LLC Meeting August 26, 2008. 2 Updates on Current Projects o UC journal access partnership o Integrated Library System (ILS) o Reports Submission System.


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Presentation transcript:

LLC Meeting August 26, 2008

2 Updates on Current Projects o UC journal access partnership o Integrated Library System (ILS) o Reports Submission System Library Space Reduction Proposal o Status and plan o Summary of feedback from LLC reps o Impact assessment o Alternative models o Next Steps AGENDA

UC Journal Access Partnership Pilot identified 13 publishers to test argument that LBNL should be treated as part of UCB for licensing purposes o 3 agreed with no additional cost o 3 agreed with some additional cost o 1 refused o 5 in progress Savings can be reassigned to pay for other subscriptions o E.g. able to add 2 concurrent seats of CAS SciFinder starting in September UCB will provide some library services including dedicated Librarian 3

Integrated Library System Online catalog (OPAC) is currently being used as our primary catalog o Includes A to Z index Circulation module is tracking book loans ILL module is in use for inter library loans Set up an alternate serial acquisition tracking tool Evaluating options for Federated Search 4

Reports Submission System Continuing to enhance o Ability to upload reports to the NIH PubMed database in progress  Reporting now mandatory Many smaller changes to improve Reports Coordination internal processes 5

Library Space Reduction Status o Interviewed almost all LLC representatives to understand impact from their perspectives o Continuing analysis of printed journals  Online availability  “Uniqueness” (availability at other locations) o Continuing analysis of books  Regular weeding list  “Uniqueness”  Plan for review by scientists Plans o Summarize impacts and alternatives in October o Decision in November (?) o Implementation of any changes starting January(?) 6

Summary of LLC Feedback - 1 Level of concern depends on: o Area of research o Proximity to the Library o + length of time since B.S. may influence Printed journals not a major concern o If available online, OK to be able to get hard copy in a couple of days o If not available online need to keep Increasing online access is most important priority o Impact on space usage is indirect 7

Summary of LLC Feedback - 2 Books not an issue for some, the main concern for others o Need for reference vs. circulation o Concern about impact on research and productivity  Easy to browse, therefore more likely to  Some serendipity from browsing, but more likely know what looking for  More important when new to field, less knowledgeable about sources Student, post-docs Change in area of research  Some visitors need reference material  Duplicate purchasing of books by individuals not a major issue 8

Summary of LLC Feedback - 3 Books (continued) o UCB Library not a good alternative for some  Time taken to get there and back  Specific areas not covered well ( e.g. accelerators)  Accessibility o UCB Library OK or preferable for some  Location not a big issue Some closer or visit campus frequently Go on way to/from work etc.  Superior collection 9

LLC Feedback - 4 Use of space o Need to maintain quiet space to get away from labs o Visitors need space to work o “Commons” of value Librarian o Essential to keep/increase research assistance Other issues o Prestige/Principle  Reflection of the institution o Decision to make perhaps irreversible change to address short term space issue o Morale of library staff o Role of LLC in decision making 10

LLC Feedback – 5 Alternatives o Improved Reference Collection  Would require catch-up  Annual cost may be acceptable o Find alternate location o New focus on interdisciplinary research o Visitor carrels o Other? 11

Current Analysis Printed Journals o >50% (?) are available on-line o 153 titles are “unique”  Require maximum of 50% total compact shelving space Books o Reference collection approximately 4,000  Last weeded 1 year ago o Circulating Collection approximately 16,000  Last weeded 2005  Approximately 9,000 on first draft list of weeding candidates 12

Current Thoughts Printed Journals o Any available on-line go to warehouse o Other journals might stay in compact shelving Books o Need input on priorities for reference  Scientists use Bar code scanning? Best approach so far Difficult to get right people to spend the time Do not always know what will be important in future 13

Next Steps Proceed with bar code scans o LLC representatives first starting next week o Other people identified by LLC until end of September Review results with LLC Complete analysis of shelving requirements for various options for journals and books Complete summary of impacts Identify and assess alternatives 14