Ephesians 1 WHY WE CAN’T FAIL
EPIC FAIL being exceptionally bad at something being exceptionally bad at something the glorious lack of success the glorious lack of success for an item/thing to fail, it has to not be what it is. for an item/thing to fail, it has to not be what it is.
Being exceptionally bad.
Glorious lack of success.
FAIL: Not being what it is, or should be.
Democratic Republic of Korea
DEMOCRATIC FAIL. North Korea in last place as the most authoritarian regime in a ranking of democracy assessing 167 countries. North Korea in last place as the most authoritarian regime in a ranking of democracy assessing 167 countries.authoritarian Wrong name FTW!
People name things in the hope and expectation they will live up to their names.
Ivan God’s gracious gift to women.
The Church. The body of Christ.
Jesus Youth Ministry Are we fail?
EPHESIANS About the gathering together of all things in Jesus Christ.
In this world, anything apart from Christ is disunity and disharmony. i.e. FAIL.
The Church is to be Christ’s instrument, to bring everything back to unity. The Church must not fail. It CANNOT fail.
The church cannot fail because… God is working out everything according to His will.
THE CHURCH IN VICTORY The church cannot fail because God’s plan in the future is for it to reflect His glory. The church cannot fail because God’s plan in the future is for it to reflect His glory. The church cannot fail because we have been given everything we need to succeed. The church cannot fail because we have been given everything we need to succeed. The church cannot fail because God is counting on us. The church cannot fail because God is counting on us.
“For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.” Ephesians 1:4
PREDESTINATION: WHAT Before the creation of the world (v.4) Before the creation of the world (v.4) To be adopted as sons (and daughters) of Jesus Christ (v.5) To be adopted as sons (and daughters) of Jesus Christ (v.5) Done in accordance with God’s pleasure and will (v.5) Done in accordance with God’s pleasure and will (v.5)
PREDESTINATION: WHY To be holy and blameless (v.4) To be holy and blameless (v.4) To the praise of his glorious grace (v.6), and the praise of His glory (v.12) To the praise of his glorious grace (v.6), and the praise of His glory (v.12)
The big question about predestination: What do you do about it?
PREDESTINATION vs. FREE WILL Predestination in the New Testament sense applies only to God: that He appoints a situation to happen in advance. Predestination in the New Testament sense applies only to God: that He appoints a situation to happen in advance. Free will affirms that our outcomes are dependent on our actions; that we can actually choose our destinies. Free will affirms that our outcomes are dependent on our actions; that we can actually choose our destinies.
Explanation #1: Predestination is foreknowledge. God knows it’s going to happen, but He doesn’t force us to do it.
PREDESTINATION IS FOREKNOWLEDGE Problems: Problems: God seems to do more than just to know. God seems to do more than just to know. “For those God foreknew he ALSO predestined to be conformed to the likeness of His Son…” Romans 8:29 “For those God foreknew he ALSO predestined to be conformed to the likeness of His Son…” Romans 8:29
EXPLANATION 2: Free Will is Limited. We can choose, but only what God has decided we will choose.
FREE WILL IS LIMITED Belief, or faith, becomes redundant. Belief, or faith, becomes redundant. Salvation is for everyone who believes, not everyone who God chooses. (Romans 1:16) Salvation is for everyone who believes, not everyone who God chooses. (Romans 1:16)
EXPLANATION #3: Contradictions can and do exist in reality. Predestination and free will exist together.
“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made.” – Romans 1:20
QUANTUM PHYSICS The study of the small.
Firing bullets through slits. A whole lotta lumps. L R Slit Close Bullet Source
Firing light through slits. Light is a wave, so you get a different pattern through wave interference. Ok whatever. L R Light Source
Using Electrons…
What would you expect from Electrons ? Left OpenRight OpenLeft and Right Open It’s as if the electron KNEW WHERE TO GO. Amazing !
2 Slits Experiment (Electrons with Agents ) L R Electron Source When the agents are looking, THE ELECTRONS CHANGED THEIR BEHAVIOUR, as if they knew somebody was watching. Agent
What does Quantum Physics teach us? The final outcome is determinate. The final outcome is determinate. But you only KNOW the outcome when you SEE it. But you only KNOW the outcome when you SEE it. As long as we don’t look, all possibilities remain open. As long as we don’t look, all possibilities remain open. The act of observation transforms possibility into destiny. All the other possibilities collapse. The act of observation transforms possibility into destiny. All the other possibilities collapse.
Quantum Physics and Predestination Irreconcilable realities do not have to be reconciled. They can be equally true.
HOW PREDESTINATION WORKS? God has predetermined the outcome. God has predetermined the outcome. However, we make that outcome known by our actions. However, we make that outcome known by our actions. When you accept God and believe, only then will you realise that it was God choosing you all along. When you accept God and believe, only then will you realise that it was God choosing you all along.
“And he made known to us the mystery of his will…” (v.9) You don’t say, Paul.
God WILL continue His work in you. “And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified” (Romans 8:30)
WHAT WE NEED TO DO Acknowledge that God is sovereign and allowing/making everything happen. Acknowledge that God is sovereign and allowing/making everything happen. BUT at the same time allow yourself to be shaped by him BUT at the same time allow yourself to be shaped by him
PROMISES FOR THE PREDESTINED Paul is writing Ephesians to the saints – people who hope in Christ (v.12), heard the word of truth and believed (v.13) Paul is writing Ephesians to the saints – people who hope in Christ (v.12), heard the word of truth and believed (v.13) All other possibilities for us have collapsed – we have a sure destiny. All other possibilities for us have collapsed – we have a sure destiny. This is guaranteed by the Holy Spirit, a seal that guarantees our inheritance. (v.14) This is guaranteed by the Holy Spirit, a seal that guarantees our inheritance. (v.14)
The church cannot fail because… We have been given everything we need to succeed.
From now on, our promise is sure – Christ has blessed us “in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing” (v.3)
SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS Start of the world When you believed Working in your life now Endpoint Chosen (v.4) Redemption (v.7) Forgiveness (v.7) Holy Spirit (v.13) Wisdom to understand God’s blessings (v.17) Breakthrough power (v.19) Everything will be brought under God (v.10)
To be IN CHRIST. That’s the key. So what are we to do?
WHAT ARE WE TO DO? MAKE SURE you are really in him.(John 14:21) MAKE SURE you are really in him.(John 14:21) CONSIDER yourselves in him. (Gal 2:20) CONSIDER yourselves in him. (Gal 2:20) LIVE in him. (John 15:7) LIVE in him. (John 15:7) GIVE THANKS and PRAY for others to grow in him. (v.16,17,18) GIVE THANKS and PRAY for others to grow in him. (v.16,17,18)
The church cannot fail because… God is counting on us.
The church... “is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way” (v.23)
We live and walk in victory. Because God is working. Because God gave us all we need. Because God is counting on us. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY WE CAN LIVE.