Winter Quarter 3 rd General Body Meeting March 7 th, 2013
Looking for volunteers to help with Phone-a- thon Week 10 (3/11-3/15) 4:30-8pm Dinner and training will be provided Sign up: ADDtDHB_cectuZerMHBLGwgUhYMl3nyqw/view form
Mark your calendars: Friday, May 31 st, 2013 6pm to 7pm Networking hour with faculty and industry 7pm to 8pm Catered dinner Keynote speaker Gifts SWE scholarship winner announced
Fri 3/15 – Early Academic Outreach Program from 12-1 on campus. Hands-on activity for elementary Wed 3/20 – Science Fair Judge Sat 3/23 – SD Science Expo (2 hour shift to demo a simple machine) Sat 4/20 – SWE Exploring Technology (mentor girls thru hands-on activities) Sign up on SWEeter Futures or go to for more information
Computer Science From Changsha, China Speaks Mandarin Chinese
Huang Li
Link to application: M9q6vnmRlIhbbeKo4HOreUxqJIF6vfY3Q6s/vie wform Applications due Friday, April 5 th, at 11:59PM (End of Spring Quarter Week 1) Elections on April 11 at 6:30PM in Henry Booker Room (to be confirmed) Officer Training on April 27 Celine if you cannot make any of these
Attend all GBMs and officer meetings. Submit Slides for GBMs to the Participate at least on the day of at all events hosted by SWE. (Including: Envision, PEI, socials, fundraisers, etc.) Open source for members to come ask questions, be able to direct members to the right resources, and give advice based on your engineering experiences. Be an overall good role model, able to work in groups, in tune with important SWE dates, s and all communication concerning SWE. Be flexible and comfortable communicating with faculty, students, student organizations, officers, and industry. Builds strong bonds with SWE members to guide events and actively recruits members. (tables at various organization fairs, participates in events held by the IDEA center, etc.)
Sets vision goals for SWE and strives to achieve them throughout the academic year. Monthly conference calls with regional/national SWE Weekly meetings with SWE’s advisor Run weekly board meetings Plans agendas of each event and delegate tasks The main point of contact for other student organizations, industry, faculty, and National SWE. Communicates with professional SWE in San Diego Presents formally about SWE at various events including dinner with the deans. Is the resource for all other board members and ensures that the board works efficiently as a team and that everyone is comfortable with their responsibilities. Communicates with other organizations around campus to create new events and programs that will further expand SWE. Attends conferences with other SWE sections. Attends president meetings every quarter.
In charge of planning Evening with Industry (PEI) for SWE and cooperate with the other 2 diversity orgs Communicate with companies for professional development events Book rooms for events
Mentor/Mentee Program Quarterly Report Take on the responsibilities of the president when she is not present Biweekly board meetings Any additional roles you would like to bring to the position
Envision - organizing the event with the assistance of the IDEA center and a committee of the members Being point of contact for schools/organizations asking for volunteers (timely responding to s) Organizing outings to these schools or programs Knowing/Researching hands-on activities to do with kids of all ages at any event (either on campus or off) If no outside mentor/volunteer program is set up, try to set one up Collaborating with other outreach officers on campus (most notably through TESC) for volunteers or opportunities
Is responsible for the collection, distribution, and safekeeping of section funds Prepares, maintains, and reports as directed on the financial position of the section in relation to the approved budget Prepares and file taxes on behalf of the section if necessary Submits a financial report to the Society in accordance with established procedures Provides and presents all bank transactions to the executive council once a month
Take minutes during board meetings Compile bi-weekly newsletters Keep track of sign-up sheets for all SWE events Assemble GBM slides Open for additional tasks
Organize at least two social events per quarter Assist the Vice President Internal in managing mentor/mentee social events Organize social events with other engineering organizations
Advertise all GBM and SWE events to the engineering student body Manage member recruitment and retainment In charge of Super SWEbee
Serve as link between SWE and TESC Attend TESC meetings three times a quarter Lead and mobilize Junkyard Derby Team in Spring
Send mass s to SWE members Manage website and keep it updated with SWE events and information monitor SWE gmail account
Team Tech is a national engineering design competition held by National SWE. The project and team is defined in fall quarter and the designing takes place January to June. The final presentation takes place at the SWE national conference. The director must: Establish corporate relations and secure a Team Tech project. Has the option of being part of the Team Tech team. Update the SWE board and advisor on the team’s progress. Help to secure funding for Team Tech. This position is selected through an application and interview process. The application is due Friday, May 3, at 11:59PM. Link to application: oW785gHXpUsSXF3eAedFmbGMnGp89of8qUqQo/viewform
A position that will open up fall quarter specifically for a freshman. It offers the person a chance to shadow the board and also voice needs/concerns freshmen may have.
If you have any suggestions for events (Professional development, faculty, grad school, socials, etc) please fill out the google doc: CZn_ouUJwa7fiDzXN8- 8D_Xa7eaJ8jEu75E/viewform CZn_ouUJwa7fiDzXN8- 8D_Xa7eaJ8jEu75E/viewform We want your input!