Christiansburg High School “D-E-T-E-R-M-I-N-E-D” Plan
D etermine (What is our goal?) By June of 2007, the “Allstars” will implement student-led IEPs (2 students per caseload) as measured by students developing invitations, performing introductions and discussing strengths and weaknesses in the IEP meeting.
E valuate (What do we already know?) We thought kids knew: Something about their disability. Who their case manager is and their role. The IEP and the IEP process. They don’t!
E valuate (What do we already know: 1/11/07) Journaling and frequent reminders help students stay focused on goals. Students think they participate; teachers want to increase the level of participation. Students don’t know/have input on goals.
What do we know, cont’d We should have a pre-IEP phone meeting with parent for their input (we have been interviewing students). Children can’t describe their disability, how it affects them, and what accommodations they need. We need to use Fridays for: portfolios, transition, self-advocacy, IEP info.
What do we know cont’d We need to use more role-playing to practice advocacy skills. There is a big discrepancy between students’/teachers’/parents’ perceptions of the ability to describe disability, preparation for life, self-care, and advocacy after high school.
T hink (How do we measure our goal?) By June, 2007, we will develop and record on a spreadsheet the following student- assisted components: Invitations Introductions Discuss strengths Discuss weaknesses
E stablish (What is our action plan?) 1. Each teacher will develop lesson plan(s) of instruction about IEP awareness and process to use with students or a small class. 2. Teachers will provide direct instruction about the IEP process to students.
Action plan, continued… 3. Teachers will give students and parents the self-determination checklist and complete the educator’s assessment. 4. Students will prepare invitations and a Power Point presentation introducing IEP team members and indicating their strengths and weaknesses.
E stablish What is our action plan: 1/11/07 Share the self-determination program with the entire special ed department at CHS through an information seminar. Begin working on a “DETERMINED” student portfolio. Begin working on a transition IEP curriculum to be taught within our resource classes.
R ecognize (What are the barriers we may face?) Time. Motivating students to learn and to be involved. “Educational” language. Conflicting teacher demands. Confidentiality.
M ake (What is our timeline for our plan?) 1. Choose students by January 11 th. 2. Develop and teach unit by the end of the semester. 3. Students will send invitations and develop their Power Point before their IEP meetings.
Identify ( What have we learned from our participation?) Importance of county-wide plan for transitioning students from elementary to middle and high Better understanding of resources Sharing of ideas & strategies through networking with other colleagues and professionals.
Note (What have we accomplished?) Setting up student-led /portfolio notebooks Students increasing their participation in IEP meetings Increase in students in related activities (presenting at conferences, college bound, students leading tours for upcoming 8 th graders) Work toward a county-wide approach
Evaluate (What do we still need to do?) Present at collaboration conference Set up notebooks for all (June 19 th ) Develop lesson plans and resource curriculum (June 20 th -22 nd ) Continue to assist students in related activities Develop a CHS social club Develop an evening for parents
Do (How do we celebrate?) More food More conferences Meet in fun locations Stipends for summer work