE NETC’S Winter Match will be held on March 13 Silver City in Taunton, MA. We have received permission from the AKC to hold this match as our first “OB”, obedience, match as well as our second “B” conformation, match. This means that the match will count towards the required matches in both conformation & obedience. Once the match report from this match is accepted by the AKC, we will be able to submit an application for “A” level status. If we are approved for “A” level matches, we will need to hold two “A” level conformation matches and one match each for any performance activity such as obedience and earthdog. IF those matches are accepted, then we will be an AKC licensed club. We still have a ways to go, but we’re making progress ! Best Wishes to all, Mary
Our annual Holiday Party, held on December 11 th, was a great success. Many thanks to Denise Okun for arranging for the use of the elegant meeting room at the Canton Unitarian Church. The potluck supper was delicious with many, many different foods available for all to enjoy. At the holiday party, our 1 st annual awards were given out for those whose dogs have earned a title during the year. The award included a recognition certificate and our new club pin with our 40 th anniversary logo on it. This award recognition program with continue in 2011, so keep track of your dog’s titles.
New NETC Members NETC extends a hearty welcome to 3 new club members. We look forward to seeing them at our upcoming club activities. Katie and Craig Huntress, from Marshfield, MA Parson Russell Terriers Kerry Fogler, from Concord, MAScottish Terriers Ribbon & Trophy Committees For many years, Dee Whitcomb has been in charge of ordering and organizing the ribbons for our matches. She has done an incredible job!! The ribbons are now stored in labeled drawers all sorted by the appropriate divisions. She has now passed the torch (or in this case the ribbons) on to Tami Lopes. Many, many thanks to Dee and also many thanks to Tami for taking this on. Also, many thanks to Maureen Lee and to Anne Kupferman who along with Dee Whitcomb, have organized the trophies, prizes and judges’ gifts for our matches. They have done a wonderful job! Many thanks to them! NETC could use your help serving on these or other committees. Please call or Mary Smith at or to **We have not yet scheduled a date for a Spring Earthdog Fun Day due to our wonderful weather conditions at this time. If, by a small miracle, the snow actually melts and our field dries out, we will let you know if we can hold it.
MonthDateEventWhere March13Annual Winter Match Taunton April1Deadline for Newsletter May ? Earthdog Play DatePlainville May30Annual Memorial Day Match Norfolk Aggie School June11NETC Annual CookoutRaynham July1Deadline for Newsletter September5Annual Labor Day MatchTBA October? Earthdog Play datePlainville October7, 8, 9 Montgomery WeekendPenn November1 Deadline for Newsletter December15Deadline for AwardsCarleen Farrington – Editor/BOD DecemberTBA Annual Holiday DinnerTBA December31DUES RENEWALDavid Ullman – Treasurer FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE - A LIST OF IMPORTANT DATES Carleen Farrington is going to remain our Editor, but she NEEDS your help with stories, brags, legislation information and photos. A CO-Editor is needed ! ! ! Contact Carleen directly at If able to help..