God’s promises & 4 funerals – Josh.1:1-18; 24:28-33 Joshua completes the story of God’s salvation of Israel:- a. Rescuing from slavery & making them his people – Ex.-Dt. b. Giving them their inheritance
1. God keeps his promises a. God’s promise to Moses – 1:3; Ex.3:8,17 Same promise to Abraham – Gen.12:7; 13:14-17; 15:7; Ex.6:2-8 b. God is faithful – 24:28-33; 21:43-45; 23:14 Joshua, Joseph (Gen.50:24,25), & Eleazar are buried in the promised land Israel were “safely out of their depth”
What inheritance has God promised to us? - Eph.1:3-14 In Christ we have every spiritual blessing:- - Chosen for holiness – v.4 - Adopted as God’s children – v.5 - Forgiveness of sins – v.7 - Under Christ’s Lordship – v.9,10 - Sealed with the Spirit – v.13 - A guaranteed glorious inheritance – v.14 - God’ promises are – “Yes” in Jesus 2Cor.1:20
2. God’s presence is all we need – v.5,9,17 3 of the first 6 books of the O.T. end with a death:- - Gen.50 – Joseph - Dt.34 – Moses - Josh.24 – Joshua The only irreplaceable person is God a. Joshua needed to know that – v.5,9 b. Israel needed to know that – v.17 God is the Divine Warrior – 3:7; 5:14; 6:27; 10:14,42 Heb.13:5,6 ; 2 Cor.12:9
3. God’s word must be central – 1:7,8 a. Joshua is to trust & obey b. What is success? Taking hold of our inheritance Paul’s prayer in Eph.1:17-23 – to know:- 1. God’s amazing call to us – v.17,18 2. The hope of glory – v God’s power at work in us – v Cf. Ps.1:3; Jer.17:7,8 c. Will the next generation be faithful? -24:31; Judges 2:10
4. God’s people must be united – 1: Danger of letting others do the work – v ; Num.32. An emphasis in Israel being together – 10:29,31,34,36,38,43 etc. Let us do all we can to protect & display our unity – Eph.4:3
God wants to display to us & to the world that:- a. His word is true. He is trustworthy b. He is all we need. He fully satisfies c. His love is richer, deeper & stronger than anything in the world