Creating A Marketing Plan Identify Goals short-term, medium-term, long-term Identify Target Market Identify Strategies Execute Strategies Create and Maintain a Budget Evaluation Realignment
Objectives & Goals - Brainstorms Communication Unify staff/teachers Communication between negotiating teams and teachers Invest in the future Encourage Voting Discourage Apathy Communicate our economic status in comparison to the local area How can we keep attracting new and better teachers? Raise awareness of what teachers do Compare our salaries to comparable occupations Impact of staff changes on education Positive opinion of teachers Proud to say they are teachers Perception vs. reality Value Teachers Elect supportive school board members
Objectives & Goals Objective: To build community support for education and teachers for the purpose of passing a contract. Raise awareness of who we are and what we do Unify teachers and staff Increase Association membership and its value Encourage voting/discourage apathy Improve communication at all levels Goals:
SWOT Analysis STRENGTHSWEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Working for greater good We are professionals Documented improvement in District scores Positive press Numbers of supporters NEA State resources Expertise Organization Lack of unity Lack of Aggression Too Accommodating Non-support of certain administrators Vision and Mission Perception of Association vs. Union Perception of economy National movements in education Misconception of what teaching is “Overpaid and underworked” “Union” concept maligned
Target Market Parents Professionals Teachers Grandparents Students – voting high schoolers and college students Businesses Real Estate Agents Chambers of Commerce Associations – Rotary, Lions, CEDC, Chambers of Commerce Superintendent and School Board and Administrators Elected Officials – Local, State, National
Strategies - Brainstorms Buttons Shirts Newspaper ads Newsletters – internal communication Quarterly Newspaper (bulk mailed to district homes) Facebook Web Page Press Releases Vinyl Banners in each school promoting teaching Adult Education Community Service Community Dinners Parent/Teacher evenings (serve coffee and pie) Education Fair Talking to people – going out into the community
Strategies Immediate: Buttons – Faculty Buttons – Community Shirts – Further Discussion Quarterly Newspaper (bulk mailed to district homes) Newsletters – Monthly – internal communication Facebook - ?? Web Page – link of WMRSD Vinyl Banners in each school promoting education Talking to people – going out into the community Community Service Press Releases Fall, 2011: Adult Education Programming Community Dinners Parent/Teacher Evenings (coffee and pie) Education Fair
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Shirts Discussion WMEA Members 1) Free ($1800 from treasury … 120x$15) 2) Discounted price 3) Cost $15 4) Cost Plus Non-Members 1) Free 2) Discounted price 3) Cost $15 4) Cost Plus
Execute Strategies Strategy Timeline Person Responsible Buttons - Faculty/CommunityASAPRon D. ShirtsASAPLisa P., Dennis R. Newsletter – InternalMay 1Lisa P., Dennis R. Quarterly NewspaperE-O-Y 2010Jamie S., Rose P. FacebookASAPJay D.-H. Web PageASAPRon D. Vinyl BannersASAPLisa P. Talking to CommunityASAPAll Members Community ServiceASAPAll Members Press ReleasesASAPAll Members – Dennis R.