Intel ISEF Educator Academy Intel ® Education Programs 2013 Intel ISEF Educator Academy Phoenix, Arizona Action Plan – Brazil (please free to place a picture below 1
Intel ISEF Educator Academy Intel ® Education Programs This is your working document What do you want to accomplish Who is going to do what When is it going to get done What resources did you see this week that you’d like to adapt for use What resources do you need for your plan Tell us what helped you most, what is missing, and what needs improvement As you work, post your Action Plan on the Ed Academy Community so that others may observe your work ( Post your final presentation to the Community or on a USB Memory Stick Please Title and name the file, identifying your location A report out of accomplishments is due Nov. 15 Work with your Intel Education Manager to submit Note: sample completed Action Plans from 2012 are on the Intel website : 2
Intel ISEF Educator Academy Intel ® Education Programs High Level Goals What do you want to accomplish for your school, region or country? Look at long-term (3-5 years) and short-term goals (1-2 years) Examples –Long term goals –To help teachers professional development in science methodology –Institutionalize management of science fairs and science programs for primary and secondary schools –Engage students to participate in science and technology –Short term goals –Promote Best Practices share sections between teachers around region (LAR) –Launch STEM content to support teachers and science fair directors –Estimulate more government support for teachers to work with STEM 3
Intel ISEF Educator Academy Intel ® Education Programs 4 Objectives How will you know you succeeded? Please list the results you want to see –Number of teachers engaged as mentors increases 20% over a three-year period –Student participation in affiliated increases 25% over a three-year period
Intel ISEF Educator Academy Intel ® Education Programs Action Plan – Steps to Meet Your Goals and Objectives 5 ActionSuccess Measure Who is responsible Due Date Launch STEM content for teachers (scientific methodology and science fair management) Reach 1500 teachers from under-developed regions of the country FEBRACE / IntelJuly/2014 Delivery a LAR Educators Academy in Brazil for best pratices sharing betweeen our fairs in LAR Have 8 countries participating at Ed Academy in Brasil MOSTRATEC / Intel Oct/ 2013 To have our president receiving our finalists as recognition of their effort News about the meeting FEBRACE/MOSTRA TEC/ Intel July/2013
Intel ISEF Educator Academy Intel ® Education Programs 6 Reflection As a result of your participation in the 2013 Educator Academy, please reflect on your experience Highlight what your team felt was the key learning from the Educator Academy What impressed you the most? –The variety of instruments to evaluate the actions and strategies for management of science fair, curriculum development and teaching- learning (Korea and Europe examples and others). –Digital resources for teaching engagement Which Shop Talks were the most beneficial for your team? –All of them, specially those discussions about Fair Evaluation and the overall environment of sharing ideias and best practices during the event What would you improve? –The medium and long term planing of the STEM Innitiatives in Brazil
Intel ISEF Educator Academy Thank you for participating in the 2013 Intel ISEF Educator Academy 7
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