SUPPORT TO ROMA EMPLOYMENT - Lithuania Jurgita Kuprytė
SOPA and its activities Established in 2006 Provides employment services for disadvantaged groups in Vilnius Our clients: people with disability, long term unemployed, older people, Roma Principles: individual approach, supported employment
Supported employment Assessment of skills and employment possibilities – clarification what the person wants and can work Job search – job mediator and an unemployed search for a job that “fits” both sides Job analysis and matching – adaptation of working environment to the needs of employer Job coaching – job skills, social skills training After care – support during the working period when needed
Factors of unemployment Don't know how to “sell” themselves (lack of self confidence) Cannot get part time job Have no qualification Have little or no orientation in labour market Gave up job search as “they will refuse to hire me anyway” Negative attitudes, prejudges from the side of employer / colleagues Lack of information about “unknown” groups Fiercely competitive working environment
Services FOR UNEMPLOYED Evaluation of education, work experience, skills and limitations Requirements for the working place Preparation of CV, letter of motivation Search for work places Advocacy at the first meeting with employer Support in the working place FOR EMPLOYERS Information about the candidate Working conditions Subsidies from state “Guarantee” for the worker Contact, solution of problems Teaching job skills at working place Diversity trainings
Roma in Lithuania: baseline Population about % – up to 20 years old (2001) More than 30 % of Roma aged years don't speak Lithuanian (2001) Level of illiteracy is 10 times higher (3,4 % versus 31%) Bad school attendance Unemployment Drug trade Segregated settlement in Vilnius
Roma survey 2007: At your opinion, which from the following reasons could be the biggest problem for you to get a job? (%) Source: ETC / LVF / EQUAL Roma survey 2007
Employer survey 2007: which from the following candidates would get a job at your company (if all had the same qualifications and abilities to do the work ? Percentage of: would not get, probably would not get Source: ETC / Lietuvos vaikų fondas / EQUAL Romų ir darbdavių nuostatos dėl romų integracijos į darbo rinką (2007 m.)
Critical factors for Roma employment Motivation to take unqualified job with minimum wage Advocacy with employer Follow up support when the person is employed Organisation of social help not directly related to work (children, social benefits, police, debts, etc.) Training of co-workers
Thank you! Jurgita Kuprytė Tadas Leončikas SOPA Tel Fax skype: sopa_lt