Linked Learning: Utilizing Data High School Teachers Council September 22, :00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M
Our Objectives To understand how to use the Cycle of Continuous Improvement to reflect on student achievement at the site, SLC- Pathway, department, and classroom levels. To utilize data to identify site-based needs in implementing the High School Reform Initiative.
HSTC Norms We value all ideas, experiences, and perspectives from all stakeholders by assuming positive intentions. We commit to hearing all voices, especially the dissenting voice as we work towards consensus. We are respectful, on task and on time. We attempt to capture key outcomes and points of discussion in such a way to contribute to our “institutional memory.” We have fun and inject appropriate humor!
Parking Lot Post-it Notes as Needed Questions about how to get data –Request for SLC based data that you will use at your site –Technical assistance you need at your site Questions about how to use data –Need for Clarity about Cycle of Continuous Improvement Follow up via or time permitting at end of day
Engaging Every Student, Everyday Poster Activity: –4 HSRI Goals (on “Pyramid” sheet in tan box) –Think of concrete examples of these goals in practice on your campus and in your classroom.
Crosswalk Linked Learning Core Components Linked Learning Guiding Principles High School Reform Initiative HSO Goals I know what a relevant and rigorous classroom looks like. I know what I want for my child’s future.
Linked Learning Guiding Principles Pathways prepare students for both post- secondary education and careers Pathways connect academics to real-world applications. Pathways lead to a full range of postsecondary options. Pathways improve student achievement.
Linked Learning Core Components A Challenging Academic Component A Demanding Technical Component A Work-Based Learning Component Support Services
Utilize data to identify site- based needs in implementing Linked Learning. Focus and prioritize site-based needs by aligning with ACSI and HSRI. Develop an action plan focused on achievement strategies and best instructional practices to reach growth targets. STRATEGIC (ALIGNED) RESULTS- ORIENTED ACHIEVEMENT-BASED MEASURABLE TIERED- RESPONSE LBUSD Board of Education/Superintendent’s Office Academic and Career Success Initiative (ACSI) High School Office High School Reform Initiative (HSRI) District Initiative for Expanding Pathways High School Office Goals Site-Level School Improvement Plan (WASC) Department/SLC PD Classroom Set measurable growth targets aligned with the ACSI and HSRI. Implement action plan with professional development support. Review and analyze data to monitor progress and make needed adjustments.
Cycle of Continuous Improvement SMART Approach Applies at each level of our work. “Common Vernacular” Frequency depends on application –Cycle for Site could be 1 year –Cycle for classroom could be 1 month
Cycle of Continuous Improvement Example 1 Site Level Data Being Considered: –Percent Participation by SLC in Master Schedule Aligns with Pathway Certification Criteria –Pathway Design –1.1.4 Cohort Scheduling Cycle may take 1 year
Utilize data to identify site- based needs in implementing Linked Learning. Site-Level School Improvement Plan (WASC) Questions to Consider: How can the data be organized to derive meaning from it and to be able to identify needs? How does the data relate to Linked Learning? Is data collection a roadblock? Does the data reveal roadblocks or reveal opportunities? Example: Looking at the impact of the master schedule on the development of Linked Learning Pathways. Focus and prioritize site- based needs by aligning with ACSI and HSRI. Set measurable growth targets aligned with the ACSI and HSRI. Develop an action plan focused on achievement strategies and best instructional practices to reach growth targets. Implement action plan with professional development support. Review and analyze data to monitor progress and make needed adjustments.
Utilize data to identify site- based needs in implementing Linked Learning. Site-Level School Improvement Plan (WASC) Questions to Consider: Looking at the needs identified, which ones are most important? How familiar are site leaders with the details of the ACSI and HSRI? Example: The master schedule data directly relates to the first two goals of the HSRI. Focus and prioritize site- based needs by aligning with ACSI and HSRI. Set measurable growth targets aligned with the ACSI and HSRI. Develop an action plan focused on achievement strategies and best instructional practices to reach growth targets. Implement action plan with professional development support. Review and analyze data to monitor progress and make needed adjustments.
ACSI High School Reform Initiative Expanding Pathways Linked Learning Goals Indicators District Strategies Alignment of Initiatives
Utilize data to identify site- based needs in implementing Linked Learning. Site-Level School Improvement Plan (WASC) Questions to Consider: Are you setting an achievable goal? Do you have a way of knowing if you have achieved the goal? Have you identified other school wide efforts or activities that may impact your ability to achieve the goal you set? Do you need additional data (like multiple year trends) in order to set an achievable goal? Will you be able to communicate this goal to all participants? Example: Two specific measurable goals for master schedule would be: 1-increase the number of core classes that are 95% SLC pure by 3%. 2-increase the participation of SLC-X in AP classes by 5% Focus and prioritize site- based needs by aligning with ACSI and HSRI. Set measurable growth targets aligned with the ACSI and HSRI. Develop an action plan focused on achievement strategies and best instructional practices to reach growth targets. Implement action plan with professional development support. Review and analyze data to monitor progress and make needed adjustments.
Utilize data to identify site- based needs in implementing Linked Learning. Site-Level School Improvement Plan (WASC) Questions to Consider: In your Action Plan, can you identify specific strategies, persons responsible, timelines and resources needed to achieve your goal? Who will provide feedback and oversight to your Action Plan? Example: Focus and prioritize site- based needs by aligning with ACSI and HSRI. Set measurable growth targets aligned with the ACSI and HSRI. Develop an action plan focused on achievement strategies and best instructional practices to reach growth targets. Implement action plan with professional development support. Review and analyze data to monitor progress and make needed adjustments.
Utilize data to identify site- based needs in implementing Linked Learning. Site-Level School Improvement Plan (WASC) Questions to Consider: Example: Focus and prioritize site- based needs by aligning with ACSI and HSRI. Set measurable growth targets aligned with the ACSI and HSRI. Develop an action plan focused on achievement strategies and best instructional practices to reach growth targets. Implement action plan with professional development support. Review and analyze data to monitor progress and make needed adjustments.
Utilize data to identify site- based needs in implementing Linked Learning. Site-Level School Improvement Plan (WASC) Questions to Consider: Example: Focus and prioritize site- based needs by aligning with ACSI and HSRI. Set measurable growth targets aligned with the ACSI and HSRI. Develop an action plan focused on achievement strategies and best instructional practices to reach growth targets. Implement action plan with professional development support. Review and analyze data to monitor progress and make needed adjustments.
Cycle of Continuous Improvement Example #2 SLC Level Data Being Considered: –Personalization data provided by UCLA Grant Evaluation Aligns with Pathway Certification –Support Services and Personalization – Supportive Atmosphere Cycle may take 2 months
Utilize data to identify site- based needs in implementing Linked Learning. Questions to Consider: Which data is important? Does this represent a need within our SLC? Which area of Linked Learning does the data connect to ? Example: Your SLC has been provided with data from its UCLA evaluation about personalization. Focus and prioritize site- based needs by aligning with ACSI and HSRI. Set measurable growth targets aligned with the ACSI and HSRI. Develop an action plan focused on achievement strategies and best instructional practices to reach growth targets. Implement action plan with professional development support. Review and analyze data to monitor progress and make needed adjustments. Department/SLC PD
Utilize data to identify site- based needs in implementing Linked Learning. Questions to Consider: How does this data and this need align with ACSI and HSRI? How well do we understand the ACSI and HSRI? (See pyramid diagram) Example: Your SLC has been provided with data from its UCLA evaluation about personalization. Focus and prioritize site- based needs by aligning with ACSI and HSRI. Set measurable growth targets aligned with the ACSI and HSRI. Develop an action plan focused on achievement strategies and best instructional practices to reach growth targets. Implement action plan with professional development support. Review and analyze data to monitor progress and make needed adjustments. Department/SLC PD
Utilize data to identify site- based needs in implementing Linked Learning. Questions to Consider: What is a reasonable growth for the measure being examined? Example: Your SLC has been provided with data from its UCLA evaluation about personalization. Our goal for our SLC is to have our next evaluation of personalization to increase personalization by 5%. Create a formative assessment that will measure progress. Focus and prioritize site- based needs by aligning with ACSI and HSRI. Set measurable growth targets aligned with the ACSI and HSRI. Develop an action plan focused on achievement strategies and best instructional practices to reach growth targets. Implement action plan with professional development support. Review and analyze data to monitor progress and make needed adjustments. Department/SLC PD
Utilize data to identify site- based needs in implementing Linked Learning. Questions to Consider: Does the action plan need to be formalized (like WASC) or not? Do the people implementing the action plan have a voice in its development? Do you have enough information in your group to determine “best instructional practices” or do you need district support? Example: The SLC Action Plan will expect all teachers in the SLC to identify 10 students to focus mentoring efforts. Create a system to formalize the efforts. Focus and prioritize site- based needs by aligning with ACSI and HSRI. Set measurable growth targets aligned with the ACSI and HSRI. Develop an action plan focused on achievement strategies and best instructional practices to reach growth targets. Implement action plan with professional development support. Review and analyze data to monitor progress and make needed adjustments. Department/SLC PD
Utilize data to identify site- based needs in implementing Linked Learning. Questions to Consider: Do you need site administrator support in implementing the action plan? Is the district offering PD that will empower and support teachers to meet your target? Example: At SLC meetings, be sure to follow up on action plan. Ask each teacher how their “Top 10” students are doing? Focus and prioritize site- based needs by aligning with ACSI and HSRI. Set measurable growth targets aligned with the ACSI and HSRI. Develop an action plan focused on achievement strategies and best instructional practices to reach growth targets. Implement action plan with professional development support. Review and analyze data to monitor progress and make needed adjustments. Department/SLC PD
Utilize data to identify site- based needs in implementing Linked Learning. Questions to Consider: When will you need follow up data? How are you going to monitor your progress? What measures that are available may be good indicators of the larger goal? Example: Some students in the SLC are no longer having the same level of difficulty. With your SLC grade level team, you change the composition of your “Top 10” Focus and prioritize site- based needs by aligning with ACSI and HSRI. Set measurable growth targets aligned with the ACSI and HSRI. Develop an action plan focused on achievement strategies and best instructional practices to reach growth targets. Implement action plan with professional development support. Review and analyze data to monitor progress and make needed adjustments. Department/SLC PD
Cycle of Continuous Improvement Example #3 Classroom Level Data Being Considered: –Regular Formative Assessments created with department Aligns with Pathway Certification –Engaged Learning –2.1 Standards Aligned Curriculum Cycle may take 2-3 weeks
Utilize data to identify site- based needs in implementing Linked Learning. Questions to Consider: How much are your classroom activities impacted by the Linked Learning approach? What do you need to learn about Linked Learning to prepare students for college and career? Example: Using CST strand data from the previous year, you and your department developed small, formative assessments. Focus and prioritize site- based needs by aligning with ACSI and HSRI. Set measurable growth targets aligned with the ACSI and HSRI. Develop an action plan focused on achievement strategies and best instructional practices to reach growth targets. Implement action plan with professional development support. Review and analyze data to monitor progress and make needed adjustments. Classroom
Utilize data to identify site- based needs in implementing Linked Learning. Questions to Consider: Example: Focus and prioritize site- based needs by aligning with ACSI and HSRI. Set measurable growth targets aligned with the ACSI and HSRI. Develop an action plan focused on achievement strategies and best instructional practices to reach growth targets. Implement action plan with professional development support. Review and analyze data to monitor progress and make needed adjustments. Classroom
Utilize data to identify site- based needs in implementing Linked Learning. Questions to Consider: Example: Focus and prioritize site- based needs by aligning with ACSI and HSRI. Set measurable growth targets aligned with the ACSI and HSRI. Develop an action plan focused on achievement strategies and best instructional practices to reach growth targets. Implement action plan with professional development support. Review and analyze data to monitor progress and make needed adjustments. Classroom
Utilize data to identify site- based needs in implementing Linked Learning. Questions to Consider: Example: Focus and prioritize site- based needs by aligning with ACSI and HSRI. Set measurable growth targets aligned with the ACSI and HSRI. Develop an action plan focused on achievement strategies and best instructional practices to reach growth targets. Implement action plan with professional development support. Review and analyze data to monitor progress and make needed adjustments. Classroom
Utilize data to identify site- based needs in implementing Linked Learning. Questions to Consider: Example: Focus and prioritize site- based needs by aligning with ACSI and HSRI. Set measurable growth targets aligned with the ACSI and HSRI. Develop an action plan focused on achievement strategies and best instructional practices to reach growth targets. Implement action plan with professional development support. Review and analyze data to monitor progress and make needed adjustments. Classroom
Utilize data to identify site- based needs in implementing Linked Learning. Questions to Consider: Example: Focus and prioritize site- based needs by aligning with ACSI and HSRI. Set measurable growth targets aligned with the ACSI and HSRI. Develop an action plan focused on achievement strategies and best instructional practices to reach growth targets. Implement action plan with professional development support. Review and analyze data to monitor progress and make needed adjustments. Classroom
Break Snacks Restroom is in the hall Back by 9:45
Accessing and Utilizing Data Where do I find data? CA Department of Ed Webpage LROIX Formative Assessments
Practice Using the Cycle Site Based Groups ( 10:00 – 10:45 ) Given CST Scores by Exam Data –aligned with Engaged Learning Criteria 2.1 Capture Site Ideas –How you would use this data as part of the cycle of continuous improvement? –Brainstorm ideas, use your imagination, and discuss –What would this look like at your site? Who would do what? Be prepared to share out: –With whom will you use this process when you get back to your site?
Share Out- Going Back Share at least one of the following: 1.Working with my principal, we will apply the CCI by…. 2.Working with my SLC, we will apply the CCI by….. 3.Working with my department, we will apply to CCI by…
Conclusion- Next Steps How do you know what data to look at? –Collaboration with colleagues around data builds understanding at all levels –At the Site and SLC Level: Linked Learning Pathway Certification Criteria HSRI Indicators –At Department Level: Standards-based curriculum Formative Data