Three Investments to Reach our B.H.A.G.s! August 7 th PLI Day 1 – Rigor: PARCC & Planning.


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Presentation transcript:

Three Investments to Reach our B.H.A.G.s! August 7 th PLI Day 1 – Rigor: PARCC & Planning

Three Investments Mapped onto 10 Objectives for We will know we are successful when leaders: 1.Internalize how PARCC defines Common Core mastery and how the NPS Teacher Framework can accelerate teacher practices to prepare students. 2.Tailor the district’s yearlong instructional plans that articulate how to use the adopted curricula and assessments strategically for depth of learning. 3.Support teachers to maximize daily math and literacy blocks using approved resources and strategies to ensure all students master Common Core standards. 4.Coach teachers to implement high impact instructional strategies that will help students meet PARCC demands. 5.Charter and support teacher teams to skillfully reflect on student work and to radically improve long-term, unit, and lesson planning for individual teachers and teacher teams. 6.Implement Student Support Teams and rituals to ensure school staff regularly engage in strength-based conversations to proactively support students before they struggle. 7.Structure dedicated time to teach non-academic skills and to promote classroom communities. 8.Improve attendance through connecting students to a primary person, engaging families, and designing school structures to provide additional incentives. 9.Radically reduce out-of-class time through progressive discipline, restorative practices, and student-centered responses to incidents. 2 Rigor Teams Non-Academic Skills Supporting all of these is the 10 th objective: Implement systems to ensure evaluations of Child Study Teams, Vice Principals, and all instructional staff are fair, evidence- based, timely, and helpful in improving practice.

Close Read of Rigor - Objectives for We will know we are successful when leaders: 1.Internalize how PARCC defines Common Core mastery and how the NPS Teacher Framework can accelerate teacher practices to prepare students. 2.Tailor the district’s yearlong “instructional calendar and user guide” that articulates how to use the adopted curricula and assessments strategically for depth of learning. 3.Support teachers to maximize daily math and literacy blocks using approved resources and strategies to ensure all students master Common Core standards. 4.Coach teachers to implement high impact instructional strategies that will help students meet PARCC demands. 3 Rigor

Analyzing PARCC PARCC 8 th Grade ELA Item: You have read excerpts from two novels focused on survival in the wilderness. These excerpts are from: Brian’s Winter by Gary Paulsen Call of the Wild by Jack London Consider how the main character in each excerpt reacts to the incidents that occur, and write an essay in which you analyze how each character’s thoughts and actions reveal aspects of his personality. You do not need to compare and contrast the characters from the two texts. You may consider each one separately. Be sure to include evidence from each excerpt to support your analysis and understanding. 4

Analyzing PARCC (you can access online) PARCC 6 th Grade ELA/Literacy Item: You have read two texts and viewed one video that claim that the role of zoos is to protect animals (listed below). Write an essay that compares and contrasts the evidence each source uses to support this claim. Be sure to use evidence from all three sources to support your response. One article “The Stripes Will Survive” One passage “The Zoos Go Wild” Video “Lions at the National Zoo” t 5

Analyzing PARCC (you can access online) PARCC 11 th Grade ELA/Literacy Item: You have studied three sources involving the establishment of American independence from Great Britain. The sources are: Declaration of Independence, signed on July 4, 1776 A passage from Patrick Henry’s March 23, 1776 speech to the Second Virginia Convention The video “From Subjects to Citizens” An important idea presented in the sources involves the colonists’ notions of the purpose of government. Write an essay in which you explore the perceptions of government’s purpose presented in the sources. In writing your essay, consider how the authors of the two written documents describe the ideal relationship between a government and its people, and how they describe the actual relationship between the government of Great Britain and the colonists. Consider also the perspective presented in the video. Remember to use evidence from all three sources to support your ideas. t 6

Choose one of the items and at your tables discuss: What do your students need to learn to complete this item? (literacy & non-literacy) What do your teachers need to do to support students? What do you need to do support your teachers? 7 ELA PARCC Item Debrief

How will we develop this planning in August? 8 DatePLI Area of Focus August 6 th Principals’ Breakfast, Welcome + Kick-Off Guidance Memo August 7 th Rigor – PARCC & Planning – the Why August 8 th Non-Academic Skills August 12 th (+ 1 VP) HS Math – Rigor – the What K-8 Literacy – Rigor– the What August 13 th (+ 1 VP) HS Literacy – Rigor K-8 Math – Rigor– the What August 14 th (+ 1 VP) Chartering & Supporting Teacher Teams – the How August 15 th (+ 1 VP) Student Support Teams August 21 st (+ multiple VPs) Talent & Evaluation – High School August 27 th (+ multiple VPs) Talent & Evaluation – K-8 +VP

How will we support leaders in meeting our objectives related to rigor? – PLI & Network Sessions 9 Projected Content for PLI and/or Network Sessions SeptemberCoaching teachers on use of Instructional Plans OctoberAnalyzing October PARCC PBA data NovemberAnalyzing progress on teacher teams’ ability to engage in cycles of planning.

Explain the rationale for the district’s academic objectives. Articulate what it will take to internalize how PARCC defines Common Core mastery. Begin to develop the plan for supporting leaders and teachers in the meeting of these academic objectives. 10 Agenda for August 7 th - Session Objectives - Principals will be able to:

PLI Day 1 - PARCC & Planning August 7 th PLI

Agenda for August 7 th – PARCC & Planning 12 TimeTopic 8:30Tech Set-up 8:45Analysis of PARCC Literacy Items 9:40Analysis of PARCC Math Items 10:30BREAK 10:45Pre-Assessment 12:00LUNCH 12:45 Systems Thinking - The Need for Planning - Kinesthetic Activity 1:55Network Planning Time 3:05ADJOURN

Speed Dating Math 1.Add What is 6 divided by ¼? 3.Use a decimal or fraction to approximate  40 2.NBT.6 and 2.NBT.9 SMP 3 5.NF.7bSMP 3 N.RN.1SMP 3

What are the Mathematical Competencies that students would need to have to complete this item? What are the non-Mathematical Competencies that students would need to have to complete this item? What are the implications for instruction of this PARCC item? 14 Math PARCC Item Debrief

What are some areas in which we need to improve? How can we improve in these areas? 15 Pre-Assessment Debrief

What were the essential learnings from this session related to the objectives for the year? Which of these learnings do your teachers need to learn? How will you promote this learning at your school site? (whole group pd, small group work, individual coaching, IPDPs) What instructional strategies do you see? Which ones do you think your teachers need to learn? 16 Reflection Questions

Ask a principal to choose one goal from her/his strategic plan that connects to learnings from the day’s sessions and the academic objectives Workshop the goal with the group sharpening the plan. Discuss what conditions the principal needs to meet this goal. 17 Network Planning Time