data for life
ISIS - LIVING ANIMAL COLLECTIONS ISIS is an international NGO –a US headquartered 501c3 non-profit membership organization of zoos, aquariums and related facilities.
Through scientific expertise, genetic research, coordination, cooperation – and the collection and exchange of accurate information, some species have been rescued
“The first rule of intelligent tinkering …. is to save all of the pieces” (Aldo Leopold).
ISIS Membership 36 years of steady growth More than 800 member institutions in 77 countries
ISIS Structure Headquarters in Minneapolis, MN USA (12 staff) Software team in Gurgaon, near Delhi, India (variable size) Regional coordinators/support staff in Amsterdam, Tokyo, Bogota, Delhi International Board of Trustees elected by Institutional Members
ISIS Holds: Data on 2.4 million individual animals – most followed birth to death. Data on 10,000+ species (vertebrates and invertebrates) Pedigree/provenance Demography Millions of Biomaterials samples, most frozen Extensive conservation medicine information data fields per individual animal
ISIS Systems: Now deploying (first 30 institutions out of 837) is ISIS new ZIMS release 1. Real-time web-based “cloud” solution data fields, 350 screens, 750,000 lines of code Later releases will double this. Legacy ISIS systems are desktop solutions for ISIS- member living collections (99% run ISIS software locally), monthly batch update to ISIS central databases which drive some web services
ZIMS INTRODUCTION Now ISIS is rolling out a real-time web-based integrated solution, the “Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS)
We are currently transfering the world’s zoological data and 837 ISIS members to a new web-based system – ZIMS (Zoological Information Management System)
ZIMS is an aquarium solution as well ISIS: FOR ZOO AND AQUARIUM LIFE
ISIS data is used for: small population management life history studies sole source of veterinary data for many wildlife species index to enormous array of frozen biomaterials –
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