A Spiritual Inheritance
A SPIRITUAL INHERITANCE * Our fleshly inheritance & lineage is not important Author of the epistle of James –James 1:1 Parisees & Saddacees –Matthew 3:7-9 Nicodemus –John 3:1-6 –Galatians 3:28-29
A Spiritual Inheritance *Our spiritual relationship with God is important Spiritual inheritance through Christ –Distance Christ travelled John 6:8 –The love of God John 3:16 betrayed & arrested, denied, mocked & beaten, scourged, & crucified –Christ’s sacrificial purpose Hebrews 2:5-9 ; I Peter 2:21-24 –Inheritance through Christ Hebrews 9:11-15 ; Ephesians 1:11
A Spritual Inheritance Claiming our inheritance We are begotten by God I Peter 1:3-4 –Anagennao“father of ; procreate” –Begotten through adoption Romans 8:14-17 Galatians 4:4-5
A Spiritual Inheritance Claiming our inheritance Becoming begotten –John 3:5 “born” --> gennao “born of water” I Peter 3:21 ; Mark 16:16 ; Acts 22:16 “…and the spirit” –Pentecostals:Water + H.S. = saved (heirs) –Galatians 3:27 ; Acts 2:38 ; Romans 8:1 –Ephesians 5:26 & I Peter 1:22-23 –Led by the spirit Romans 8:14 Galatians 5 –V “led by the spirit” –V led by fleshly desires
A Spiritual Inheritance Being “led by the spirit” Worship assembly John 4:24 –Attendance Hebrews 10:25 PrayingLuke 18:10 ; Matthew 6:5-6 TeachingI Peter 4:11 ; Matthew 7:3-5 SingingJames 5:13 ; Colossians 3:16 Giving2 Corinthians 9:5-7 Lords supperI Corinthians 11:27-29
A Spiritual Inheritance Being “led by the spirit” Worship Assembly John 4:24 –Preparation StudyingActs 17:11 ; Hebrews 5:12-6:2 MindsetJames 1:21-22 –Remove mental distractions –Listen attentively –Realize the importanceRomans 1:16 –ParticipationColossians 1:10
A Spiritual Inheritance Being “led by the spirit” Relationships with others I John 4:7-11 Love = sacrifice MateriallyActs 2:44-45 TimeActs 2:46 ; Romans 12:13 PrideMatthew 18:21-22 ; I Cor. 13:4-7
A Spiritual Inheritance In Summary We have a spiritual inheritance in through Christ far superior to any fleshly inheritance. Christ died for our sins so that those who desire an eternal inheritance can have it. We claim our inheritance by becoming sons of God through obedience. We put on the spirit by being baptized into Christ and walking accordingly.