Common Assessment #2 Review Colonization Mr. Durfee SBMS U.S. History October 5, 2012
Plymouth and the Mayflower Supplies limited for 102 passengers Half died first winter (starving time and disease). Surviving half was near disaster when Spring arrived. Rocky soil not same as in England made it difficult to farm Mayflower Compact was a social contract signed by the Mayflower passengers to govern themselves and obey their own laws and was first document to establish democracy in America
New England Northeastern colonies in New England were settled to escape religious persecution in Europe. Puritanism was primary religion in early New England but the Middle Colonies had many different religions Rhode Island offered religious freedom from Puritans for all religions. John Wheelwright, Roger Williams, Thomas Hooker, and Ann Hutchinson left Massachusetts because of their religion which went against Puritanism Fundamental Orders of Connecticut was first written Constitution in America and the ability to send two people from each town to the Assembly had a direct contribution to representative government. The Colonies were located along the Atlantic coast to facilitate trade with Mother England Poor soil for farming but plenty of lumber for shipbuilding near plenty of rivers and great ports. Harsh winters. Small farms short growing season
Middle (Mid-Atlantic) Colonies Maryland founded as safe haven for Catholics persecuted in England First settled by Dutch, Diverse population, good natural seaports, center of trade, freedom of religion and trial by jury. Taken from Dutch by English for the good seaports and natural resources. William Penn was a pacifist (non violent), established representative government in Pennsylvania, believed in equality, and respected all religions. Pennsylvania, Maryland and Rhode Island were founded to offer religious freedom Bread Basket to the world because of the large grain production of wheat, oats, barley, etc. Moderate growing seasons and very good soil for large farms
Southern Colonies Founded for economic reasons Rich soil, warm climate, extended growing seasons encouraged farming economy in the South Tobacco, indigo and rice main exports to England Tidewater and Backcountry areas Large Plantations run by slave labor Few cities, mostly farms far apart