Welcome Parents! Thank you for coming to Parent Night. Please take a minute to fill out the class directory on your child’s desk.
About Mrs. Eldridge! Mother of Annabel – 14 year old in 9 th grade! Wife of Jerry Eldridge – AFNI Teaching for 23 years in the Amphitheater School District National Board Certification – Nov. 2008
Please utilize my web page for the calendar, newsletter, AND MORE!
My calendar is updated regularly.
Our Daily Schedule 8:50-10:20 – English Language Arts Block (Reading and Writing) 10:20-11:10 – Specials (Art, Music, P.E., Computer Lab, Library) 11:10-12:00 – Social Studies and Science 12:00-12:45 – LUNCH 12:45-2:00 – Math Block 2:00-2:15 – RECESS –ok to send in a healthy snack 2:15-3:15 – Small Group Reading and Math time
Art, Music, P.E. These subjects will be taught weekly for the entire year by specialists in that field.
Specialist Schedule Library (Mrs. Cuestas) –Thursday 10:20-10:50 Art (Mrs. Coulter) – Friday 10:20- 11:10 P.E. (Mrs. Paulson) - Wednesday 10:20-11:10 Music (Mrs. Marcy) – Tuesday 10:10-11:00 Computers – Monday 11:10-12:00
Curriculum English Language Arts : Scott- Foresman Reading Street ■Increase text complexity in reading ■Provide accessible rigor ■Balance fiction and informational texts ■Build content-area knowledge ■Emphasize close reading ■Focus on informative/explanatory, argumentative/opinion, and narrative writing ■Integrate media and 21st century skills
Language Arts and Writing Six Traits of Writing Grammar Writer’s Workshop Use of Reference tools Spelling and word study
Click here to practice spelling words in Spelling City.com!
On Spelling City, type in your spelling words, then pick from the menu of practice and games! **I am also providing a menu of 50 ways to practice your spelling words!
Math Series Adoption My Math –McGraw-Hill- Focus on the 8 Mathematical Practices 1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others 4.Model with mathematics 5.Use appropriate tools strategically 6.Attend to precision 7.Look for and make use of structure 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
Social Studies and Science Social Studies Character Maps and Globes Government Civil War Ancient Greece/Rome European Explorers Science Scientific Inquiry Sound and Light Geology Environments
Computer Lab Basic computer skills Keyboarding Digital camera Saving to a USB drive and school server Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point and Smart Board software Internet and Internet safety Smart Board skills Technology **It would be very helpful for your child to bring their own earbuds or headphones and a thumb drive to save their work.
Handwriting D’Nealian Method Emphasis on neatness/legibility on all assignments Cursive: ??? **handwriting is NOT graded on the report card
Grade Level Proficiency Scale Grades – Exceeds grade level standard 3.5 – Consistently meets/at times exceeds grade level standard 3.0 – Meets grade level standard 2.5 – Often approaches/meets standard 2.0 – Making progress toward standard 1.5 – Making progress with guidance toward standard 1.0 – Making limited progress toward standard
Homework Homework is sent home most days Monday through Thursday. If your child can’t complete homework due to scheduling, ALL I NEED IS A NOTE OR CALL FROM YOU! Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 20 min. reading Math Homework/Mad Minute Spelling Practice (does not need to be turned in) Tuesday 20 min reading Math Homework/Mad Minute Spelling Practice (does not need to be turned in) Contract work – Contract work due every Wednesday – Final contract is due at the end of each quarter
Assignment Books/Planners Assignment books come home daily List of assignments and activities for the day Means of communication to and from school **Please initial assignment book daily to indicate completion of homework
Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursday 1 20 min. reading 2 Spelling Practice (online at Spelling City or spelling choices) Spelling Practice (online at Spelling City or spelling choices) Spelling Practice (online at Spelling City or spelling choices) Spelling Practice (online at Spelling City or spelling choices) 3 Math Homework and Fact Practice Math Homework and Fact Practice Math Homework and Fact Practice Math Homework and Fact Practice 4 Contract Work turn in Wed. to be checked (Mrs. Eldridge will return it to you by Thursday) Weekly Homework for Mrs. Eldridge’s Third Grade *Parent Initials daily in student planner will indicate completion of all homework for each day
One Contract will be given each quarter Students work on it the whole quarter (about 8 weeks) Tuesday nights – work on Contract about 20 minutes Completed project at the end of the quarter shared with class Samples from past years are on the back table
Communication Assignment Book/Planner Weekly Conduct Report Mrs. Eldridge’s Weekly Newsletter Graded papers sent home every 2 weeks **Please don’t hesitate to call or me with questions/concerns. I will call you at my first free opportunity.
Behavior Management System Classroom Rules: 1.Follow directions the first time given. 2.Show respect: Use only kind words (No putdowns). 3.Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself 4.Listen and stay focused on the speaker. 5.Respect your property and the property of others.
Behavior Management System Positive Rewards Brain Bucks – 10 = homework pass Jewels on clip Consequences Move clip down on clip chart Behavior reflection form completed/signed by student and parent No Homework – must be done during class recess time
Birthdays We will celebrate birthdays in our class. Each student will be treated special all day! Treats are OK if they are store bought with a label. We will enjoy treats during recess breaks.
Book Orders I place Scholastic orders once a month. You can write a check for your order or you can order online using a credit card. No cash please.
Class Parties We have 5 main class parties. Please take time to sign up for a party item and I will send you a reminder note prior to the party! Thanks! Pumpkin Day Winter Celebration Valentine’s Day Spring Centers to Celebrate the End of AIMS Testing End of the Year/Aloha Days
Optional Donations Third Grade T-Shirt – (approximately $10.00) Wish List items located on classroom door– please take a star for an item you can donate! Classroom Volunteers **If you would like to volunteer on a regular basis in the classroom, please fill out the HELP WANTED form. I will be making a schedule of volunteers that will begin after Labor Day.
Thank You for Coming!! Don’t forget to leave your child a note on the blank yellow sheet. Leave the directory form on the desk. Please take all other handouts with you! Have a nice evening!