The Ascension of Christ Part 4
Recap Creation and the fall (Pt 1) – Story – Trinity – Angels – The earth and Man – The fall The Resurrection (Pt 3) –Alive with Christ –Know life to the full –Created for life –Eternal life The Cross - God’s rescue (Pt 2) – Objective / Subjective – Forgiveness / Deliverance from wrath – Freedom from sinning – Freedom from Law – Freedom from the power of death
The Kingdom Definition and Principle –Territory ruled by a King –Right and Power –Our kingdom –“Your Kingdom come…….” Jesus and the Kingdom of God –Jesus the personification (John 6:38) –The good news (Matt 4:23) –The kingdom of darkness (Luke 4:6)
The Ascension Jesus takes His place –Ascending (Luke 24: 50-53) –At the right hand (Ro 8:34, Heb 1:3) –Bestowed authority (Eph 1:22) Our place in Christ –Made to rule (Psalm 8) –Fullness in Christ (Colossians 2:9-10) –Sons and heirs (Gal 3:26-4:7, Heb 2:8-11)
Living in the fullness of Christ Our inheritance (Matt 25:34) –The advancing kingdom (Matt 11:12) –Restoration (Rev 21:1) Sons of God revealed –Living in the future hope (Rom 8:18-39) –Resist the devil (James 4:7) –The great commission (Matt 28) –Walking with the Holy Spirit. (John 14:26)