Team 601 Curriculum Night August 28, 2013 Welcome to Orange!
Mrs. Snoke Science About me: My name is Beth Snoke. I’m very excited to be starting my fifth year of teaching and my third year of teaching 6 th grade science, in particular. I am a former Ohio Bobcat and I recently completed my Master’s at Ohio Dominican. Topics of Study: We are off to a great start this year. We have been learning about lab safety and will begin scientific inquiry soon. This year in science we will cover the following units : Scientific Inquiry & Scientific Method Matter & Motion Rocks, Minerals, & Soil Cells I’m looking forward to a wonderful year in science with our students! Ext. 3301
Mrs. Williams Social Studies About Me My name is Christina Williams and I have been an educator since I graduated from The Ohio State University and I have my Masters in Education. This is my 7 th year at Orange Middle School. I am very excited to be teaching Social Studies again this year. My husband, Jay and I have two kids, Sawyer and Grace. I look forward to new and exciting adventures with you. Contact Information Voic ext Topics of Study (Eastern Hemisphere) - Geography - Economics/Resources - Societies/Cultures- China, India, Egypt, Mesopotamia (ancients) - -Religions- Government - History/Timeline- Maps/Civilizations
Mrs. Weaver Enriched/ Common Core Math 6 Topics to be covered in 6 th grade Math: 1.Ratios and Proportional Relationships 2. The Number System 3. Geometry 4. Expressions and Equations 5. Statistics and Probability My Name is Annie Weaver and this is my 3rd year teaching at Orange Middle School. I also coach cheerleading here at OOMS. I graduated from Ohio University in Go Bobcats!! My husband also works in education, and we will be expecting a new member of the Weaver family in March =)
Mrs. Hire I.E.L.A. (Integrated English and Language Arts) About Me My name is Jenna Hire and this is my sixth year teaching IELA at Orange Middle School. My husband, Adam, teaches and coaches at Orange High School. We love getting to be a part of a district where we have great students and supportive families! IELA Reading:Writing: Non-Fiction Reading StrategiesPersonal Narratives Elements of Literature Punctuation/Grammar Figurative LanguageVocabulary Class Novels and Literature CirclesEditing Independent ReadingReading Response Blogs and Reading Response Blogs
Mrs. Jennifer McGuinness My name is Jennifer McGuinness and I am the Intervention Specialist who works with students on Team 601. This year I am teaching inclusion math with Mrs. Weaver and inclusion language arts with Mrs. Hire. I attended BGSU and earned my degree in Special Education. Go Falcons! I also have my Master’s in Literacy from Ashland University. This is my twelfth year teaching. I was here when Orange officially opened! I feel extremely fortunate to wake up every morning excited to go to work. I look forward to another successful year at OOMS!
Heartland Camp We will be attending camp on Monday, Nov. 25- Tuesday Nov 26. It is an overnight camp. $79/student A parent informational meeting will take place Monday, September 23 at 6:30 pm. A packet with health form, packing list, Q&A, and payment info will be coming home next week. Pick up a T-shirt order form on your way out!
Heartland Camp Monday, Nov. 25- Tuesday Nov 26. It is an overnight camp. We will need 7 male and 7 female chaperones. $39.50/parent chaperone Joe from Heartland will provide additional information for chaperones after the camp meeting on Monday, September 23 at 6:30 pm. *If you are interested in being a chaperone for camp, please see us before you leave tonight!
Parent Background Checks All parents are required to have a BCI and FBI background check on file in the office in order to chaperone any activity. The background check can be done at the Delaware Area Career Center. We would love to have as many parents as possible to join us at Team 601 activities this year!
Sign up for the Orange Online Listserve on the OOMS home page. listserves/ This is how you can find out important information such as: How to sign up for parent conferences Information about parent meetings Information about social events for students PTO information 8th Grade DC information This is a vital tool for parents to use as we are no longer sending out information by flier.
Conferences : October 3rd and 9th 4:00 - 7:30 Conferences will be scheduled online. The office will send out more information about how to access the link to each team. It is usually two weeks before the first night. All Orange Middle School conferences will be student led. All teachers will be present to discuss student progress.
This information is on the handout we passed out with our s.
PowerSchool Power School allows you to check your students grades for each class. Please see the attached directions for logging in to PowerSchool. If you do not know your access ID or password please call the main office tomorrow or at your convenience
Teacher Wish List Our Wish List items are on the table outside of room 109. If you would like to donate to the class please pick up a post-it on your way out. THANK YOU!!!