Welcome to Parent Power Whittier High School Summer 2012
To provide students a rigorous curriculum and give support to complete the A-G college requirements as a means to ensure that all students are prepared for post secondary opportunities.
Mrs. Lori Eshilian Principal Mr. Juan Anzaldo Asst. Principal Business and Activities Business and Activities Mr. Tim Liggett Asst. Principal Curriculum Curriculum Mrs. Devon Monson Asst. Principal Guidance Guidance
Dean of Students Mr. Randy Castillo(Security/Safety) Counselors Mr. Matt Tremper A-Espinoza (College Support) 12 th Grade Lead Mr. Joseph Delgadillo Estephan-Larios (Avid) 11 th Grade Lead Ms. Lou Muñoz Lartundo-Novak (CCA) 9 th Grade Lead Ms. Reina Shebesta Nuñez-Scuotto (Intervention) Ms. Nancy Velasco Sedillo-Z (Puente) 10 th Grade Lead
Guidance Office Ms. Jennifer Balag Guidance Office Ms. Jennifer Balag Clerks Ms. Jennifer Silva Clerks Ms. Jennifer Silva Registrar Ms. Sandra Ruiz Registrar Ms. Sandra Ruiz Attendance Coord. Ms. Wanda Seguin Attendance Coord. Ms. Wanda Seguin Attendance Office Attendance Office Clerk IIMs. Cathy Giles Clerk IIIMs. Yolanda Lord
Cardinals with Class C : Citizenship L : Leadership A : Achievement S : Self Respect S : Service to our community
Parents: call the Attendance Office (ext 2040,2041) If your student is absent! An unverified absences becomes a TRUANCY within 3 days! (Saturday School is the only way to clear a truancy) 3 absences per semester is excessive 3 tardies per semester is excessive
No use of electronic devices during class hours: Items may be confiscated and turned in to Guidance WHS is not responsible for lost or stolen items Bullying and use of electronic devices to bully are strictly prohibited! (We Recommend that Students leave IPODS, MP3’s, home!) Other Expectations: Carry ID at all times No use of profanity No use of skateboards No cheating
Whittier Union High School District Discipline Policy NO: Possession of controlled substance Possession of controlled substance Possession of weapon Possession of weapon Assault/Battery Assault/Battery Vandalism VandalismConsequences: Police notification Police notification Transfer to different school within district Transfer to different school within district Expulsion Expulsion
Bell Schedule (Monday) Late Start Day Meetings7:30 – 8:40 Students arrive to school at 8:40 Per. 19:00 – 9:48 Per. 29:53 – 10:41 Break10:36 – 10:46 Per. 311:01 – 11:51 Per. 411:56 – 12:44 Lunch12:38 – 1:08 Per. 51:19 –2:07 Per. 62:12 – 3:00 Check bulletin, website or Guidance Calendar for change in schedule Block Schedule Days Per. 07:00 – 8:05 (now offering for 9 th !) Per. 1/2 8:10 – 10:10 Break10:02 – 10:12 Per. 3/410:25 – 12:25 Lunch12:22 – 12:52 Per. 5/61:00 – 3:00 20 Minutes of Embedded Support in EACH CLASS! Extended social time privileges are earned during Sophomore/Junior /Senior year
WHS Senators! Every 9 th grade student has a personal Senator- Link to High School Your student will meet a Senator at Freshman First Day
Academic Mentors Tutoring Services in Guided Study Core Classes Positive Interaction with Upper Classmen students Developing future Leaders
Freshman 1 st Day Quarter 1 Progress Check / 4 Year Plan Semester 1 Reality Check Spring Programming for Summer/Fall Targeted lunch activities throughout the year
Graduation Requirements A-G College Entrance Requirements Need 220 Credits to Graduate: Required Courses-170 Credits: 4 yrs. English (Senior Project completed in Senior English) A-G 3 yrs. Math (Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2) A-G 3 yrs. Science (Biology, Physics, Chemistry) A-G 3 yrs. Social Studies (World Civilizations, US History, Government/Economcs) A-G 1 yr. Visual or Performing Art A-G 2 yrs. PE 1 yr. Practical Art Elective Classes - 50 Credits Computer Literacy 2 yrs. Foreign Language A-G California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) Math (350)English Language Arts (350)
OUR MISSION IS FOR YOUR STUDENT TO SUCCEED! PE Dress + Participation = A Non Dress + Absences = F PE clothes are available for sale in the B&A Office $25/set Medium Gray T Shirt, Red Basketball Shorts NO oversized clothing!! “Loaners”, if needed, will be issued at the beginning of class
ZERO PERIOD ! 7:00- 8:05 Tuesday-Friday Options: English, Science, Math, Band No 6 th period –PREP is available 6 th period –GREAT for athletics! Sign Up in Foyer after presentation!
Dress for Respect Dress for Success Wear clothes that cover YOUR body and your underwear Wear clothes that do not make you look like a member of a gang OR involved in illegal activity Wear clothes that do not advertise unhealthy or unsafe practices, or sexually explicit words. Wear clothes that are safe and would not cause damage to yourself or others. Wear only a WHS Cardinal hat at school. School Pictures must be dress code!!!
We Value Respect & Success
Most Careers Require a Dress Code
Service to the Community
How to be Successful Be connected to WHS!! Academic *Guided Study *Avid *Puente *Cardinal Computer Academy Extracurricular *Sports * Cadet/Concert Band *Tall/Color Flags *Pepster Squad Social School dances * Over 30 clubs/organizations Remember to purchase your ASB card!
Tutoring Enrichment Classes Fieldtrips Before and After School in the Library
Important Dates to Remember 1 st Day of School August 29, 7:55 am Freshmen First Day August 28 7:45-1:45 pm Meet in Gym for Assembly and Senator Activities Hot Dog BBQ! Attend all classes to meet teacher and review planner BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT October 4, 6:00-8:30 *MEET IN AUDITORIUM* Fall Enrollment Day: Thursday, August 16 8:00 am- 1:00 pm Meet on Front Lawn BRING YOUR PACKET!
Visit our website: Teachers phone extensions and homepage Upcoming events Resources Click on Guidance Link Community Resources/College Information/Power Point Presentations Teleparent Monthly Guidance Calendar –Will be ed to you!
Thank You For Coming!!! Counselors will be available for questions & answers Fall enrollment paperwork is available in Foyer- please return on Thursday, August 16 No Forms = No SCHEDULE!