Here are today’s Announcements Welcome Back Basha High School
Our Mission Statement
Doubles State Tournament Qtr Finals Basha vs Highland May 2 nd at Paseo! #GoBears
Did you know? Forests do so much: they purify our air, improve water quality, keep soils intact, provide us with food, wood products and medicines, and are home to many of the world’s most endangered wildlife. Forests also help protect the planet from climate change by absorbing massive amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2), a major source of pollution that causes climate change.
Come make a wish (keep it a secret or it won’t come true!) and receive a sweet treat. Wednesday, April 29 2:15 – 3:15 Basha Library Programming Room
Don’t Text and Drive Promotion April 28 th 1 st 50 Students for Varsity Volleyball Game vs. Red 5:15 p.m. gets a Free T-Shirt1 st 50 Students for Varsity Volleyball Game vs. Red 5:15 p.m. gets a Free T-Shirt T-Shirts to $15.00 and ½ of the proceeds will go to Texting and Driving VictimsT-Shirts to $15.00 and ½ of the proceeds will go to Texting and Driving Victims
Baseball & Softball Boys & Girls Tennis Track & Field Boys Volleyball If you have COMPLETED your Spring Sport Please return your Uniforms To Mr. Vorpahl in the EQUIPMENT ROOM! If you have COMPLETED your Spring Sport Please return your Uniforms To Mr. Vorpahl in the EQUIPMENT ROOM!
ATTENTION ALL GRADUATING SENIORS! Graduation Practice will be held on May 27th promptly at 6:30am! Graduation Practice will be held on May 27th promptly at 6:30am! Please report directly to the Football Field!
Basha NHS is sponsoring another BLOOD DRIVE On April 30 th From 8:00 am – 12:00 pm Must be 16+ to donate See Mrs. Davis (Room F215) For Parent Consent Forms, to Schedule or more Information or visit M AKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW ! F REE G IFT C ARD IF YOU T URN YOUR F ORMS IN E ARLY ! F REE S UBWAY G IFT C ARD IF YOU T URN YOUR F ORMS IN E ARLY !
Hey Graduation Committee! There will be a Meeting on Wednesday, April 29 th during Conference In the Front Office Conference Room
Interested in running for the Office of Basha High School’s Chief Science Officer??? See Mr. McKelvy in C-214 See Mr. McKelvy in C-214 Are you intoSTEM? Are you involved in STEM in the community?
Want to be a BHS Cheerleader? Mandatory BHS Spiritline Preseason Tryout Clinic for Pom and Cheer, JV and Varsity will be the week of April 27 th ! Sign up via for BHSSpiritlinePrep2015 Want to be a BHS Cheerleader? Mandatory BHS Spiritline Preseason Tryout Clinic for Pom and Cheer, JV and Varsity will be the week of April 27 th ! Sign up via for BHSSpiritlinePrep2015 Parent information meeting Room F115 at 6 pm on Tuesday, April 21 st Questions? See Mac in F115!
April Testing Information This Week: April 27th - Traditional Schedule April 28th – Late Start for 9 th, 10 th, & 12 th Grade – 11:45am ALL JUNIORS report by 7:20am NO Zero Hour – Traditional Schedule 1 st -6 th Hour April 29th – Block 2, 4, 6 April 30th – Block 1, 3, 5 May 1st - Traditional Schedule See the Website for additional Testing Dates and Information
Summer school information is now available. Classes are being offered at Chandler High School as well as through Chandler Online Academy. Interested students will need to see their counselor prior to registering for either option. 2015
#GoBears Congrats! Silver awards 4 Symphonic Band (2nd place) & Jazz Band, and 3 Maestro Awards!
NHS Tutoring Available Every Monday & Wednesday Room C :20-3:20pm Includes Honors Classes English: English 9, English 10, English 11, English 12 Math: Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 Science: Investigative Science, Biology, Chemistry Social Studies: World History, AM/AZ History, & Econ/Gov’t Foreign Language: Depends on the level
Want to know what’s happening around Basha each week? When School Starts Visit
Tours available for Incoming and prospective AMS and BHS Students Call the Main Office To schedule yours today