Individual Placement Support (IPS) Amanda Noon - Team Manager Margaret Parker - Senior Practitioner
Who are Pure? Pure Have 2 main areas of work: Modernising Traditional Day Services Supported Employment
Individual Placement Support Approach Employment agencies working in partnership with Community Mental Health Teams to support people with severe mental health into competitive, sustainable jobs using a rapid person centered approach.
Key Principles of IPS Competitive employment is the primary goal Everyone who wants it is eligible for employment support. Job search is consistent with individual preferences Job search is rapid: beginning within one month Employment specialist and clinical teams work and are located together Support is time unlimited and is individualised to both the employer and the employee Welfare benefits counselling support the person through the transition from benefits to work *Taken from the Sainsbury’s Center for Mental Health briefing paper.
Pure Employment Mental Health Team IPS Pilot project – Funded for 17 months Target 24 people into employment Team Senior Employment Officer 3 Employment Officers Working within CMHT’s:- Councillor Lane - Kristian Wraxall York House - Julie Rothwell Torkington Lodge - To be appointed 1 part time Monitoring Officer to provide Long term support
Referral Process Referral via the 3 Community Mental Health teams Referrals also accepted from Recovery and Inclusion Team, Early Intervention Team, and Assertive Outreach Team. Pure Innovations referral form to be completed and a copy of CPA, risk documents, and Wellbeing Care Plans to be received. Initial Meeting with Team Senior and Employment Officer. Waiting list and then allocation to Employment Officer.
Key Elements of Delivery Secure real paid competitive employment – not voluntary work Employment Officers working within the Community Mental Health Teams. Employment Officers to be part of Recovery Planning and multidisciplinary meetings Partnership working i.e. Lives Course, Supported Permitted Work Group, NW Employment Practitioners Network Meeting, Pathways to Employment, Voluntary work and education All CPA documentation and wellbeing care plans to highlight employment All clients will be allocated an Employment Officer for Individual Development planning. Rapid approach to job searching Job matching based on clients preferences, interests and skills leading to high levels of sustainability Working to robust Quality Framework which was awarded an Ofstead Grade 1 On-going job support and monitoring Working in partnership with employers and clients to negotiate individual needs Transparent working practices to reduce stigma relating to mental health Provide on-going benefit advice to maximize income
Pure Employment An Employment Officers Tool Belt Work Development Plan How we get to know you, What kind of support do you need?, and what do you want to do? Better Off Calculations – Lets make sure you are financially better off working Travel declaration – Where, when and how? Do we need Access to Work? Action Planning and Goal Setting – It’s not just about the job it’s how we get prepared for the world of work and what we need to do to sustain our employment. It can’t just be any job - Job matching based on preferences, interests and skills leading to rewarding employment Sales and Marketing Training in Employer Engagement Work Agreement & Reasonable Adjustments Job Analysis/Company Analysis H&S checks and Risk Assessments On the job training when required Natural buddies identified in the workplace Work and performance reviews Initial intensive support from EO and then Long term support provided by Monitoring Officer Minimum 6 monthly work reviews
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