Sara Storey and Katie Roberts ECED 4300 C Dr. Tonja Root Fall 2008 Grade Level : Fifth Grade Specific Form of Writing: Pen pal Letters Storey, S. & Roberts, K. (2008). Pen Pal Letter PowerPoint. Unpublished PowerPoint, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA.
Pen pal letters help us meet new friends. Pen pals usually live in different geographical areas. Pen pal letters are correspondence letters. Pen pal letters include: Greeting Message Closure Signature Storey, S. & Roberts, K. (2008). Pen Pal Letter PowerPoint. Unpublished PowerPoint, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA.
In the pre-writing stage we: Brainstorm ideas Fill out the graphic organizer to organize our thoughts. Develop questions Write in short phrases Storey, S. & Roberts, K. (2008). Pen Pal Letter PowerPoint. Unpublished PowerPoint, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA.
Pen Pal Letter Family Favorite Foods Pets School Self Friends Questions: 1.What is your name? 2.Where do you live? 3.How many siblings do you have? 4.What is your school like? 5.What are your favorite things to do? Storey, S. (2008). Pen Pal Letter Graphic Organizer. Unpublished Graphic Organizer, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA.
Owen’s Pen Pal Letter (2004). Pen Pal Letters Retrieved November 9, 2008, from Gambia Help Web site: penpal_gallery_2003/index.htm Storey, S. & Roberts, K. (2008). Pen Pal Letter PowerPoint. Unpublished PowerPoint, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA.
Owen's letter follows the format of a pen pal letter by including: Greeting Message Closing Signature He sparks interest with questions. He provides insight to his lifestyle. Storey, S. & Roberts, K. (2008). Pen Pal Letter PowerPoint. Unpublished PowerPoint, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA.
We will be writing today to our friend Amber in Alabama. We will complete the graphic organizer as a class. This will help us organize and form ideas about our pen pal letter. Storey, S. & Roberts, K. (2008). Pen Pal Letter PowerPoint. Unpublished PowerPoint, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA.
Students will complete their own graphic organizer to form ideas for their pen pal letter. The students will be expected to use short phrases and create their own questions. Storey, S. & Roberts, K. (2008). Pen Pal Letter PowerPoint. Unpublished PowerPoint, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA.
Use the ideas from the graphic organizer to make complete sentences. Skip lines for later stages of the writing process. Do not worry about mechanics at this stage. This is a rough draft. Storey, S. & Roberts, K. (2008). Pen Pal Letter PowerPoint. Unpublished PowerPoint, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA.
Name:___________________________ Date:_______________________ Greeting:_______________ Message:_________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __Closing:_________________________ Signature:_______________________ Modified by Roberts, K. (2008). Graphic Organizer for Drafting a Pen Pal Letter. Retrieved on November 3, 2008 from Valdosta State University, Department of Early Childhood and Special Education, Dr. Tonja Root’s Web Site:
Margot Betti Frank’s Letter Myers-Verhage, Shelby (1995). Anne Frank and her Iowa friend pen-pal. Retrieved November 9, 2008,from Traces Web site: Storey, S. & Roberts, K. (2008). Pen Pal Letter PowerPoint. Unpublished PowerPoint, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA.
Dear Betty Ann, Amsterdam 27th April 1940 I have only received your letters about a week ago and had no time to answer right away. It is Sunday today, so I can take time to write. During the week I am very busy as I have to work for school at home everyday. Our school begins at 9 a.m. till noon then I go home by my bicycle ( if the weather is bad I go by bus and stay at school ) and return for the class beginning at half past one; we then have class until three o'clock. Wednesday and Saturday afternoon we are free and use our time to play tennis and to row. In the winter we play hockey or go skating if it is could [sic] enough. This year it was unusually cold and all the canals were frozen; to day is the first really spring day, the sun shining bright and warm. Generally we have lots of rain. In summer we have a two month holiday, then a fortnight at Christmas and so on for Easter; Whitsuntide only four days. We often listen to the radio as times are very exciting, having a frontier with Germany and being a small country we never feel safe. In our class most of the children comunicate [sic] with one or the other so I do not know children who would want to take up correspondence. I only have two cousins, boys living at Basel, Switserland [sic]. For American ideas this is not far but for us it is. We have to travel through Germany which we cannot do or through Belgium and France and in that we cannot either. It is war and no visas are given. We live in a five room flat attached to the only sky scraper of the city being twelve storeys high. Amsterdam has about inhabitants. We are near the sea-shore but we miss hills and woods. Every thing being flat and a great part of the country lying below sea-level; therefore the name Netherland. Father is going to business in the morning and returns about 8 p.m.; Mother is busy at home. My grandmother is living with us and we rent one room to a lady. I think I have told you quite a lot and I am expecting your answer. With kindest regards your friend. Margot Betti Frank P.S. Many thanks for Juanita's letter as Anne is writing to her I need not write myself. Margot Storey, S. & Roberts, K. (2008). Pen Pal Letter PowerPoint. Unpublished PowerPoint, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA.
This is an example of a reply letter to her pen pal. She answers questions. She responds by telling about herself. Her letter follows the pen pal format by including Greeting Message Closure Signature Storey, S. & Roberts, K. (2008). Pen Pal Letter PowerPoint. Unpublished PowerPoint, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA.
We will take ideas from the class graphic organizer and begin drafting complete sentences. We will follow the format of a pen pal letter. Storey, S. & Roberts, K. (2008). Pen Pal Letter PowerPoint. Unpublished PowerPoint, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA.
Students will use their own graphic organizer to complete their first rough draft. The students will be expected to use complete sentences and skip lines. Storey, S. & Roberts, K. (2008). Pen Pal Letter PowerPoint. Unpublished PowerPoint, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA.