South Carleton H.S. Grade 11 Option Sheet Briefing For
What do you need to think about when choosing your courses for next year? Ministry Requirements Ministry Requirements Level of Difficulty Level of Difficulty Post Secondary Prerequisites Post Secondary Prerequisites Choosing Your Courses Wisely Choosing Your Courses Wisely
Ministry Requirements 30 credits (18 compulsory, 12 electives) 30 credits (18 compulsory, 12 electives) 40 hours Community Involvement 40 hours Community Involvement Successfully complete the Literacy Test Successfully complete the Literacy Test
18 Compulsories 4 English (ENG - one per grade) 4 English (ENG - one per grade) 1 French as a second language 1 French as a second language 3 Mathematics (at least one in gr. 11 or 12) 3 Mathematics (at least one in gr. 11 or 12) 2 Science 2 Science 1 Canadian History 1 Canadian History 1 Canadian Geography 1 Canadian Geography 1 Arts 1 Arts 1 Physical and Health Education 1 Physical and Health Education.5 Civics.5 Civics.5 Careers.5 Careers
Compulsories Group 1 – Additional English or French as a second language, Third Language, Social Science, Canadian and World Studies, Guidance or Co-Op*. Group 2 – a Business, an additional French, or Physical Education and Health, or Arts, or Co- Op*. Group 3 – an additional French, Technology, Grade 11 or 12 Science, or Co-Op* *a maximum of two credits in Co-op and French may be used as compulsory credits. See ministry site for more details
Electives What is considered an elective at high school may be a prerequisite for your post secondary studies. What is considered an elective at high school may be a prerequisite for your post secondary studies. Math is an elective in Grade 12, but is a prerequisite for Business, Science, Health Care, Engineering, Architecture and many Trades after high school. Math is an elective in Grade 12, but is a prerequisite for Business, Science, Health Care, Engineering, Architecture and many Trades after high school.
Post Secondary – Plan Ahead Do you know what you want to do after high school? Do you know what you want to do after high school? Apprenticeship/College/ University/Work. Apprenticeship/College/ University/Work. Your plan impacts your course choices. Your plan impacts your course choices.
Apprenticeship – Earn while you learn!! Co-op is an excellent way to start on that path. Co-op is an excellent way to start on that path. Ms Clapp and Mr. Young will be a great resource for you. With either of them, discuss the 4 credit option co-op that may help you with your apprenticeship hours. Ms Clapp and Mr. Young will be a great resource for you. With either of them, discuss the 4 credit option co-op that may help you with your apprenticeship hours.
College Will have subject prerequisites as well as additional criteria. Will have subject prerequisites as well as additional criteria. Do your research (again, see your counsellor and check out the website as well as the school website for lots of other helpful sites). Do your research (again, see your counsellor and check out the website as well as the school website for lots of other helpful sites). Remember – colleges have great programs and now offer some degree programs! Remember – colleges have great programs and now offer some degree programs!
University Ontario universities require six Grade 12 U/M courses. Ontario universities require six Grade 12 U/M courses. Different programs have different prerequisites and additional criteria. Different programs have different prerequisites and additional criteria. Do your research now (see your Guidance Counsellor and check out the website as well as the school website for lots of other helpful sites ). Do your research now (see your Guidance Counsellor and check out the website as well as the school website for lots of other helpful sites ).
Road Trip Time Starting to do your research now will mean that you are ready to do a road trip. In the summer, check out the colleges and universities that you are considering. Starting to do your research now will mean that you are ready to do a road trip. In the summer, check out the colleges and universities that you are considering. Post secondary education is very expensive. You want to ensure that you have all the information you need to make a good decision in the fall! Remember we start to register for post-secondary in November. Post secondary education is very expensive. You want to ensure that you have all the information you need to make a good decision in the fall! Remember we start to register for post-secondary in November.
Workplace Look at courses that will help you discover what you like and what you are good at. Co-op would give you great insight into the world of work. Look at courses that will help you discover what you like and what you are good at. Co-op would give you great insight into the world of work.
Other Options Also Exist Travelling Travelling Volunteering for a year Volunteering for a year –Canada World Youth Returning for a Bonus/Victory Lap Returning for a Bonus/Victory Lap
The Four Five Year Plan Arts French Phys. Ed. Careers & CivicsBusiness or Tech. HistoryGeography Science Math English Grade 12Grade 11Grade 10Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Post Secondary EnglishEnglishEnglishEnglish MathMathMath Prerequisites for ScienceScience Post Secondary GeographyHistoryPlacement French Civics and Careers Business or Tech Arts Phys. Ed.
Grade 11 and 12 Course Codes OpenO WorkplaceE CollegeC University/CollegeM UniversityU Type of CourseCourse Code
Compulsories – Special Notes Enriched English – If you wish to experience an “enriched” English, you must choose AP English. This does NOT mean you must write the AP exam. Enriched English – If you wish to experience an “enriched” English, you must choose AP English. This does NOT mean you must write the AP exam. Your 4 th compulsory English in grade 12 must be ENG4C or U. EWC4U will not count. Your 4 th compulsory English in grade 12 must be ENG4C or U. EWC4U will not count. Check under Graduation Tracking in Career Cruising and develop a plan for ensuring you complete all your compulsory credits. Check under Graduation Tracking in Career Cruising and develop a plan for ensuring you complete all your compulsory credits. Particularly your Group credits
Compulsories – Special Notes It is only the universities that require a certain number of grade 12 courses. Some college courses may require one or two grade 12 courses and everyone else only have to have one grade 12 course - ENG4C/U It is only the universities that require a certain number of grade 12 courses. Some college courses may require one or two grade 12 courses and everyone else only have to have one grade 12 course - ENG4C/U Check your CCS when you get it with your report card to make sure you have all your Group Credits Check your CCS when you get it with your report card to make sure you have all your Group Credits
Flow Chart of Math Courses
Electives – Special Notes Many courses at the grade 12 level, have a prerequisite. Check your course calendars very carefully. Many courses at the grade 12 level, have a prerequisite. Check your course calendars very carefully. Application forms Application forms o Peer Tutoring, Coop, SHSM, Link Crew, Online course contract Require an application which is found on the school web site. Require an application which is found on the school web site. You can put these courses on your course selection sheet. You can put these courses on your course selection sheet. Submit application to Guidance Submit application to Guidance
Co-Op A great learning opportunity for every student. A great learning opportunity for every student. Go chat with Ms Clapp or Mr. Young about the opportunities that exist for you. Go chat with Ms Clapp or Mr. Young about the opportunities that exist for you. Remember that co-op does not act as a Grade 12 U/M course for university prerequisites. Remember that co-op does not act as a Grade 12 U/M course for university prerequisites.
Are You Interested in SHSM’ing? Specialist High Skills Major Focusing your studies in an area of interest, while achieving career-focused certificates. Here at SCHS House Construction Manufacturing Health and Wellness (Community Services) Information and Communication Technology Transportation(pending ministry approval) Get more information at Family Night Wednesday, February 11 th. Bring your parents. Get an application form from SCHS website and submit to guidance.
French Program Immersion Certificate Four courses in French Immersion. Four courses in French Immersion. Six courses in other subjects taught in French. Six courses in other subjects taught in French. Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 FrenchFrenchFrenchFrench ScienceScienceHSP3MF Alternate years GeographyHistory Peer Tutoring* BusinessCivics/CareersCo-op*Co-op* Foods (new!) * In a French placement
Want an academic challenge with an advantage? Take an AP course! What is AP? “Advanced Placement” courses are for students looking for an exceptional learning experience that can help them to reach ahead into university studies. “Advanced Placement” courses are for students looking for an exceptional learning experience that can help them to reach ahead into university studies. Involves writing the AP Exam in May. (This does not replace your course final exam.) Involves writing the AP Exam in May. (This does not replace your course final exam.) Exam results can earn you university credit or advanced placement. Exam results can earn you university credit or advanced placement. AP courses at South are English, Chemistry, French AP courses at South are English, Chemistry, French
AP Courses: Stuff to know AP Program developed by The College Board in the US (Heard of the SAT’s?) AP Program developed by The College Board in the US (Heard of the SAT’s?) Recognized by universities around the world Recognized by universities around the world High school students around the world take AP courses High school students around the world take AP courses We offer 3 AP courses: We offer 3 AP courses: English - ENG4UR Chemistry - SCH4UR Immersion French - FIF4UR Exams have a fee of $110 Exams have a fee of $110
Choose Your Courses Wisely Check diploma requirements. Check diploma requirements. Look into post-secondary prerequisites. Look into post-secondary prerequisites. Determine your interests. Determine your interests. Evaluate your abilities. Evaluate your abilities. Talk to others (friends, teachers, parents). Talk to others (friends, teachers, parents). See your Guidance Counsellor. See your Guidance Counsellor.
Why is your choice so important on the option sheet? School’s master timetable is built around the numbers given to us on the option sheets. School’s master timetable is built around the numbers given to us on the option sheets. Number of sections that we offer is based on the number of students choosing that course. Number of sections that we offer is based on the number of students choosing that course. Low enrolment in a course may result in it being cancelled. Low enrolment in a course may result in it being cancelled. Spaces may not be available, if a course change is requested. Spaces may not be available, if a course change is requested.
Why Is This Option Sheet So Important This Year Because next year is going to be soooooooooo different from anything you have done so far! And you need to be prepared. Because next year is going to be soooooooooo different from anything you have done so far! And you need to be prepared.
Introducing Career Cruising
School website– School website– Click on Starburst Click on Starburst Start the 3 Simple Steps with links Start the 3 Simple Steps with links Lots of great information available to you on that website. Lots of great information available to you on that website. To Get Started Selecting Courses…
Final Important Points Student Course Guide
Final Important Points Print Sign Off Sheet
Final Important Points Summary of courses completed including compulsories SHSM information
Final Important Points Submit button Can’t be un-submitted Review carefully before you hit Submit
Application Courses If you are applying to On your option sheet, you should.... The application form must.... English pre APSelect the Enriched English option ENG3UR There is no application form for this any longer. Co-opSelect co-op (either 4 credit or 2 credit) on your option sheet. Be submitted to guidance by Friday February 20 th. Peer TutoringChoose Peer Tutoring (limited enrollment, interview required) Be submitted to guidance by Friday February 20 th. Link CrewLink Crew is not a course option for gr. 11. Students may volunteer for some mentorship opportunities. Be submitted to guidance by Friday February 20 th. House ConstructionSelect four (4) alternate credits until interview process is completed. Be submitted to guidance by Friday February 20 th. Manufacturing, Health and Wellness, Digital Photography SHSMs Select the relevant grade 11 courses for SHSM. Be submitted to guidance by Friday February 20 th.
Your To Do List Pick compulsories Pick compulsories English Any others that you either missed or have not yet done (Think Groups here) Pick electives. Pick electives. Up to two spares allowed for Grade 12s. One per semester only. Log into and register your courses for next year early. Remember there are over 1000 kids at this school. Log into and register your courses for next year early. Remember there are over 1000 kids at this school. Print off Sign Off Sheet and get your parent’s/guardian’s signature on the sheet. Return to guidance by Friday, February 20 th. Print off Sign Off Sheet and get your parent’s/guardian’s signature on the sheet. Return to guidance by Friday, February 20 th. Return any application forms, (e.g. Co-op, Link Crew, Online Course contract, Peer Tutoring, SHSM including House Construction) to Guidance by Friday, February 20th. Return any application forms, (e.g. Co-op, Link Crew, Online Course contract, Peer Tutoring, SHSM including House Construction) to Guidance by Friday, February 20th.
Family Night is Wednesday, February 11 th. Sign-Off Sheets and relevant application forms with parent’s signature are due into guidance by Friday, February 20 th. Family Night is Wednesday, February 11 th. Sign-Off Sheets and relevant application forms with parent’s signature are due into guidance by Friday, February 20 th.