Welcome to Fourth Grade Math and Science Mrs. Disla Room 341 Welcome to Fourth Grade Math and Science
Welcome Speeches Dr. Weissman and PTSA Channel 15 Superintendent Message
Contact Information Best way to contact me is by e-mail E-Mail kechegaray@dadeschools.net E-mail can be accessed through our class website. Web: mrsdisla.wikispaces.com click my name under staff (I am fluent in Spanish) Parent Conferences Scheduled times before and during school Usually 7:50 am
Vision/Mission Children come first Become active and independent learners. Teamwork Academic Achievement
Breakfast and Lunch Breakfast is free every morning in the cafeteria from 7:45 a.m. to 8:20 a.m. September 19, 2014 is the end of the fall grace period for students to be served lunch with their prior year's free or reduced price meal status. Please be sure to fill out a lunch form. Lunch forms available online at www.dadeschools.net
Attendance Policy Absence note – within 3 days of absence What is an excused absence? Tardy Policy (8:36 am)
Class Schedule 8:35-9:35 Math or Science 9:35-10:40 Math or Science 10:40-11:40 Reading/Language Arts (Mrs. Gay) 11:40-12:40 Reading Language Arts (Mrs. Gay) 12:45-1:15 LUNCH (Small Healthy Snack allowed) 1:15-2:00 Art/Music/PE 2:00-3:05 Social Studies 2:30-3:05 Spanish S. Mon. & Tues.
Fourth Grade Focus Florida Standard Curriculum Social Sciences Focus on Florida Projects Current Events Science Science Experiments Online Textbook Science Fair (Sept-Nov.) Closed Book Tests Mathematics Go Math Common Core www.thinkcentral.com Math Maintenance Multiplication Use of technology Blogging Typing and printing school assignments
Class Procedures/Policy Class work Home learning Agenda Cell phones Portfolios Parent Internet Viewer (PIV) Weekly Progress Reports Class Behavior Plan Effort/Conduct Grading Scale A 90-100 % 4.0 B 80-89% 3.0 C 70-79% 2.0 D 60-69% 1.0 F 0-59 % 0
We are going GREEN Most information will now be found under the parent portal. We encourage all parents to request paperless Interim Reports and Report Cards. Listen to the Connect Ed messages for all School Announcements/Information Parents and students who wish to start receiving automated email subscriptions can do so via the Electronic Gradebook link in the parent or student portals.
The Florida Standards Why Are We Changing? Emphasize success in college and careers Prepare students with 21st century skills Provide more rigorous content and application of knowledge Place emphasis on critical and analytical thinking Establish clear, consistent guidelines for instruction The intent of the new Florida Standards is to provide for more rigorous instruction so that students have the knowledge and skills to meet the demands of the 21st century: “college and career ready” “success for any path that a student takes in life” Students must be better prepared to compete in the global job market with a skill set and a knowledge base that support their ability to work with new technologies and in careers that are presently evolving. These standards will drive this change.
The Florida Standards What Subjects Are Included? Language Arts Florida Standards (LAFS) and Mathematics Florida Standards (MAFS) provide a clear set of goals and expectations The new Florida Standards will address: MAFS - mathematics and (LAFS) English language arts Other subject areas (science, social sciences) will continue under the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
Florida Standards Assessment 2014-2015 Schedule March 2-13, 2015 FSA English Language Arts Writing Component March 23-April 10, 2015 FSA Grades 3-4 English Language Arts and Mathematics
Additional Information Volunteer forms (Parent Portal) Field trips Under parent or community link. Must resubmit volunteer # PTSA join for $10.00 http://worknotes.com/FL/SunnyIslesBeach/SIBPTSA/newsflash1.aspx School Wall of Giving http://theparentacademy.dadeschools.net/
Wish List Classroom Supplies Treats Class library Ink for the Lexmark E352dn Cartridge number E250A11A Canon Image Class D530 Toner Cartridge AI-278/CAN128 Treats Class library Novels Fiction/Non Fiction
Our Class Web Page Class Website Updated weekly Keeps you informed on all things occurring in our class. Gives you a peek to what is happening in school. Allows you to print certain forms needed for home learning.
Our Kids Come First So Please Remember To: Check home learning Check grades on-line Stay in contact with the teacher Notes in the agenda Email Call Parent/teacher conference Participate in any way you can!