Back to the future….. European Construction Output E June 2005 – Euroconstruct data
Summary: the Big 5 Spain is pick of the bunch with average annual growth of 3.2% pa in UK is runner up with 2.4% France is at sub-2% and fades over period Italy is growing by less than 1% pa Germany is still negative this year and next but ‘recovery’ is set for 2007 (1.3%)
Summary: ‘Other’ Belgium leads with 5.2% pa growth in , thanks to a bumper 2005 Netherlands & Portugal set for recovery at % pa; the latter very strong in 2007 Austria & Switzerland steady at c2.0% pa But Ireland fades rapidly and goes negative in 2007
Summary: Nordic Sweden is set for a mini boom at 4.3% per annum in Denmark good at 2.4% (strong in 2007) In Finland, after bumper 2005, growth is only marginal in 2006 and 2007 Norway: grew at nearly 10% in 2004; this year forecast 3.7% but negative by 2007
Summary: East Poland is the runway winner at 8.1% per annum Second is Czechia at 6.0% pa… …and in third place Hungary at 5.5% Slovakia is no slouch either at 4.2% In total, Euro 10 billion of new work in the region in (at today’s prices)
the independent strategic advisor to the building materials, construction & support services sectors Contact: Anthony J Williams Telephone:
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