1 navigat OR – Oregon’s GIS Utility n An enterprise approach to information management based on partnerships with all Oregon governments navigatOR is accelerated Framework (base) data development, data maintenance, and consistent data access to meet the needs of all Oregon governments Enables better decisions, greater efficiency, more accountability Enables collaborative action to deliver consistent services statewide
2 navigat OR – Oregon’s GIS Utility partnership between state, local, regional, tribal and federal agencies in Oregon develops a wide range of shared geographic data builds the enterprise architecture to make that shared data a resource enables new capabilities & coordinated actions across levels of government Examples include: Meth mitigation (public safety response, foster care program mgmt, environmental cleanup) Wildfire response (many agencies bring data together quickly to save lives and property) Economic development projects (information and regulatory decisions must be coordinated between multiple agencies to create jobs throughout the state) Nearly all government decisions and activities affect someone or something at a particular place. Information about those places is needed so that the decisions and activities are appropriate and effective. It doesn’t make sense for government agencies at many levels to develop the same data over and over.
3 navigat OR – Oregon’s GIS Utility Policy Option Package Salaries and OPE for 3 positions $ 666,226 Development of Very High Priority datasets** 2,375,000 navigatOR portal & at least two sub-portals for data access 1,715,000 Hardware & software purchase & maintenance 500,000 Web and enterprise services development & hosting 500,000 Establish one regional service hub (at Blue Mountain CC) 400,000 Total Budget $6,156,226 ** Very High Priority data includes critical infrastructure, taxing districts, roads & bridges, surface water, tax lots, addresses, elevation, vegetation, and flood inundation zones
4 navigatOR Business Case n Benefit/Cost study in 2006 n Oregon State & Local governments spend $5B annually on collection, use and maintenance of geospatial information n $200M/year in benefits - $10M from cost savings/avoidance and revenue enhancement n King County ROI – 10:1 measured over an 18 year program lifecycle
5 navigatOR Goals n Accelerate development & completion of shared Framework data, driving government applications n Encourage data sharing and access for all levels of government, private sector, and public n Install effective organizational structure & policies to encourage long-term collaboration n Provide tools and environment to support ongoing update of shared data n Provide effective web-based services for access
6 Regional Service Centers n Many rural governments (city/county/districts) don’t have the resources to develop GIS n If they aren’t creating base data, we have holes n Non-profit regional service centers affiliated with universities or colleges n Modeled after existing service centers in two largest urban areas n Contract management for economies of scale n Data integration and simple data development n Student laborers gain valuable experience