Vicky Carroll Symphony Housing Group
Amalgamation Contour Housing Group and Vicinity Group Approx 40,000 homes in the North West Top 20 large RSL in England
Overall spending contribution to the local economy New Development TSC= £155m (1367 units) Community Investment £5m per annum Management and Maintenance 2011/12 £74.5m Annual Turnover £142m All of this spend is procured at different levels- OJEU type over £3.9m; to £30 for butties for a meeting!
Overall spending contribution to the local economy Definition of local economy Regional, sub regional- AGMA etc, LA level, neighbourhood Methods- direct investment ie purchase of goods and services Indirect- ie supply chain, supporting people to set up their own business, pre employment support etc
Total completions now at 9,600 homes 11/12 HCA supported 65% comps 10/11 HCA supported 59% comps Total starts now at 9,730 homes 11/12 HCA supported 19% starts 10/11 HCA supported 55% starts
Tension VFM versus targeting local economy Procurement Clubs- Cutting Edge and Procure Plus Optimum regional – over £3m LOTs may attract National Contractors, some bulk purchasing at National level, estimate 80% into the region. Sub regional- £1-3m LOT maximise impact locally? Mix of National, regional contractors. Local Authority level LOTS under £1m – more confident successfully targeted small contractors/SMEs (6 small contractors on CE)
Tension VFM versus targeting local economy % spend on potentially lowest “local impact” offset by Framework selection of partners- Targets for local labour As part of the OJEU assessment contractors scored on local commitments, including supply chain, labour, responsiveness to local markets Procure Plus linked closely to GTA “Constructing the Future Lancashire”- max local apprenticeships Encourage local companies to quote for smaller works/services ( under £2k 1 quote, £2-£25k 3 quotes; over £25k tendered)
Other Targeting of local economies ERDF priority 4 bid supporting social enterprise, starting up SMEs, job creation RGF 2011 & 2012 bids - look at supporting economic growth, job creation Spark Studio- live/work linked to work home enterprise Other employment and education initiatives Symphony Extra
This project will, through energy savings within Passivhaus principle 250 affordable homes, generate a revenue fund to assist high growth potential companies to create jobs over a minimum of ten years. Total cost: approx£43m Private funding: £36.1m RGF: £6.9m Locations: East Cheshire and Salford Creating over 200 jobs
Resourcing more thorough impact assessments- capturing more of the indirect impacts, who will resource? Current regulation agenda VFM driven, tensions will get stronger? More support for small SMEs through procurement process- via Sub Regional Strategies priorities, AGMA etc? Its the same old challenge, how can we invigorate a fresh approach in these challenging economic times?