Introduction Module Partnership. Accountability. Training. Hope.
Introduction Module Purpose Highlight Services Available Provide Expectations and Potential Penalties for Noncompliance
Purpose of PATH Employment Focused PATH is focused on assisting you to obtain or improve employment opportunities.
Role of Michigan Works! A staff person will be assigned to help you with: Job Search Goals Education and Training Goals Skills and Interest Assessments Barrier Removal Preparing You for Self-Sufficiency Assignment of Activities to Meet Work Participation
Please understand that Michigan Works!.. Is not a temporary employment placement agency Cannot submit required documents to DHS for you Is required to report your compliance or lack of compliance to DHS You are in charge of your future - we want to assist you in determining your path to your future.
Treat your participation in PATH as your job. Participate in all assigned activities. Be on time to all appointments. Communicate with your assigned Michigan Works! staff person. Your Role, Your Job
Individual Service Strategy (ISS) Your Plan to Reach Employment You and your assigned Michigan Works! staff person will develop a personalized ISS Plan that may include the following activities: Job Readiness Job Search Community Service Work Experience Education & Training
Required Hours of Participation Your assigned activities are based on what it will take for you to become self-sufficient. Your Michigan Works! staff person will assign activities that allow you to meet federal minimum participation requirements, up to 40 hours per week.
Documentation of Participation ALL activities must be documented. ALL hours spent in activities must be documented. Your Michigan Works! staff person will assign your activities and provide you with the appropriate forms and instructions.
Documentation of Participation If you are unsure of how to complete a form, please ask……improper documentation will not be accepted. Failure to submit documentation can result in noncompliance.
Penalties for Noncompliance IF…… You refuse to participate in assignments You fail to follow up on a job referral or refuse an offer of employment You falsify job search logs or other PATH documents You quit a job without another or better job You get fired from a job You refuse additional work up to 40 hours per week Noncompliance in PATH may affect your cash benefits at DHS
Penalties for Noncompliance The following sanction policy applies to individuals receiving Cash Assistance (FIP) benefits: – 1 st Instance of noncompliance without good cause, your FIP will close for 3 calendar months. – 2 nd Instance of noncompliance without good cause, your FIP will close for 6 calendar months. – 3 rd Instance of noncompliance without good cause, you will receive a lifetime sanction. Please see your DHS worker for further questions specific to the FIP penalty process.
Tools for Success Many opportunities are available for you: Find out about careers that are in demand. Build personal and work skills. Gain confidence and self-esteem. Plan for self-sufficiency. YOU CAN SUCCEED!
Supportive Services Supportive services may be available to help you remove barriers from getting a job. Supportive services may include: Transportation Assistance Work-Related Clothing Credentials and Testing Other Employment-Related Items Please discuss your specific needs with your assigned Michigan Works! representative.
Choose Welcome to great start CONNECT Choose You will then be prompted to provide information regarding the type of child care you need for your family. You must have an address. It can be the of a friend or a family member. Referrals will be provided immediately. You should always have a back-up child care plan! To Access Child Care Referrals:
CONGRATULATIONS! Going Forward….. Partnership. Accountability. Training. Hope. Thank You