TPEP and Washington State Learning Standards: Creating Coherence 1.


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Presentation transcript:

TPEP and Washington State Learning Standards: Creating Coherence 1

 Each participant creates a post-it note with three bullets:  What are the top three reasons that explain why it is important to connect two major reform efforts: Teacher and Principal Evaluation and the Washington State Learning Standards (Common Core State Standards/Next Generation Science Standards/Current Learning Standards/Guidelines)?  Table Group: Share out  Are there some common themes?  Be ready to share out one reason with the whole group. 2 Entry Task: Three Reasons

 Agenda  Norms and Outcomes  Connecting  The Need for Creating Coherence  The Core Instructional Practices  Systems Review  Identifying Gaps and Action Planning  Reflection and Wrap-Up 3 Welcome and Agenda

 Pausing  Paraphrasing  Posing Questions  Putting Ideas on the Table  Providing Data  Paying Attention to Self and Others  Presuming Positive Intentions 4 Session Norms

Participants will…  Explore the need for coherence between instructional practices and evaluation expectations  Build common understanding and language for the instructional shifts required by the Washington State Learning Standards (CCSS, NGSS, etc.)  Reveal and strengthen the connections between those instructional practices and their District IFW  Identify gaps within their system and develop a plan to address those gaps 5 Outcomes

 To develop a statewide system that supports all school districts in their preparation of educators and students to implement Career and College Readiness Standards (CCRS) using a two-pronged approach focused on: 1. The “what”: Key content shifts 2. The “how”: System review to support alignment across initiatives Our Purpose 6

Washington’s Career and College Readiness Standards (CCRS) 7

Connecting 8

 As the following statements are read out loud, move to the corner that best describes how you feel about each statement.  Once in your corner, discuss why you picked that corner.  Vote with your feet! Connecting: Four Corners 9

Statement 1  In my district/school, implementing College and Career Readiness Standards is like... Connecting: Four Corners 10

Statement 2  In my district/school, implementing the teacher evaluation system is like…. Connecting Four Corners 11

The Need for Creating Coherence Explore the need for coherence between instructional practices and evaluation expectations 12

This brief provides in-depth ideas about how to create meaningful coherence across three interdependent education reforms: Common Core State Standards, teacher evaluation, and professional learning. Available online: Creating Coherence Special Issues Brief 13

Washington State Learning Standards  CCSS  NGSS  Learning Standards/Guidelines  Social Studies  The Arts  Health and Fitness  World Languages  Ed Tech  Environment and Sustainability Ed  Early Learning and Development, B–Grade 3 Toward Coherent Instructional Support GTL Center, WA State Standards

 English Language Arts (ELA)/Literacy  Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction  Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational  Regular practice with complex text and its academic language  Mathematics  Focus strongly where the standards focus  Coherence: Think across grades and link to major topics within grades  Rigor: In major topics, pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application with equal intensity The “What”: Key Content Shifts for the Common Core State Standards 15

 The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) reflect the interconnected nature of science through focus, understanding, and application of content  The science concepts in the NGSS build coherently from Grades K–12  Science and engineering are integrated across Grades K–12 in the NGSS The “What”: Key Content Shifts in the Next Generation Science Standards 16

“Focusing solely on the ‘what’ of content coverage at each grade level and … each subject area provides a partial picture at best, one that obscures almost entirely the notion of learning progressions that build knowledge, skill, insight, understanding and the ability to apply what is being learned across grade levels and subject areas.” Conley & Gaston, 2013 Content, Skills, and Knowledge 17

1. What are some common themes, big ideas, key words, or terms that are associated with the CCRS and CCSS? 2. What do teachers need to do to get their students to meet and exceed CCRS? 3. How does this affect our instruction with ALL students? Teaching to the Standards 18

19 Standards Preparing students for college and careers Common Core State Standards Washington State Learning Standards College and Career Readiness Standards

The Core Instructional Practices (CIPs) 20 Build a shared understanding and language for the instructional shifts required by the Washington State Learning Standards

 What do you immediately think of when you hear the phrase “core instructional practice”? Center on Great Teachers and Leaders’ (GTL) Core Instructional Practices 21

 A set of teaching practices that, if enacted by teachers or teams of teachers, should help all students attain mastery of the Common Core State Standards by the end of Grade 12  Based on research and practice  Developed in collaboration with teachers, curriculum experts, teacher educators, assessment developers, and other experts  Intended for use in systems-alignment work GTL core instructional practices are: 22

 A comprehensive set of professional teaching standards  The specific-learner “mathematical practices” or ELA/literacy “anchor standards” detailed in the Common Core  Intended to be a checklist, or a one-size-fits-all strategy or prescribed approach to pedagogy  Inclusive of all important teaching practices, competencies, skills, performances, and dispositions—such as organizing and managing classrooms, reflecting on or analyzing instruction for the purpose of improving it, building relationships with students, or collaborating with colleagues GTL core instructional practices are not : 23

 Look at Handout 2.  Read individually, stopping after each practice.  As you read, highlight key words or terms and underline alignment between CIPs and CCRS shifts from the chart.  At the end of the reading, reflect on the connections you found and be prepared to share out with the whole group. Activity: Diving Into the GTL Core Instructional Practices 24

Fundamentals of Learning (FoLs) Making Meaning Thinking critically, creatively, and metacognitively Connecting prior knowledge with new learning Using language, symbols, and text Participating and Contributing Engaging with others in learning Communicating ideas, feelings, perspectives, and understanding Relating to other people’s ideas, feelings, and experiences Managing Learning Taking personal responsibility for learning Adapting learning tactics Persevering with challenges Heritage et al.,

1. In table groups, use Handout 3 and small sticky notes to align the CIPs with the FoLs.  CIPs can align with more than one FoLs.  Develop a rationale for your alignment.  Use your notes from Handout 2 to support your rationale. 2. Come together: 1. Each table group presents their alignments to the whole and provides a rationale for their decision. 2. As groups share, other teams can ask questions and provide feedback. 3. As a whole group, develop consensus on the alignment. Activity: Aligning the CIPs and the FoLs 26

Activity Example Making Meaning Thinking critically, creatively, and metacognitively Connecting prior knowledge with new learning Using language, symbols, and text Participating and Contributing Engaging with others in learning Communicating ideas, feelings, perspectives, and understanding Relating to other people’s ideas, feelings, and experiences Managing Learning Taking personal responsibility for learning Adapting learning tactics Persevering with challenges MCIP 3 CIP2 LCIP6 27

Based on the consensus…  What insights do you have about the connections between the CIPs and FoLs practices? Did any trends or gaps emerge?  What does the alignment tell you about the use of the CIPs with ALL teachers? 28 Debrief

Lunch 29

Systems Review Reveal and strengthen the connections between those instructional practices and your District IFW 30

 Step 1: Read the identified CIP carefully.  Step 2: Read through the teacher evaluation rubric, identifying possible areas of explicit connections (no inference needed).  Step 3: Read through the teacher evaluation rubric, identifying possible areas of implicit connections (some inference needed).  Step 4: Revisit the FoLs and CIPs alignment and identify what the students will be doing.  Step 5: Repeat Steps 1 to 4 until all the CIPs have been completed.  Step 6: Review the alignment and identify gaps in alignment. 31 Coherence Protocol: Aligning the CIPs and Teacher Evaluation

32 The Coherence Protocol: Group Practice Core Instructional Practice Teacher Evaluation Criteria Teacher Evaluation FrameworkFundamentals of Learning Implicit ConnectionExplicit ConnectionStudents will be: L-CIP1. Identify the learning goals for each lesson, align these goals with the Common Core ELA/literacy anchor standards for the grade and content areas, and identify the preceding and succeeding skills and concepts within the appropriate learning progression. Criterion 1: Centering instruction on high expectations for student achievement Making Meaning Thinking critically, creatively, and metacognitively Connecting prior knowledge with new learning Using language, symbols, and texts Participating and Contributing Engaging with others in learning Communicating ideas, feelings, and understanding Relating to other people’s ideas, feelings, and experiences Managing Learning Taking personal responsibility for learning Adapting learning tactics Persevering with challenges Gaps Notes

 Use the chart paper, Handout 4: Alignment Template, and Handout 6: Coherence Protocol to work through the CIPs.  When done, post your charts around the room. 33 Activity: System Alignment, Small Groups

Looking around the room at the chart papers…  What trends emerged from our alignment work?  What do these trends tell us?  What gaps emerged?  What actions do we need to consider now? 34 Whole Group Discussion: Trends and Implications

Identifying Gaps and Action Planning Identify gaps within your system and develop a plan to address those gaps 35

 How can we strengthen the connections between our teacher evaluation instrument and the CCRS?  What additional supports do we need to provide to evaluators and teachers to help them see and understand these connections? 36 Implications

Activity: Action Planning 37  Review pages 15 to 17 of the Special Issues Brief.  Review the district’s vision and priorities for implementing the College and Career Readiness Standards.  Determine how to prioritize the gaps based on need, priorities, and vision.  Plan out the steps to completion, using Handout 7.  Create a 15/30/60 plan and identify responsible people to complete the work.

Reflection and Wrap-Up 38

 Did you... …explore the need for coherence between instructional practices and evaluation expectations? …build common understanding and language for the instructional shifts required by the Washington State Learning Standards (CCSS, NGSS, etc.)?  Do you better understand how to…... strengthen the connections between those instructional practices and your District IFW? …identify gaps within your system and develop a plan to address those gaps? 39 How Did We Do?

 Please take two post-it notes and write about:  Some part of today’s learning that was particularly useful for you, explaining why it was useful  Some part of today’s learning about which you would like more information Thank you. 40 Formative Feedback

 Heritage, M., Jones, B., Tobiason, G., & Chang, S. (2013). Fundamentals of learning, resource #2. Los Angeles, CA: National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing. University of California. TPL/pubdocs/FundamentalsofLearning-Heritageetal.pdfhttps:// TPL/pubdocs/FundamentalsofLearning-Heritageetal.pdf  Conley, D., & Gaston, P. (2013). A path to alignment: Connecting K–12 and higher education via the Common Core and the Degree Qualifications Profile. Indianapolis, IN: Lumina Foundation References