The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever. Isaiah 40:8
Give Thanks for Our Inheritance Colossians 1:12-14
Written by Paul Written to believers in Colossae Written from Rome Written in 61 AD Written because of the Colossian heresy Written to show the supremacy of Christ
Filled with the knowledge of His will, vv 9-10 In all spiritual wisdom and understanding For the purpose of a worthy walk Strengthened with all power, v 11 Empowered with all power from the Holy Spirit For the purpose of steadfastness and patience
For what are we qualified? v 12 How are we qualified? v 13 Why are we qualified? v 14
Past: “We give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, since we heard of your faith…” vv 3-8 Present: “For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you…” vv 9-11 Future: “joyously giving thanks the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance…” vv 12-14
Giving thanks to the Father Giving thanks for for being qualified for a share in an inheritance v 12 Rescued from domain of darkness v 13 Transferred into the Kingdom of the Son v 13 In who we have redemption v 14 The forgiveness of sins v 14
Verse 12 literally: “with joy giving thanks to the Father, the (one who) qualified you for (your) share in the inheritance of the saints in the Light.” Importance of giving thanks Qualified = cause to be adequate, or make sufficient An inheritance = portion or lot Soldiers casted “lots” for Jesus’ clothes Israelites have an inheritance in the Land We have an inheritance that we enter by faith Holy Spirit is the down payment for our inheritance Eph 1:13-14 With the saints (holy ones), in the Light (Christ)
Rescued from the “authority” of darkness, v 13 In the dark if not “in Christ” Spiritually dead (positional), Eph 2:1-3 Transferred to the Kingdom through faith, v 13 Positionally in the Kingdom, but the Kingdom is NOT now. Kingdom has been delayed David and the Mighty Men The Kingdom is a literal Kingdom on earth Positionally in the Kingdom, because we are positionally righteous
“In Christ” we are redeemed Redeemed = purchased from slavery Slaves to Satan while under his authority, Rom 6:17-18 Righteousness comes through faith, Romans 1: verses say that salvation comes through faith, Lewis Sperry Chafer “In Christ” we are forgiven Through the shedding of His blood Only the righteous can be in His Kingdom Positional righteousness now; our hope is righteousness for eternity with Christ
For what are we qualified? v 12 How are we qualified? v 13 Why are we qualified? v 14