The Skeletal System
Skeletal System: Made of Connective Tissue O Bone: hard inorganic matrix of calcium salts O Compact: forms shaft and ends, contains space O Spongy: trabeculae O Cells: osteoblast, osteocytes, osteoclasts O Types: long, flat, irregular O Harversian system: cellular arrangement O Periosteum: Connective Tissue covering
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Cartilage and Ligaments O Cartilage: O Function: support O Types: fibrocartilage, hyaline, and elastic O Ligaments: attach bone to bone
Bone Development O Prenatal: cartilage model O Fetus: some conversion to bone O Childhood: primary and secondary ossification O Adolescence: cartilage growth and plate elongation
Bone Remodeling and Repair O Changes in shape, size, strength: O Dependent on diet, exercise, age O Cells are regulated by hormones: O Parathyroid hormone (PTH): removes calcium from bone O Calcitonin: adds calcium to bone O Repair: hematoma and callus formation
Functions of the Skeletal System O Protection: encases most internal organs O Support: allows body positions O Movement: muscle attachments O Reservoir: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium
Skeleton: Vertebral Column O Vertebral column: O Regions: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccygeal O Intervertebral disks: cushion vertebrae; allows movement, flexibility O Ribs: O Twelve pairs O Bottom two pair floating O Sternum: breastbone: O Three bones fused
Axial and Appendicular Skeleton O Pectoral girdle: shoulder: O Clavicle, scapulas O Pelvic girdles: hip; O Coxal bones, sacrum, pubic symphysis O Limbs O Arms: humerus, radius, ulna, wrist and hand O Legs: femur, tibia, fibula, ankle and foot
Articulations O Classified by degree of movement: O Fibrous joint: immovable (e.g., fontanels) O Cartilagenous joint: slightly movable O Synovial joint: freely movable
Synovial Joints O Synovial capsule: synovial membrane + hyaline cartilage O Synovial membrane secrete synovial fluid for lubricant O Hyaline cartilage cushions
Diseases and Disorders of the Skeletal System O Strains: stretched or torn ligaments O Bursitis and tendinitis: inflammations O Arthritis: inflammation of joints