Kelsey Pierce and Celia Priegel Miss Honey Miss Trunchbull Pictures: Matilda Kelsey Pierce and Celia Priegel
Miss Honey’s Characteristics Kind Warm Loving Nice Respectable Inviting Environment Comfortable Environment Child Friendly Room Welcoming Picture:
Miss Trunchbull’s Characteristics Scary Discipline-Orientated Mean Rough Doesn’t like Children Violent Doesn’t like Color Blameful Guilty Conscience Picture:
Jenny: Because she's a spectacularly wonderful child and I love her. Relationships Jenny: Because she's a spectacularly wonderful child and I love her. Miss Honey Action Deposit Student Comfort Level Lavender shows Matilda the room and gets her materials for her. Student Interests Asks Matilda what she likes to do- she answers to read- asks her what kinds of books she likes to read. Students Developmental Level Notices Matilda is a high achieving reader and is very good at math. Home Visit Sees what Matilda’s home life is like- sticks up for Matilda by calling her a bright individual- gives Matilda a math book with harder problems. Positive Reinforcement Tells the students when they are doing a good job and is very encouraging to each student. Policies and Procedures Tells Matilda how things work in the classroom- if you know an answer just raise your hand. Picture: Quote:
Relationships Miss Trunchbull Actions Withdraws Chokey Puts students into a device called the chokey which is a small hole in the wall of a closet in her office with nails and glass sticking out. Cake Asembly Makes a student eat an entire cake because she accuses him of sneaking some or hers. Threats Threatens to put students in the chokey or have them stay after school to copy the entire dictionary. Physical Violence Breaks a plate over Bruce’s head and throws one of Matilda’s classmates out the window and another by her pig tails- good thing Matilda had magical powers! Says “Students are inferior” Emotional withdraw from students by saying hurtful and degrading comments about them. Mocks (Sarcasm) Mocks the children- spelling scene and used sarcasm when she talks to them- who was wearing a pretty red bow yesterday and isn’t wearing one today. Picture: Quote: Agatha Trunchbull: They're all mistakes, children! Filthy, nasty things. Glad I never was one.
Miss Honey’s Behavior Management Procedures and Policies There were no Behavior problems with the students in the classroom, however, it was clear that Miss Honey had policies and procedures in effect. The students did what was asked of them the first time that it was asked. The students felt safe in the classroom with Miss Honey, especially because they feared Miss Trunchbull so much. Desk Layout- the students were in groups so they could work together and socialize with one another. We have learned in many classes that sitting in groups is beneficial and can reduce behavior problems. Child Friendly Classroom- based off of the classroom set up and projects on the wall it is clear that the students’ interests and age were taken into consideration. Picture:
Miss Trunchbull’s Behavior Management The only way that Miss Trunchbull deals with behavior issues is to hurt the students emotionally or physically. All students fear Miss Trunchbull and her punishments. Students may receive punishments even when they do nothing wrong from Miss Trunchbull. Matilda got put in the chokey because her dad sold Miss Trunchbull a faulty car. Quote: Quote: Picture: Miss Trunchbull’s Forms of Punishment: Chokey Force Physical Violence Ridicule Humiliation Agatha Trunchbull: My school is a model of discipline! Use the rod, beat the child, that's my motto.
Miss Honey’s Effectiveness Policies and Procedures Teacher tells the students to get out the books and they do right away. When Matilda first comes to the classroom Miss Honey tells her if she knows an answer to just raise her hand. When Miss Trunchbull comes the students know what to do without even being asked. Respected Strong Inner Authority Kind-Hearted Warm Welcoming Positive Student Relationships Jenny: I've often thought about it, but... I can't abandon my children. And if I couldn't teach, I'd have nothing at all. Picture: Quote:
Miss Trunchbull’s Ineffectiveness Cruel and Unusual Punishment Hold’s Grudges Punishes Students for Others Actions Negative Student Relationships Unwelcoming Agatha Trunchbull: Psst! My idea of a perfect school is one in which there are no children... at all. Wouldn't you agree, Miss Honey? Agatha Trunchbull: I have never been able to understand why small children are so disgusting. They're the bane of my life. They're like insects: they should be got rid of as early as possible. Quotes: Picture: