Address Refer to Slide 2 for instructions on how to view the full-screen slideshow.Slide 2
2 2 How to Use This Presentation Address The graphics below are designed to help you navigate through each presentation. The navigational guides require a single mouse click and are located on the left side of each slide. There is a Contents slide with hyperlinks to topics covered in each presentation that may be helpful if a review of a specific topic is desired. To print the PowerPoint presentation, right click anywhere on the slide and choose “Print”. To view a full-screen slideshow, right click anywhere on the slide, scroll down to the line that says “Full Screen,” and left click to choose that option. To return to the original view, right click on the slide and choose “End Show” or hit the Escape key (Esc) on your keyboard. Return to the Contents Page Proceed to the next slide Return to the previous slide
3 3 Overview Add New Address Select Existing Address from Intake Address Search Criteria Window Address Search Results Window Address Usage Summary New Address from Search Results Canceling Search Results Auto Populated Address from Search Criteria Adding New Persons to an Intake Replacing an Incorrect Address Removal Address for Custody Intakes Error Message for Removal Address Removal Address Select from Existing Address from Intake Removal Address Select from Existing Address from Intake Completed Removal Address Clear Address Button Out of Country Check Box Summary Contents Address
4 4 Addresses are maintained in many different places in TNKids as well as in many different ways. One of the purposes of this change is to standardize the way addresses are maintained across TNKids. That involves establishing one system-wide method for accessing and using addresses. There are many problems with invalid address information on the Address Tab. The first of those problems is incorrect addresses that are entered without the ability to correct or delete the entire address. The second problem is the inability to enter foreign addresses on the Address Tab Page. The final problem has been tracking Removal Addresses. For every Custody Episode, the address from which the client was removed should be entered in TNKids. That is currently being done on the Address Tab. To alleviate these problems, the users will now be able to replace an incorrect address from the Address Tab as long as they enter a new address to replace it. Second, the user now will be able to add an out of country address. Also, a new “Removal Address” field has been created that will be stored on the Episode Tab. The user will only be able to change this address if he or she has the correct TNKids security. The users will no longer be able to edit an address. Overview Address
5 5 To add/select a new address, the user will enter an end date for the existing address and then right click and select “Add Address”. The user may do the following when entering an address: select an address already associated to the intake, search for and select an address that already exists in TNKids, or add a new address to the database. Add New Address Address
6 6 This screen shows that when the user clicked on the Ellipsis button, the system first displays addresses already entered in the intake. Often family members are located at the same address. so this should save the user time with data entry. If this is the correct address, the user will click on the OK button. If this is an incorrect address, the user will click on the Cancel button. For this example, the Cancel button has been clicked. The address search window will then open. Select Existing Address from Intake Address
7 7 The user will now enter into the Address Search Criteria window the address he or she wants to find. This will help the user select the same address that may have already been entered into the system. As indicated on this screen shot, the user will search by Address Information. The user can also select to search by Address ID. Remember, it is important for the user to select the same address for all persons in a household and not continue to create duplicate addresses. The user will click on the Find button to search for the results. Address Search Criteria Window Address
8 8 As is indicated above, the system informs the user that this address already exists in the system, and it is being used as a residence. The user can now click on the OK button if this is the correct address. If this is not the address he or she wants, then the user will click on the Cancel button. To ensure that this is the correct address, the system will allow the user to check one more thing as shown on the next slide. Address Search Results Window Address
9 9 The user will right click and select “Usage Summary” to determine who is located at this address. Address Usage Summary Address
10 When the user right clicks and selects “Usage Summary”, this is the screen that will appear. This screen contains a listing of all persons who are currently living at this address. The user will click OK when he or she is ready to exit this screen. The system will then return to the previous screen. NOTE: If the user is adding more than one person to an address this screen will help he or she choose the same address for all. If there are duplicate addresses in the system, this assures that the user is creating households correctly. Address Usage Summary Address
11 In this example, the user has decided that this is the correct address. He or she will click the OK button. The address selected will populate into the address tab. New Address from Search Results Address
12 If the user decides this is not the correct address, he or she will click the Cancel button. Canceling Search Results Address
13 If the user searches and does not find an existing address in TNKids that matches his or her needs, the user will cancel out of that search and will be prompted with the above message: “Do you want to use the search criteria values to add a new address?” The user will select Yes. Auto Populated Address from Search Criteria Address
14 The user is adding a new person to an intake. Note that the “Address” field is blank. The user will click on the Ellipsis button to add an address. Adding New Persons to an Intake Address
15 Remember the first thing you learned? The system will allow the user to first select an address that is already associated with the intake. Here is the only address currently in this intake. It is for John Wynne. Jane Wynne also lives there so the user will select this address and click the OK button. Adding New Persons to an Intake Address
16 When the user clicked OK, the system entered the address into the Add New Person screen as shown above. The user must enter the begin date for this address. This assures the user that the household will be created correctly. NOTE: It is important for the user to understand that he or she is no longer able to edit addresses. The user may only add or replace an address. Adding New Persons to an Intake Address
17 If the user has made a mistake and entered the wrong address, he or she cannot delete it. The address can be replaced by clicking on the Ellipsis box and starting the address search again, this time selecting the correct address. The new address will replace the current address, and the user will enter the begin date. This allows the user to fix his or her own mistakes. Replacing an Incorrect Address Address
18 With the release of “Removal Address” has been moved. It is now located on the “Episode” tab in the Court Custody Icon. Even if the client has an address, the user must also enter a removal address for every custody episode. To enter the removal address, the user clicks on the Ellipsis box next to the “Address” field. This is a required field. NOTE: The user cannot submit the intake unless a removal address has been entered. Removal Address for Custody Intakes Address
19 If the user attempts to submit an intake without a removal address, the above error message will appear: “Removal address (on the Episode tab page) must be specified before this intake can be submitted”. Error Message for Removal Address Address
20 As shown before, the user may select an address from existing address already entered into the intake by highlighting the address and clicking on the OK button. If the correct address is not listed, then the user will select Cancel. The remainder of the process is the same as discussed earlier in this presentation. Removal Address Select from Existing Address from Intake Address
21 On this screen, the removal address has been entered by the user. Once the removal address is entered, the user will notice that the Ellipsis box is no longer available. The removal address cannot be changed by the user. NOTE: If the user has entered the wrong removal address, he or she will need to contact the FSA to have the address changed. Completed Removal Address Address
22 The user may choose to enter an address in the “Address” field, but not all screens require that an address be entered. An example of this type of address is shown above. A Clear button is located on screens on which the address is not a required field. If the user has entered an address into one of these non-required fields and it is the wrong address, he or she may click on the Clear button. The address will be removed, but the user is not required to replace the address. The following is a list of all screens on which the Clear button appears: TNKids Address Book, Physician in the Medical Icon, Facility in the Medical Icon, Other School in the Education Icon, Employer on the Employment tab, Service Provider in the Well-Being Services Icon, Attorney on the Court Order/Release tab, Petitioner on the Court Order/Release tab, Special Judge on the Court Order/Release tab, Contact on the Detainer sub tab, Removed By on the Detainer subtab, and the Referent in the Interstate Compact Intake. Clear Address Button Address
23 Users are now able to enter an address for a client who is located out of the country. The user will click on the Out of Country check box, and the following window will be displayed. A free form text box will appear. Since not all countries use the same format, this allows the user to enter the address format as needed. The user may enter up to 1,000 characters. Once the user has entered the address, then user will then click OK Address Out of Country Check Box
24 As indicated on the screen shot above, the address is then added to the client’s record. Here, an out of country mailing address has been added Address Out of Country Check Box
25 Users will now be able to replace an incorrect address on the Address Tab as long they enter a new address to replace it. Users can add an Out of Country address. A new “Removal Address” field has been created and will be stored on the Episode Tab. If users have entered the wrong removal address they will contact the FSA to have the address changed. Users will not be able to submit the intake unless a removal address has been entered. Users will no longer be able to edit an address. Users may select an address already associated with the intake. Users may search for and select an address that already exists in TNKids. Users may add a new address to the database. Users may now search by Address ID. Users may choose the “Address Usage Summary” option to determine who is located at a selected address Address Summary