Beverage Container Data and Contamination Issues Beverage Container Data and Contamination Issues November 8, 2006 Peter Spendelow Oregon Department of Environmental Quality 1
Beverage Container Data and Contamination Issues Sources of data EPA: Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste Beverage/Retail industry marketing data Alcohol sales data from state regulators Special studies –Waste composition for disposal –Recycling survey and recycling composition –Litter 2
Beverage Container Data and Contamination Issues EPA Glass Container Tonnage (Thousands of tons: 2005) Material NameDisposedRecycledGenerated % recycled Beer & soft drink 4,9602,1907, % Wine, liquor 1, , % Other containers 1, , % Total containers 8,1602,76010, % 3
Beverage Container Data and Contamination Issues Oregon Glass Container Tonnage Material NameDisposedRecycledGenerated % recycled Based on EPA per capita Beer & soft drink 60,92826,90287, % Other container glass 39,3087,00246, % Total glass bottles, jars 100,23633,904134, % Actual Oregon estimates Beer & soft drink 10,06363,05573, % Other container glass 31,82729,14960, % Total glass bottles, jars 41,81092,204134, % 4
Beverage Container Data and Contamination Issues EPA Report Source: Municipal Solid Waste in the United States – 2005 Facts and Figures On web at Based on industry production data and interviews with recyclers – not actual measurements of disposal National – not local in scope Probably weak information for some individual components (such as wine bottle recycling rates) 5
Beverage Container Data and Contamination Issues Beverage Marketing Data Beverage Worlds Databank Beverage Marketing Corporation: numerous reports that cost ~$5,000 each Beverage Digest Factbook – non-alcoholic beverage data $510. Beer Institute: Brewers Almanac 2006 – free Data from state regulators (Oregon Liquor Control Commission in Oregon) 6
Beverage Container Data and Contamination Issues Beverage Marketing Data (continued) Generally sales data only – not recycling or disposal National or regional in scope – generally no state data for non-alcoholic beverages Brewers Almanac does have state-by-state sales data Consumption can vary strongly between states – beer consumption ranges between 12.2 gallons to 31.1 gallons per person 7
Beverage Container Data and Contamination Issues Oregon Estimate of Container Disposal Waste composition study every 2-4 years Detailed information on beverage containers per tons of garbage – by beverage and container type Multiply by tons of solid waste to estimate total containers disposed Study is fairly expensive, but also gathers lots of data on other solid waste subjects. 8
Beverage Container Data and Contamination Issues Waste composition studies are used to estimate disposal. We count and weigh beverage containers. 9
Beverage Container Data and Contamination Issues Oregon Estimate of Container Recovery Annual Material Recovery Survey –Survey all recyclers for tons of each material collected – by source –Each recycler also reports where they sell each material – to eliminate double-counting. Special study of recycling composition – combined with Material Recovery Survey to determine number of beverage containers recycled – by beverage and container type. 10
Beverage Container Data and Contamination Issues Recycling numbers from statewide curbside/depot composition study and also DEQs annual material recovery survey 11
Beverage Container Data and Contamination Issues Disposal, Recycling, and Redemption (in millions of containers: data) Material NameDisposed Recycled Not redeemed RedeemedTotal % recycled Deposit Beer & soft drink % Water % Juice/tea/other % Milk % Wine % Liquor % Total no-deposit % 12
Beverage Container Data and Contamination Issues 13
Beverage Container Data and Contamination Issues Oregon Rigid Plastic Container Recycling Rate (2004, 2005 are preliminary) October 4,
Rigid Plastic Containers Plastic Container Recycling Tonnage 2005 by Source (preliminary estimates) October 4, 2006 TonsPercentComment Curbside/Hauler8, %Plus 1,700 tons est. loss Bottle Bill3, % Other (AgriPlas, Weyerhaeuser, etc.) 1, % Total13,803100% 15
Beverage Container Data and Contamination Issues Disposal by Plastic Container Type (2005 preliminary estimates) October 4, 2006 TonsPercent Deposit bottles1,8374.4% No-deposit beverage bottles9, % Non-beverage bottles9, % #2,#5 tubs, pails, pots8, % Other rigid plastic containers11, % Total41,704100% 16
Beverage Container Data and Contamination Issues Disposal by Plastic Beverage Container (2005 preliminary estimates) October 4, 2006 TonsPercent Beverage Percent RPCs Deposit Bottles1, %4.4% Water Bottles2, %6.4% Juice/Tea/Sports Drinks4, %9.7% Milk Jugs/Bottles2, %6.2% Liquor Bottles2932.5%0.7% Other Beverages2161.9%0.5% Total11, %27.9% 17
Metro Contamination Studies Newspaper Contamination by Processor (Metro study) (1) Old corrugated cardboard, kraft bags, old boxboard, paperboard packaging. (2) Glass, plastic and metal containers, scrap metal. (3) Weighted average of two grades that are produced. 18
Metro Contamination Studies Non-fiber Recyclables in Newspaper, by processor (Metro study) 19
Metro Contamination Studies Commingled Container Loss in Newspaper (Metro study) 20
Rigid Plastic Containers Plastic Container Recycling Tonnage 2005 by Source (preliminary estimates) October 4, 2006 TonsPercentComment Curbside/Hauler8, %Plus 1,700 tons est. loss Bottle Bill3, % Other (AgriPlas, Weyerhaeuser, etc.) 1, % Total13,803100% 21