1 Implementing the Revised TPA Process for Experienced Teachers Core Module Two: The Annual Learning Plan
2 Core Module Two – The Annual Learning Plan Part One: Opening
3 The overall goal… In this module, participants will: Learn about the revised Annual Learning Plan (ALP) and how it has been strengthened to support experienced teacher growth and development The overall goal of this module is to build understandings about the ALP, its requirements, how to complete it and effective practice that transforms the ALP into a meaningful vehicle for teacher growth and development. Core Module Two – The Annual Learning Plan
4 In this module, participants will: (Continued) Participate in cooperative activities that connect the ALP to: –Teaching and leadership practice –The 16 competencies that form the basis of the performance appraisal for experienced teachers –The improvement goals of their school and school board –Input from parents and students Practice collaborative skills while working through realistic scenarios related to the development of the ALP Core Module Two – The Annual Learning Plan
5 The Annual Learning Plan Participant Appraisal Expertise On the index card you have been given: Write three questions you personally have about the Annual Learning Plan. Write something you like about the Annual Learning Plan. Write something you are concerned about with respect to the Annual Learning Plan. Find a partner and share your questions and ideas. Do you have any in common?
6 The Annual Learning Plan Part Two: Features and Requirements of the ALP
7 Features and Requirements of the ALP The Annual Learning Plan (ALP) is an essential component of the performance appraisal process for experienced teachers The ALP supports experienced teachers’ professional learning and growth in the evaluation year and throughout the intervening years between appraisals The ALP is teacher-authored and developed in consultation with the principal
8 Features and Requirements of the ALP In developing their ALP, teachers have the opportunity to reflect parent and student input in their professional growth goals The ALP documents experienced teachers’ professional growth from year to year and appraisal to appraisal In developing the ALP, teachers identify professional growth goals and strategies
9 Features and Requirements of the ALP Teachers must take into account: The comments and suggestions from the summative report of their most recent performance appraisal Their ALP from the previous year, and Their learning and growth over the previous year
10 Features and Requirements of the ALP Teachers may also consider the following in the development of their ALP: Comments and suggestions from professional dialogue with the principal and colleagues Their own professional interests Their career stage and perceived career path Continued…
11 Features and Requirements of the ALP Teachers may also consider the following in the development of their ALP (continued): Self-assessment of their strengths and areas for growth Improvement goals of their school and board Personal commitments and sense of self-efficacy
12 The Annual Learning Plan Part Three: Effective Practice
13 Effective Practice The ALP is intended to form the basis of professional dialogue between the teacher and the principal The ALP helps principals learn more about teachers in their schools including their aspirations, strengths and professional learning interest and needs
14 Effective Practice Many principals and teachers choose to meet to review and update the ALP on an annual basis even though a meeting to discuss the ALP is not required except in an evaluation year An annual meeting to discuss the ALP is recommended as an effective practice
15 Effective Practice The ALP is a living document which should be revisited, reviewed and updated often In this way, the ALP becomes a meaningful vehicle that supports experienced teachers’ ongoing professional growth and development
16 The Annual Learning Plan Questions & Discussion
17 The Annual Learning Plan Part Four: Working with the ALP
18 Working with the ALP Activity One: The Role of Professional Dialogue in Developing the ALP Define and identify the benefits of professional dialogue in the development of the ALP Discuss ways to improve the quality of professional dialogue
19 Working with the ALP Professional Dialogue That we talk together in our schools is vitally important in these changing times. How we talk is as important, for it is how we talk that influences the personal and collective satisfaction that motivates us to continue talking together in our schools. ~ Bob Garmston and Bruce Wellman
20 Working with the ALP Activity Two: Identifying Professional Growth Goals and Strategies Contemplating the 16 Competencies Working with the 16 competencies Making connections with effective teaching practice Continued…
21 Working with the ALP Activity Two: Identifying Professional Growth Goals and Strategies Contemplating the 16 Competencies Linking the 16 competencies with growth goals Writing growth goals, identifying strategies for meeting them and establishing timelines
22 Working with the ALP Activity Three: Updating the Annual Learning Plan Denise Beaulieu: Is a grade 2/3 early-career teacher in the second year of her first evaluation cycle Has several students in her class with Individual Education Plans and a number who are from immigrant families and most are learning English as a Second Language Coaches junior girls’ volleyball with a colleague and sits on the primary play day committee
23 Working with the ALP Activity Three: Updating the Annual Learning Plan Peter Stockard: Is a teacher in the 4th year of his second evaluation cycle Teaches grade 6 core subjects, as well as visual arts, drama and physical education Has several students in his class who have Individual Education Plans and several who are learning English as a Second Language Is in process of reviewing and updating his ALP
24 Working with the ALP Activity Three: Updating the Annual Learning Plan Seema Mohammed: Is a teacher in the fourth year of her first evaluation cycle Teaches at the secondary level and her timetable includes university-destination, biology, and chemistry courses in grades 11 and 12 as well as one grade nine applied science course Has had consistently successful appraisal ratings and is starting to look for opportunities to share her skills with her colleagues and broaden her teaching experiences Is in the process of reviewing and updating her ALP
25 Working with the ALP Activity Four: Considering Parental and Student Input in Identifying Professional Growth Goals and Strategies When parents, teachers, students, and others view one another as partners in education, a caring community forms around students and begins its work ~ Joyce Epstein
26 Working with the ALP Activity Four: Considering Parental and Student Input in Identifying Professional Growth Goals and Strategies Parental and student input is an important vehicle for informing professional learning and teaching practice Taking parental and student input into account also helps foster positive relationships, a sense of openness and fairness, and an atmosphere of trust and respect
27 Core Module Two: The Annual Learning Plan Guided Reflection Reflection is what allows us to learn from our experience: it is an assessment of where we have been and where we want to go next. ~ Kenneth Wolf