The Dark Tetrad of Personality: Relevance to Nefarious Groups Delroy L. Paulhus University of British Columbia
Outline Dark Triad Dark Tetrad Application to groups
Positive personalities Boring
Negative personalities Fascinating Exciting Consequential
The Dark Triad NARCISSIST MACHIAVELLIAN PSYCHOPATH Standard measures intercorrelate in the + .20 to +.50 range The Dark Triad
Narcissist: egotistical attention-seeking Machiavellian: planful manipulation Psychopath: reckless and callous
CLINICAL LEVEL -serious problems -requires professional help SUBCLINICAL -mild version, allows person to manage in everyday society
What is the common factor? P callousness
Niccolo Machiavelli
Machiavellianism Advisor to the Medici family (ca. 1500) To succeed in politics, you must manipulate others E.g., flatter important people Most people are ignorant and deserve to be manipulated Richard Christie created the Mach scale
Sun-Tzu: The Art of War (ca. 500 B.C.) Winning battles is all about preparation. Knowing the foe.
The Psychopath
Clinical version key features: Nasty & impulsive Keeps committing crimes Never learns Most of life spent in prison
The Subclinical Version Normal psychopath Successful psychopath Non-criminal psychopath Businessman, lawyer, student Either milder version or cases where an over-riding asset precludes prison.
The Narcissist
Sense of superiority Needs attention Constant bragging Feels entitled to superior treatment Derogates others In principle, they are secretly insecure Raskin created the Narcissistic Personality Inventory
Paris Hilton Subclinical narcissism Donald Trump Impulsively reckless and callous Self-enhancing and egocentric Cheated more people out of more money than any person in history Donald Trump Paris Hilton
Machiavellian Bernie Madoff Impulsively reckless and callous Self-enhancing and egocentric Cheated more people out of more money than any person in history 3. Machiavellianism Machiavellian
Sean Avery Sub-clinical psychopath Impulsively reckless and callous Self-enhancing and egocentric Cheated more people out of more money than any person in history Sub-clinical psychopath
SOME OF THE ISSUES Q: are they actually the same person SOME OF THE ISSUES Q: are they actually the same person? A: No, but positively correlated Q: Are they mutually exclusive? A: No, they can be found in the same person.
OUR RESEARCH Designed to differentiate the Dark Triad Included an extensive program of correlational and experimental studies Hoped to differentiate the three on the basis of predicting distinct outcomes Required solid measurement instruments Primarily student and Mechanical Turk samples
Paulhus & Williams (2002) INTRODUCED THE RESEARCH SRP III (Self-Report Psychopathy) NPI (Narcissistic Personality Inventory) Mach IV (Machiavellianism scale) Short Dark Triad (Jones & Paulhus, 2010)
TO ANTICIPATE: The Dark Triad members show distinctive correlates across a wide range of unsavory behaviors
Williams & Paulhus 2003 Self-enhancement
Discrepancy measure Departure from reality Objective measure Over-Claiming Questionnaire How familiar are you with these 100 things? Some of them are not real
Results Correlations with self-enhancement Narcissism were moderate to large Psychopathy were small Machiavellianism were zero
Exam copying Study (Nathanson et al., 2006) A. Administered battery of personality measures B. Used Wesolowsky Program to detect cheaters on midterm and final exams Examines wrong answers on multiple-choice tests Compares all combinations of students Statistical detection of error similarities Identifies outlier pairs
RESULTS Narcissism r = .10 Machivellianism r = .11 Psychopathy r = .28
Plagiarism Study Williams et al. (2010) 245 students Term papers scored for plagiarism by Turn-It-In program Both Psychopathy & Machiavellianism worked
Fraud Study E-mail questionnaire study (N = 95) Participation motivation was lottery three $50.00 prizes for participating Before awarding prizes, we sent another email “Oops, we lost the list of winners”
Results 12 of 63 students responders reported that they were a winner Narcissism r = .04 Machiavellianism r = .10 Psychopathy r = .24 p < .03
AGGRESSION Jones & Paulhus (2010)
white noise paradigm Advertised as Competitive Game Study
It’s not you whose tilted – it’s the computer image.
PROVOCATIONS BY ‘PARTNER’ Actually there is no partner She decides how to respond by setting the noise delivered to the partner Aggression was measured by the noise setting administered to partner
Results Narcissists increased aggression after an insult Psychopaths increased aggression after a gratuitous escalation
Sexual deviance studies We asked students about deviant sex fantasies and behavior (paraphilias, etc.) RESULTS Most people have some deviant fantasies Link between fantasy and behavior was stronger among psychopaths
Behavior-Genetics Study Vernon et al. (2007) N = 344 twins Psychopathy & narcissism highly heritable Machiavellianism shows a strong shared environmental effect
Big Six studies Ashton & Lee (2006) They added Factor 6 called Honesty-Humility -- to the Big Five All of the triad load on Factor 6, with few loadings on other factors
International Sex Survey Schmitt and colleagues (2005) Psychopaths steal other people’s lovers Same pattern in every one of 45 countries
Nathanson & Paulhus (in preparation) On-line anonymous data collection If you’re like most people, you have fantasized about getting back at someone for something they did you. Tell us about an example of such a fantasy and and whether you actually got payback.
Results Psychopathy and borderline personality predicted stalking Neurotics fantasized but never acted on it We also clarified the motivation for revenge
Lau & Paulhus (under review) Similar data collection to revenge studies Have you ever been rejected but continued to pursue the person anyway? Please give us the details RESULTS : psychopaths were the most frequent stalkers
Theoretical Features of D3 Narc Mach Psychopathy Callousness HI HI HI Impulsivity MOD LO HI Manipulation MOD HI HI Criminality LO only all kinds white collar Grandiosity HI LO MOD
The newest member Sadism
Sexual Sadism
Abu Graib prison guards
Cage Fighting
Video games Postal 2 Grand Theft Auto 3 Manhunt Mad World Thrill Kill
EVERYDAY (NON-SEXUAL SADISM) MOTIVATIONS Sadism encouraged by authorities Sadism encouraged by in-group Encouraged by sports norms Personal revenge CONCEPT: enjoyment vs. callous acceptance i.e., appetitive not low disgust
MEASURES QUESTIONNAIRES Short Sadism Scale (Davies, 2008) Our Multi-Sadism Questionnaire The SSIS plus: sexual sadism enjoyment of sadistic sports, films, video games, etc. partner abuse, self-harm, animal cruelty
Answer: Question: How to show sadism in the psychology laboratory? Bug crunching
Your job is to crunch this bug 30 percent of psychology students agreed Another 38 percent agreed to help
RESULTS Those who score high on the Sadism Questionnaire will be more willing to crunch the bug themselves Also those scoring high on RWA (cf. Milgram)
OTHER RESULTS Similar results for males and females Common enjoyment of all violent media Predicted by Everyday Sadism scale Linked to animal cruelty, fire-lighting, and vandalism Sexual sadism only slightly related Unrelated to self-harm Relatively independent of Dark Triad !
Combinations of the Dark Tetrad The Giants Hitler, Stalin, Mao? Likely high intelligence too
Application to Group Hierarchies
NEFARIOUS GROUPS Organized crime Motorcycle gangs Street gangs Terrorist organizations Politicians
Ideal Roles LEADERS HENCH-MEN Narcissist Front man Machiavellian Mastermind HENCH-MEN Psychopath Hired gun Sadist Cruel
LEADERS HENCH-MEN FOLLOWERS Narcissist Front man Machiavellian Mastermind HENCH-MEN Psychopath Hired gun Sadist Brutalizers FOLLOWERS True believers
NARCISSISTS MACHIAVELLIANS High profile charismatic spokesperson MACHIAVELLIANS Low profile Mastermind Manipulator Strategic thinker
TRUE BELIEVERS AUTHORITARIANS Need to belong Need for an admirable identity charismatic AUTHORITARIANS Obedient to authorities Escape from freedom Worldview Clarity
FAMOUS LEADERSHIP PAIRS The Narcissist The Machiavellian Nixon Kissinger Bush Karl Rove Bill Clinton Hillary Clinton Bin Laden Al-Zawahiri
Others ?
CONCLUSIONS To understand dark characters, more differentiation is needed Too often lumped together as simply evil They act in concert in certain nefarious groups Undermining such groups requires working on each one’s weakness
THANK YOU for listening !
And THANKS TO MY STUDENTS Kevin Williams Craig Nathanson Peter Harms Katherine Lau Bryce Westlake Dan Jones Sabrina Kitching