Welcome to SOTA! S tudent O ccupational T herapy A ssociation
Who are we? SOTA's mission is to serve the community in areas related to occupational therapy while developing members' skills as future clinicians. The University of Florida Student Occupational Therapy Association is an organization of volunteers who create and stimulate an interest in the field of occupational therapy among University of Florida students. SOTA builds community with social activities and service projects.
Executive Board Nicole Cormack President Senior Health Science, pre-OT Becky Giallella Vice-President Senior Health Science, pre OT
Executive Board Amanda Kane Treasurer Senior Health Science, pre-OT Becca Wiltse Secretary Senior Health Science, pre OT
Executive Board Kaitlin Poteat Historian Junior Health Science, pre-OT Stephanie Rickrode Public Relations Senior Health Science, pre OT
Executive Board Mayra Barrera Service Chair Senior Health Science, pre-OT Ashley Castillo Service Chair Junior Health Science, pre OT
Executive Board Alex McDaniel Social Chair Senior Health Science, pre-OT Erica Hoegler Social Chair Junior Psychology, minor in Disabilities in Society
Executive Board Chelsea Townsend Fundraising Senior Health Science, pre-OT Allyson Nessmith Fundrasing Senior Health Science, pre OT
SOTA Faculty Advisor WUSOTA president as undergrad OT for 30 years Academic Fieldwork Coordinator & Clinical UF PhD TWU Leisure: church, Zeta alum service chair, mission trips, quilting, reading & family time Linda Struckmeyer, MA, OTR/L, ATP
Some Logistics… Our meeting times will be every other Tuesday at 7pm in G-112 There are no dues! (yay!) Meeting Minutes and updates can be found on our website sota.phhp.ufl.edu or our facebook page, SOTA at UF In order to remain active, you must have 5 points by the end of the semester - each service event, social, fundraiser, meeting, etc. are worth a certain amount of points, which will be designated according to the event -one of these 5 points must be a service point! -you must participate in Rebuilding Together in some way as well! (more to come later in the meeting about this)
Our big service projects for the semester!
A service event for children of all ages and abilities in the Gainesville community. This event will also raise money for Make-A-Wish Foundation. Children will show off their Halloween costumes after having a day of fun with hair stylists, face painting and other fun things! Date: Saturday October 26 th If interested please stick around for a brief meeting after this meeting! Felicia at or text ALL ages and abilities fashion show!
Camp Boggy Creek! Camp Boggy Creek is a camp for kids with life threatening illnesses, and in the Fall and Spring, CBC gives families a chance to enjoy camp as well! There are many family weekends you can sign up for! They are a TON of fun, and it is a very rewarding experience! play with kids! visit boggycreek.org and go to the “volunteer” section to sign up! Hurry! Spots fill up quickly!
Rebuilding Together North Central Florida (RTNCF) is a home repair organization dedicated to addressing the substandard housing needs in North Central Florida. We strive to increase safety, security, and well-being for residents in need by providing a tangible place for the community members to get involved in rebuilding efforts. On either Sat. October 12 th, 19 th, or 26 th we will be volunteering and helping build, construct and create safer living environments for residents in the Gainesville area! To sign up… 1.Visit 2.Click “volunteer sign up” 3.When asked “I prefer to work with a certain person or group” make sure to write with “SOTA at UF” Mandatory for Active membership this semester!
Some other cool volunteer opportunities to participate in this semester!
Balance 180 o This fun and free program will be held at 6527 NW 18th Drive, Gainesville Sept 12th to Nov 24th On Thu from 5:00 - 6:15pm o To volunteer contact Carrie Comstock or (407) Noah’s Endeavor o Adapted Aquatics, Basketball, Soccer, T-Ball, Paint n’ Play, Bowling, and more! o Contact Shelly Voelker at ; website: Al’z Place o (Elder Care) People with Alzheimer’s Disease; Recreational Therapy & more! o Monday – Friday 8am-5pm; Contact Robyn Katz, CTRS, Director, Horses Helping People (HOPE) o Hippotherapy & Therapeutic Horsebackriding for people w/disabilities; o Contact them via their website at: We will send out an with all of the information for these volunteer opportunities plus many more later this week, so keep an eye out! We found about 20 places looking for volunteers!
T-Shirt Contest! SOTA is looking for a new t-shirt for the school year! Should include design for the front and back of the shirt, including “SOTA” and “University of Florida” on it, and should represent SOTA as a UF student organization Submissions should be ed to All submissions are due by September 12 th at midnight! If you have any questions, feel free to ask us after the meeting!
Our first SOCIAL! We will be headed to the Florida v. Oklahoma Soccer game this Friday, September 6 th at 7pm at the James G. Pressly Stadium! We’ll be sitting together, watching an epic soccer game, and having fun getting to know one another! The tickets are FREE!
Thank you so much for coming! We are excited for a fantastic year! Any questions? Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, Sept. 17 th at 7:00pm in G-112 and we hope to see you on Friday at the soccer game!