IREEN Project Meeting 5 – Manchester September 18 th 2012 WP1 – Collaborative Network Jaak Vlasveld
Tasks: what do they mean? Setting up –The Community of Interest –Builds credibility of our results Effectively mobilizing –The networks In –the Collaborative Community Space –Ensures durability of our results Engage –Experts –In expert hearings –Delivers building blocks for our roadmap
Triage Very limited time Endless options for spending this time Triage! Activity: –Announce –Perform –Feedback To project participants To activity participants Can it: –Increase credibility? –Consolidate durability? –Deliver building blocks? Do it! (If not: don’t).
Community of Interest Combining: –Neighborhoods –Government –Energy specialists / utilities –ICT Strategy to build credibility for IREEN’s results –Involve active experts Get them to involve their contacts –Link to other projects Use their newsletters Ask for short statements on matrix items
CoI strategy example: GreenITNet Policy good practices network –10 ICT intensive cities Webinar (7 th of September) agreements: –They will discuss cases that we propose –Newsletter is open to contributions from IREEN Meeting in Manchester 27 th of September –Introduction of the roadmap –Group discussions on items from the roadmap Channel feedback to WP3 and WP4 Question: where to announce? LinkedIn? Forum?
CoI strategy decision Advantages: –New newsletter recipients: increase credibility –Feedback on roadmap: new building blocks Characteristics: –Highly decentralized network –Loose connections –Partners with limited EU experience Do the same for other projects?
Target audience (1/2) Our first steps, in order: –Netherlands Top sector, LTA ICT / Transport, national spread –Europe GreenITNet, selected cities such as Bristol, Lissabon –Industry Multinationals, energy companies SME’s t hat can relate business and practice to the bigger picture –Through intermediaries such as AgencyNL and Syntens –Or directly –Science Already in progress Extend with people from projects
Target audience (2/2) Other projects, first steps –Links to other projects are good –We need people with concrete examples –So we will avoid people that are involved in too many other (similar) projects Current shortlist: REAP ICT4e2B Euroforum Energy cities Convenant of mayers Living labs GreenITNet Platform for open data NICE / Green Digital Charter EnRiMa (Energy Efficiency and Risk Management in Public Buildings) Smart cities & Communities initiative Revisite
Collaborative community space How to ensure continuity of the engagement? –Set up Get management rights to: –LinkedIn group –Forum –Wiki (done) –Manage Perform process: –Administration –Moderation –Liaison
CCS strategy Experts –Are expected to create posts for the eeCities Forum –Because We are creating policy advise EC policy officers are reading the forum We craft incentives –What’s in it for them? Building blocks –Are put up on the forum by us –Discussion on LinkedIn –'Official' comments are pushed to the forum Newsletters –Post statements –Use them to draw attention to the forum / LinkedIn Other projects –Use their newsletters –And have them use ours –Shared workshops
Expert hearings How to elicit content blocks for the roadmap? –Co-creation have the experts involve their project partners –Analysis Internal moderation processes Hearings (AEG) –Validation of results Wider community Strategy Get topics from WP2 and WP3 Get topics from available podia Next steps Skype call with WP2 and WP3 leader Discuss co- creation opportunities
Podia LinkedIn –Use cases –Scenario's –Statements For a ‘wider audience’ eeCities Forum –Parts of the roadmap –State of the art research –Best practices Offline sessions –Scenario's –Best practices and lessons learned Experts Sending (newsletters) –Statements
Project team Amsterdam 4 People Roles: –Moderation of proceedings –Extending the network –Eliciting input from experts –Eliciting input from wider audience –Follow-ups on earlier discussions/agreements
Jaak Vlasveld Primary responsibility: –Extending the network Secretary of Green IT Amsterdam Region Strong network in green IT –With GITA from initiation phase –Initiator of the Green IT Network Europe (GreenITNet) Experience in setting up collaborations Background in: –ICT and smart systems –Technology dynamics
Heidy van Beurden Primary responsibility: –Eliciting input from experts Previous experience with ICT4E2B Communication professional –specializing in smart city / smart community concepts
New employee Primary responsibility –Follow-ups on earlier discussions/agreements Budget decision to be taken Wednesday 19/9 by the board of Green IT Amsterdam, expected starting date: between 1/10 and 15/10. Profile –Previous experience with European projects –Previous experience with developing sustainability improvement scenario’s for the built environment –Strong social networking skills –Accurate, able to do follow-ups, highly motivated to get to know new people First suitable candidate is selected
Sies Frauenfelder Primary responsibility –Elicit input from a wider audience Student ICT and management –Strong social skills and communication skills –In-depth knowledge of ICT –Organized Tasks: –moderate the Wiki and the Forum –Communicate through LinkedIn group –Brainstorm on use cases and scenario’s
Open questions to the meeting What is it actually that we want from our experts? What actions should we take over from other partners What do you expect us to organize in October?
Thank you