What’s the Buzz? Horner Junior High School A California Distinguished School What’s the Buzz?
Class Schedule 1 8:15 - 9:05 2 9:09 - 9:57 3 10:01 - 10:49 Warning Bell 8:10AM 1 8:15 - 9:05 2 9:09 - 9:57 3 10:01 - 10:49 4 10:53 - 11:41 Lunch 11:41 - 12:17 Read Period 12:23 - 12:38 5 12:38 - 1:26 6 1:30 - 2:18
Minimum Day Schedule Warning Bell 8:10 1st period 8:15 - 8:55 2nd period 8:59 - 9:37 3rd period 9:41 - 10:19 4th period 10:23 - 11:01 5th period 11:05 - 11:43 Lunch 11:43 - 12:17 6th period 12:21 - 12:59
Library Hours Monday - Friday 7:30am to 3pm Meet Mrs. McConnell!
(Horner offers English & Science Honors) Honors Program (Horner offers English & Science Honors) G.A.T.E. identified students will have access to honors classes based on their G.A.T.E. designation. Non-G.A.T.E. identified students will have access to honors classes if they meet the district criteria. 7th Grade District Criteria : 6th grade students who have earned an A or B grade in Reading and Writing in all three trimesters will have access to 7th Grade English Honors. 6th grade students who have earned an A or B grade in Reading, Writing, and Math for all three trimesters will have access to 7th Grade Science Honors. 8th Grade District Criteria : 7th grade students who have earned an A or B grade in English for both semesters will have access to 8th Grade English Honors. 7th grade students who have earned an A or B grade in English, Math, and Science for both semesters will have access to 8th grade Science Honors.
English 7th & 8th grade students… Read novels and short stories. Learn to respond to literature, and develop writing techniques such as the persuasive essay and narrative. Review grammar and develop vocabulary.
Mathematics 7th grade students: Common Core Math 2 Common Core Math 2 & 3 (accelerated) 8th grade students: Common Core Math 3 Common Core Math 3 & Algebra (accelerated)
Mathematics Placement Test Incoming 7th graders will take a Math Placement test at their current elementary sites to determine their math pathway. *Contact your elementary administrator for more details.
Science 7th grade students: Life Science Honors - Life & Physical Science 8th grade students: Physical Science Honors - Physical and Earth Science with an introduction to Biology.
History 7th grade students World History: study the social, cultural, and Technological changes that occurred in Europe, Africa, and Asia in the years A.D. 500-1789. 8th grade students: U.S. History: study of the U.S. Government from conception including the Constitution up to World War I.
Physical Education Basketball Field Games Football Paddle Tennis Soccer Track & Field Weight Training Volleyball *All students required to dress in gym clothes daily. Blue shorts and grey shirt. Grey sweats are acceptable. *T-shirt, shorts, sweats and lock may be purchased at Horner’s MAZE day. $15 each for shirt and shorts and $5 for a combination lock.
Special Services There are two special service programs available to students who meet eligibility requirements: Resource: students will take all required seventh grade classes. Resource class will take the place of the elective. Resource is a daily class designed to assist students in their academic classes. SDC: students will take modified academic classes and an elective.
English Language Development Services Students whose primary language is not English may have an E.L.D. class designed to enhance reading comprehension, oral and written skills in English. *The CELDT test determines your placement in one two or three courses. EL 1 – three periods (ELD English, History & ELD Write ) EL2 – two/three periods (ELD English, History & possibly ELD Write ) EL3 – one/two periods (ELD English & possibly ELD Write) EL4 /5 – one period (ELD Write)
Elective Courses Applied Art Fine Arts Performing Arts Other *Elective courses vary in length from a one semester to two semesters and may have a donation to cover the costs of materials.
Applied Art Desktop Applications Students learn Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Power Point, Publisher and Photo Shop as well as develop keyboarding skills. Robotics
Fine Arts Painting & Drawing Students learn the fundamentals of art and basic techniques. Arts & Crafts Students view history through the artist’s lens. Art projects use a variety of mediums.
Performing Arts Drama 1 Students explore pantomimes, short scenes, and improvisations. Communication/Speech Students learn the basics of public speaking & debate.
Performing Arts Band: Beginning Band (No experience necessary.) Concert Band (Intermediate Level - audition required.) Symphonic Band (Advanced Level - audition required.) Choir: Beginning Choir (one semester only) Advanced Choir (Audition required)
Other Electives… AVID (Advancement via Individual Determination)–helps students be more successful and to support them in more rigorous coursework in the future. Leadership (Application required & 8th grade students only.) Publications - creates and publishes the school newspaper, The Buzz and the school yearbook. (8th grade only) Spanish Introduction to Spanish- (1 Semester) Spanish 1 - ( Full year)
Student Life Assemblies during the school day: four per year. 2014-15 Clubs: Art, Debate, FBLA, Game, History, Interact, Math, P.E., Music, Robotics, Running, Science, Speech, TED-Ed. Before and after school as well as during lunch. Intramurals: basketball, flag football and soccer during lunch. School Sports: Girls and Boys’ Basketball and Volleyball Socials: four per year. Spirit Days
Registration Requirements In coming students California law(AB354) requires students to show proof of a Tdap shot before starting school . Two proofs of residency must be attached to registration form such as utility bill, and valid vehicle registration. August Maze Day – Students receive class schedules and get acclimated to the campus. Students may purchase assignment book and yearbook, P.E. clothes as well as their student identification card.