aais.com Advancing Student Success and Institutional Efficiencies Through Improved Course Access and Availability Neil Marnoch, Registrar, University of Manitoba Monique van de Merwe, Regional Vice President, Canada, Ad Astra Information Systems
aais.com Agenda Scheduling Impact on Completion Higher Education Scheduling Index ™ University of Manitoba Challenges, Goals and Journey Question and Answer
Enrollment Ratio: Comparison of seats filled versus seats offered
Benchmark Strategic Scheduling CheckUp™ Analysis of Course Choice in Programs (Guided Pathways) Mobilize Strategic Scheduling Index™ Dashboard Longitudinal Data Tracking Registration Velocity Change Management Policy Development Optimize Astra Schedule™ Space Capacity Modeling Utilization Analysis Platinum Analytics™ Alignment of Guided Pathways and Schedule Registration Modeling Block Scheduling Nudging Students to Required Courses
aais.com University of Manitoba Medical/Doctoral Main Campus – Suburban Winnipeg Health Sciences – Downtown Campus Close to 30,000 total enrollment 85% Undergraduate 22 Faculties and Colleges Implemented Banner (2006), Astra Schedule (2011) and Platinum Analytics (2014)
aais.com University of Manitoba Very de-centralized environment Currently working on faculty mergers with goal of 13 faculties SEM Goal - to double the size of our graduate studies enrolment Undergraduate faculties also planning for increased enrolments to meet market demands
aais.com University of Manitoba The Ad Astra Strategic Check up was conducted during our implementation period. Results recommended improved space use would result from… – Sharing space more effectively – Reduction of off-grid scheduling – Improved use of non-prime time Mismatch of class sizes to room sizes
aais.com University of Manitoba Instructional Space Management Advisory Committee (ISMAC) – Reports to Provost – Broad based representation – horizontal and vertical Current space policy was noted to be out of date and inadequate to address our challenges going forward Developed Guiding Principles and corresponding Procedures
aais.com University of Manitoba External space audit of all university spaces conducted – Classrooms, offices, labs, study space, etc. UM space measured by standards developed for Ontario universities – Excess of 70 classrooms – Wrong mix of space: short 24 small classrooms
aais.com UM Challenges Timetable: Prime Time and Off-Grid Scheduling Instructional room inventory Offering the right mix of courses Meet scheduling expectations
aais.com University of Manitoba Timetable: Prime Time and Off-Grid Scheduling Prime time scheduling – Limits course options for students – Creates artificial demand for space Carrot or the stick? – Some units adjusted their timetable in order to keep their classes in their own building. – Development of timetable rules to ensure we use our spaces more efficiently outside of prime time.
aais.com University of Manitoba Timetable: Prime Time and Off-Grid Scheduling Off-Grid Scheduling 3-hour class that start off- grid On GridOff Grid 8:30 – 9:20 9:00 – 12:00 9:30 – 10:20 10:30 – 11:30 11:30 – 12:20
aais.com University of Manitoba Timetable: Prime Time and Off-Grid Scheduling Off-Grid Scheduling Meeting Pattern used is an indicator of off-grid scheduling: Fall 2014 = 418 ; Fall 2015 = 287 Coordination of once per week classes
aais.com Coordinating the Timetable Uncoordinated MonTuesWedThursFri Coordinated MonTuesWedThursFri
aais.com University of Manitoba Instructional Room Inventory Mismatch of Room Size and Class Size Class capacity is often set much higher than expected enrolment.
aais.com University of Manitoba Room Inventory - Mismatch of Room Size and Class Size SEATSROOMS CAPACITYENROLL Total UM Classrooms
aais.com University of Manitoba Instructional Room Inventory Mismatch of Room Size and Class Size Directive to set an enrolment cap so that expected enrolment is no less than 80% of the class capacity.
aais.com University of Manitoba Instructional Room Inventory - Mismatch of Room Size and Class Size 2015 Fall Term Capacity adjustments Sections adjusted= 161 Seats reduced= 1762
aais.com University of Manitoba Instructional Room Inventory – Need to re-purpose space Short on space for offices, research, study. Taking the approach that location of classroom instruction is more flexible than other types of space. Difficult to find spaces that are suited for re- purposing in the areas that have deficiencies.
aais.com University of Manitoba Instructional Room Inventory – Classroom Technology Inequities in quality of classrooms and technology. Initiative to improve classroom technology and learning spaces. 30+ rooms upgraded in Summer rooms upgraded in Summer Also identifying technology needs to support new modalities of classroom learning.
aais.com University of Manitoba Offering the right mix of courses Platinum Analytics – Implemented Spring 2014 – Currently limited to historic trend analysis – Data supports funding needs for bottleneck courses – UM is now implementing u.achieve degree audit
aais.com University of Manitoba Offering the right mix of courses Term SectionsAvg Enrol Average Seats Enrol Ratio Under- utilized Course Ratio Balanced Course Ratio Overloaded Course Ratio Fall , %43.86%32.10%21.72% Fall , %38.11%34.88%26.92% Fall , %34.17%33.22%32.61%
aais.com University of Manitoba Meeting Scheduling Expectations Large, diverse campus. Mix of small professional and large liberal arts faculties and colleges. Mandate is to make the most effective use of space. – Expected usage rate is 70% Most units place a high value on classes being held in own buildings. – Non-class academic related activity is also given a high priority by academic units.
aais.com University of Manitoba Meeting Scheduling Expectations Location considerations Developed scheduling zones – Primary zone includes faculty/college buildings – Secondary zone includes buildings in close proximity – Spaces in other zones are a last priority – Excluded buildings ensure travel distance is not unreasonable.
aais.com University of Manitoba Meeting Scheduling Expectations First pass: optimize classes faculty by faculty into a faculty’s own buildings. – Seat fill must be minimum 80% Second pass: optimize classes into own or adjacent buildings. – Seat fill must be minimum of 60% Bottlenecks are resolved manually – Seat fill should be minimum 60% wherever possible.
aais.com University of Manitoba: Goals Achieve a balance between local/faculty and institutional expectations and priorities. Realize excess instructional space and re-purpose spaces to meet other needs. Continually adjust course offerings to better meet student demand and make a positive contribution to time to completion. Continually upgrade learning spaces to facilitate changing approaches to course delivery.
aais.com University of Manitoba - Next Steps Re-design of the standard timetable Acknowledge benefits and popularity of 75 minute classes offered twice per week. Offer a more flexible structure.
aais.com Question and Answer! Neil Marnoch Registrar University of Manitoba Monique van de Merwe Regional Vice President, Canada Ad Astra Information Systems