Teaching Opportunities for Partners in Science Sustainable program for K-12 science education improvement since 1993 in northern California Partners retired scientists, engineers with elementary schools
Who are the Partners?
A True Partnership Partners concept is important –Scientist/Engineer –Lead teacher at school site –Classroom teachers
No prescribed curriculum. Enhancement, not replacement. Lessons aligned to standards and state adopted materials for grade level and school. Hands-on labs reinforce classroom study What is taught? What is taught?
Making a Motor
What do Partners do? Volunteer at one school for 6-8 hours per month over course of one school year Develop and deliver lessons with input and assistance of teacher. (e.g., properties of magnets/electricity) Set up labs (students explore/discover properties) Use scientific language and methods Model and provide info on science careers Offer family event for parents/students
Parents get involved at family event
One event required per year
Fathers especially enjoy event
“ I have two comments and a question ” (4 th grade)
Teacher Impact Promotes teaching of MORE and BETTER science Teacher has "science mentor“ for content ???’s Offers assistance in getting and setting up equipment Enhances--doesn’t replace--professional development TOPS teaches students and teachers!
Teacher Enthusiasm
A Well Established History of Success 14 years of successful operation Operating in 5 counties in northern California Currently in 35 elementary schools Approximately 67,000 hours of student/scientist contact per year
Program Costs Annual cost per school $1400 Plus administrative costs for sponsoring district/agency Cost per school includes training for Partners and Lead Teachers Includes library of check out materials.
Why is TOPS so Successful? Teaching, not entertainment Depth---one year assignment –Know the students –Teach to students level Ongoing Training for Partner and Lead Teacher Lead Teacher at school site and ongoing support from both Scientists and Educators
Training is Integral
Discovering Density
Learning about Series and Parallel circuits
Benefits of TOPS Retirees are largely an untapped resource Teachers learn science Improved science learning for students with increased interest.
Results Partner enthusiasm
Results More science taught in elementary schools Teacher engagement in science learning Students look forward to scientist visits Science becomes interesting and fun Students can imagine being scientists
Survey Results From 13 Lead Teachers Scale: 1 = Strongly Disagree, 5 = Strongly Agree Beneficial for required assessments?4.54 Want scientist/engineer in my classroom?4.85
Survey Comments Sometimes science is a “ hook ” to get kids interested in school and lessons. ….she will be doing three hands on activities: making anemometers and barometers, a molecule model, and the human body. All directly tied to standards … able to introduce students to areas of science and hands on lessons that a classroom teacher might not have access to
TOPScience Program Summary: Students are helped to……
More information available upon request T eaching O pportunities for P artners in S cience Judi Wilson Connie Oliver
Starting Young
Discovering Static
Science Fair