▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank Economy in order to, so far, legal tender, back up, encouraged to * 총 33 문항, 각 문제당 3 점씩 배점 1. diversity2. race 3. conflict4. establish 5. coexistence6. prosperity 7. mutual8. cooperation 9. coalition10. devastating 11. collapse12. communism 13. movement14. core 15. conclude16. preservation 17. justice18. currency 19. banknote20. security 21. Wars and regional conflicts have often occurred in Europe from the ancient days. 유럽에서는 옛날부터 지금까지 전쟁과 지역간 충돌이 자주 발생해왔다. 22. establish peaceful coexistence in the region, major European countries formed a union among the nations. 지역 내에 평화공존을 확립하기 위하여 주요 유럽국가들은 국가간 연합체를 형성하였다. 23. European people were _____________ pay more attention for better cooperation among the countries. 유럽인들은 국가간에 보다 나은 협력을 위하여 더 많은 관심을 기울이게 격려 되었다. 24. Euro banknote and coins are ______________ in 16 of 27 member countries nowadays. 유로화 지폐와 동전은 현재 27 개 회원국 중 16 개국에서 법정통화이다. 25. To _____________ the falling euro, the EU governments also decided to support $1 trillion for other indebted member countries. 하락하는 유로화를 지원하기 위하여 EU 정부는 또한 다른 채무회원국들에게 1 조 달러를 지원 하기로 결정하였다.
▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. EU in Financial Crisis Largely due to diversity in races, languages and cultures, wars and regional conflicts have often occurred in Europe from the ancient days so far. In order to establish peaceful coexistence and prosperity in the region through mutual cooperation and coalition, major European countries formed a union among the nations upon the end of the World War II which had devastated the continent. After the collapse of communism across Central and Eastern Europe in 1990s, European Union member countries became closer and the number of EU member countries increased to 27 countries. In 1993, the Single Market was completed in Europe to ensure the ‘four freedoms’ of movement of goods, services, people and money. Since the two core treaties of EU, the ‘Maastricht’ Treaty on European Union in 1993 and the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1999 were concluded, European people were encouraged to pay more attention for better cooperation among the countries, better preservation of their environment and common security and defense of their countries. And the area of freedom, security and justice for the EU citizens was established. On January 1, 1999, the euro was launched as the currency for more than 300 million people in Europe. Euro banknote and coins are legal tender in 16 of 27 member countries nowadays. In spite of the good purpose of more harmonious and united EU countries, the serious gap among the member countries in terms of economic wealth and living conditions caused many problems. In particular, Greece is one of EU countries which have suffered financial crisis and could barely survive the crisis with the 110 billion bailout euro money agreed by the European governments. To back up the falling euro, the EU governments also decided to support $1 trillion for other indebted member countries. Hungary and Spain are also reported to have financial difficulties, needing the massive help from their member countries. These EU financial crises have adversely influenced the major international markets already, raising a serious attention for the sooner recovery of EU countries Economy 26. Why was the European Union formed? ① To establish a form of currency that could be used throughout all of Europe. ② To establish a peaceful coexistence and prosperity throughout Europe. ③ To establish a common bond to help Europe succeed throughout World War II. ④ To establish a political representation for trade with other countries around the World. 27. Why are some European countries experiencing a financial crisis? ① Some European countries decided not to use the Euro as their currency. ② Some European countries did not receive the bailouts that other countries had received. ③ The European Union was not formed early enough to keep countries from financial crisis. ④ There is still a large gap between countries in terms of economic wealth and living conditions, making it hard for the poorer countries to catch up.
☞ Write True(T) or False(F). Structure ☞ Choose the correct word for the blank. 33. I heard someone ( shouting, to shout ) over there Economy 28. Which of the following words most closely means 'devastated' from the article? ① Improved ② Helped ③ Destroyed ④ Enriched 29. How did the European Union try to compensate for the falling Euro? ① They supported massive bailouts to countries struggling with financial difficulties. ② They borrowed money from other countries around the World. ③ They considered eliminating the Euro as a currency for European nations. ④ They increased exports to other countries to ensure more money was coming into Europe. 30. All countries in Europe are currently using the Euro as currency. _____ 31. Greece is one of the European countries currently experiencing a financial crisis. _____ 32. Most of the World has been largely unaffected by the financial crisis in Europe. ____
▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank Economy in order to, so far, legal tender, back up, encouraged to * 총 33 문항, 각 문제당 3 점씩 배점 1. diversity [ 다양성, 포괄성 ]2. race [ 인종 ] 3. conflict [ 충돌 ]4. establish [ 설립하다, 수립하다 ] 5. coexistence [ 공존 ]6. prosperity [ 번영 ] 7. mutual [ 상호간의, 서로의 ]8. cooperation [ 협력, 합동 ] 9. coalition [ 동맹 ]10. devastating [ 파괴적인 ] 11. collapse [ 붕괴 ]12. communism [ 공산주의 ] 13. movement [ 이동 ]14. core [ 핵심 ] 15. conclude [ 결론을 내리다 ]16. preservation [ 보존 ] 17. justice [ 정의 ]18. currency [ 화폐 ] 19. banknote [ 지폐 ]20. security [ 보안 ] 21. Wars and regional conflicts have often occurred in Europe from the ancient days so far. 유럽에서는 옛날부터 지금까지 전쟁과 지역간 충돌이 자주 발생해왔다. 22. In order to establish peaceful coexistence in the region, major European countries formed a union among the nations. 지역 내에 평화공존을 확립하기 위하여 주요 유럽국가들은 국가간 연합체를 형성하였다. 23. European people were encouraged to pay more attention for better cooperation among the countries. 유럽인들은 국가간에 보다 나은 협력을 위하여 더 많은 관심을 기울이게 격려 되었다. 24. Euro banknote and coins are legal tender in 16 of 27 member countries nowadays. 유로화 지폐와 동전은 현재 27 개 회원국 중 16 개국에서 법정통화이다. 25. To back up the falling euro, the EU governments also decided to support $1 trillion for other indebted member countries. 하락하는 유로화를 지원하기 위하여 EU 정부는 또한 다른 채무회원국들에게 1 조 달러를 지원 하기로 결정하였다.
▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article Economy 26. Why was the European Union formed? [2] ① To establish a form of currency that could be used throughout all of Europe. ② To establish a peaceful coexistence and prosperity throughout Europe. ③ To establish a common bond to help Europe succeed throughout World War II. ④ To establish a political representation for trade with other countries around the World. 27. Why are some European countries experiencing a financial crisis? [4] ① Some European countries decided not to use the Euro as their currency. ② Some European countries did not receive the bailouts that other countries had received. ③ The European Union was not formed early enough to keep countries from financial crisis. ④ There is still a large gap between countries in terms of economic wealth and living conditions, making it hard for the poorer countries to catch up. EU in Financial Crisis Largely due to diversity in races, languages and cultures, wars and regional conflicts have often occurred in Europe from the ancient days so far. In order to establish peaceful coexistence and prosperity in the region through mutual cooperation and coalition, major European countries formed a union among the nations upon the end of the World War II which had devastated the continent. After the collapse of communism across Central and Eastern Europe in 1990s, European Union member countries became closer and the number of EU member countries increased to 27 countries. In 1993, the Single Market was completed in Europe to ensure the ‘four freedoms’ of movement of goods, services, people and money. Since the two core treaties of EU, the ‘Maastricht’ Treaty on European Union in 1993 and the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1999 were concluded, European people were encouraged to pay more attention for better cooperation among the countries, better preservation of their environment and common security and defense of their countries. And the area of freedom, security and justice for the EU citizens was established. On January 1, 1999, the euro was launched as the currency for more than 300 million people in Europe. Euro banknote and coins are legal tender in 16 of 27 member countries nowadays. In spite of the good purpose of more harmonious and united EU countries, the serious gap among the member countries in terms of economic wealth and living conditions caused many problems. In particular, Greece is one of EU countries which have suffered financial crisis and could barely survive the crisis with the 110 billion bailout euro money agreed by the European governments. To back up the falling euro, the EU governments also decided to support $1 trillion for other indebted member countries. Hungary and Spain are also reported to have financial difficulties, needing the massive help from their member countries. These EU financial crises have adversely influenced the major international markets already, raising a serious attention for the sooner recovery of EU countries.
☞ Write True(T) or False(F) Economy 28. Which of the following words most closely means 'devastated' from the article? [3] ① Improved ② Helped ③ Destroyed ④ Enriched 29. How did the European Union try to compensate for the falling Euro? [1] ① They supported massive bailouts to countries struggling with financial difficulties. ② They borrowed money from other countries around the World. ③ They considered eliminating the Euro as a currency for European nations. ④ They increased exports to other countries to ensure more money was coming into Europe. 30. All countries in Europe are currently using the Euro as currency. [F] 31. Greece is one of the European countries currently experiencing a financial crisis. [T] 32. Most of the World has been largely unaffected by the financial crisis in Europe. [F] Structure ☞ Choose the correct word for the blank. 33. I heard someone ( shouting, to shout ) over there.