You’re moving on…..
First and second semester averages must be 70 or above in 3 of the 4 core areas (Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, and Science). Attendance MUST be acceptable. Pass STAAR test or attend summer school.
You will still have teams…7-1 or 7-2. You will have the five core subjects: - Reading/EXPO - English - Math - Science - Texas history. You will have two elective periods and PE/Athletics. You will have extracurricular opportunities (clubs, groups…).
You will get to pick your electives based on STAAR results! You will have the opportunity to take enhanced classes. (Placement in enhanced classes should be carefully considered) You get to play competitive sports if you choose Athletics.
Band Orchestra Choir Art Theater Arts
Study Hall Gateway to Technology Touch Systems Data Entry Spanish Mandarin Chinese
Usually you must have been in Orchestra and Band in 6 th grade to participate in 7 th grade. (New music students should speak to Mr. Harris or Ms. Segapelli.) Orchestra, Choir and Band require a year long commitment.
Your choices are: PE Wellness (Full year) Boys Athletics (Full Year) Girls Athletics (Full Year)
Athletics is available for those who wish to participate in competitive volleyball, football, basketball, and/or track/cross country. 7:00 am practice is REQUIRED and transportation is the responsibility of the parents! This requires a year long commitment. When you are not in season you will do off-season workouts. A physical exam is required to be in athletics, before the first day of school. You must pass or remain academically eligible in all of your classes to participate in the team sports. Workout clothes : Gray t-shirt and navy blue shorts. Students will purchase uniforms from the Athletic department.
Ask your teachers about Enhanced English, Science, and History. To be in the Advanced Math class, you must pass the Advanced Math test. Your teachers will have more information. You and your parent must agree to and sign an Enhanced Contract – stating that you understand that Enhanced classes are high level/faster paced classes.
STAAR Accelerated classes will be assigned to students based on STAAR results. This will result in the loss of elective classes.
Please remember….these are your REQUESTS! There are no guarantees that you will receive your first choice on your request. We will do our best to place you in your first choice, but there are times that it will just not work in the schedule. Make sure to fill out the alternative elective classes that you would like to take, just in case you do not receive your first choice.
Get a parent’s signature on your request sheet. Turn in your request sheet to your Science teacher on the DUE date. At the top of your request sheet write the following information: Due date, current team, class period you have Science and teacher name.