Department of Infrastructure Train Stations as Creative Community Hubs Glenyys Romanes Manager Community Relationships Public Transport Division Location of presentationDay Month Year
Department of Infrastructure 2 A Grass Roots Beginning VicHealth – under their social inclusion and community well-being program, VicHealth supported a scoping paper on national and international best practice in improvements to station environments: well-designed space can make a positive contribution to the mental health and wellbeing of a community Steering Group – Arts Victoria, DHS(Neighbourhood Renewal), DVC,DoJ (Crime & Violence Prevention), DOI (Walking and Cycling and Public Transport Division), DVC Community Renewal and VicHealth as Chair. Recently joined by Connex, Keep Australia Beautiful Victoria, VicTrack and Municipal Association of Victoria. CERES in Brunswick – an Elders group at CERES Environment Park wanted to take appropriate place- based local action and search for practical expressions of sustainability and point of pride.
Department of Infrastructure 3 Actions so far: Common Agenda Developed: –create identity and sense of place and ownership around stations through an increase of social and creative activity, –transform into more attractive, vibrant and safer community spaces, –reduce levels of crime, –increase public transport use. Creative Community Hubs – Agreement that arts and cultural development activities may provide an appropriate vehicle for the development of community hubs.
Department of Infrastructure 4 Stations Stations Shortlisted – Broadmeadows, Craigieburn, Chelsea, Hastings, Jordanville, Laverton, Mooroolbark, Noble Park, North Shore Geelong, Seymour and Sunshine.
Department of Infrastructure 5 Local Government Conversations with Local Governments – Discussions have begun with all the relevant councils to consider the potential of stations for involvement in this project and where the project might fit within the Council Plan and community development activities.
Department of Infrastructure 6 Next phase: Selection of 3 Pilot Stations by the Steering Group. A creative engagement process involving all council and community stakeholders to explore ideas and possibilities for the development of a community hub at each of the pilot train stations.
Department of Infrastructure 7 Sunshine
Department of Infrastructure 8 Broadmeadows
Department of Infrastructure 9 North Shore
Department of Infrastructure 10 Other Programs, Other Agendas Connex & DOI – funding for community murals and other activities to remove or combat graffiti. Connex are also responsible for maintenance and upkeep of metro stations. Keep Australia Beautiful Victoria & DOI – funding for beautification projects and involvement of volunteers to care for stations and surrounds: Mentone, Violet Town, Rosedale. Community artists to work with youth on murals at six stations where graffiti is a problem.
Department of Infrastructure 11 Other programs cont… DOI – Station upgrades and Stations and Modal Interchanges Program. DOI - Local Area and Access Program (LAAP) local infrastructure funding program coordinated by the Walking and Cycling Branch. VicTrack – responsible for maintenance and upgrade of stations and tracks and looking for commercial return on land not required for public transport purposes. Some significant heritage restorations at stations such as Ballarat, Maryborough, Werribee. VicTrack are keen to see a range of initiatives to improve environments around train stations.
Department of Infrastructure 12 Questions?