Thomas Jefferson Working Group Update to TJMS Teachers/Staff 21 October 2014
TJWG Charge Alternative 1: Recommendation for siting a new school at a particular location within the TJ Site; in which case the TJWG would develop general conditions and design principles to address both the site context and neighborhood context and to mitigate impacts on existing public areas and uses Alternative 2: Recommendation not to site new school at TJ based on specific findings
TJ Site Specific Goals Retain the current wooded eastern end of “TJ Park” as is Ensure no significant loss of green space and no net loss of recreational programming, including 2 full size rectangular fields and other amenities outlined in the study area description Maintain a cohesive park Ensure adequate consideration given to neighborhood impacts of traffic and parking Enhance safety on existing pedestrian walkways and bikeways Ensure that the community center would remain available for use Ensure that building massing is compatible with adjacent neighborhood
Input Needed Decisions will be made shortly and it is imperative that we hear from TJMS Stakeholders – Please Get the Word Out! Survey for TJMS parents, teachers/staff and students – weblink is Deadline for comment is Friday, October 24.
Noted Concerns from TJMS Stakeholders To Date Need for ES at this location with two existing ES within a ½ mile Need to put more on this site which is already shared and well utilized Increased traffic for pedestrian and biker safety as well as neighborhood congestion Shared space between MS and ES poses administrative and security questions Shared amenities which are already very restrictive in availability, such as the theatre Relocation or removal of the TJ Community Garden which is vital to the TJMS community and important to Arlington as a whole through its programming (AFAC, etc.) Importance of finding seats for ES students is critical
Alternative to TJ Site ES Fastest growing ES: Hoffman-Boston (22.9%), Ashlawn (15.3%), Henry (12.6%), Randolph (12.1%) and Barcroft (12.0%) – part of this growth is related to Pre-K program relocation SW Arlington has the highest # of projected seat deficits APS Staff recommended Barcroft and Randolph additions in event new ES at TJ Site not approved by County. Bond limits both new ES and additions – decision is a one or the other (ie, new ES or current ES additions) New ES = 725 seats; Additions to Barcroft and Randolph = 506 seats to Barcroft and Randolph ES are the alternatives