English Language Proficiency Conditional Admission Policy
An Overview of English Language Proficiency (EP) Conditional Admission Chancellor’s Initiative Top 25 institutions Shared responsibilities
Applicant Eligibility International Degree Seeking English Proficiency requirement not satisfied Admissible to Graduate School Recommended by graduate program
Department/Program Participation Programs have the option to participate. Programs choosing to participate will be listed on the Graduate School website.
Department/Program Responsibilities Identify applicants to be considered Maintain information on website Review applicant file Determine departmental conditions Request conditional admission Save a seat for the applicant
Terms of EP Conditional Admission Seat must be available in the UT ELI or exception to attend a U.S. accredited ELI Funding for ELI responsibility of student Student may not enroll in other UTK courses during ELI Must submit passing TOEFL or IELTS within 3 semesters of enrollment in ELI Must fulfill all departmental conditions within 3 semesters of ELI
Options if EP Conditions Unsatisfied Submit new graduate admission application; if admitted, continue in ELI Leave the U.S. Seek a transfer to another U.S. school
International applicant submits all application materials except passing TOEFL or IELTS test scores to Office of Graduate Admissions (OGA) through the ADMIT program. Applicant separately notifies dept/prog of interest in EP Cond. Admit Graduate Dept/Program (GDP) notifies OGA of their desire to consider applicant for EP Conditional Admission by tagging application in ADMIT: EP EVAL ****** OGA evaluates application for admissibility to the Graduate School (GS) OGA tags application as EP ADMISSIBLE and moves application to dept/program decision pool Applicant petitions OGA to attend other ELI? Yes No OGA denies applicant and tags application in ADMIT: DENY- GRAD ADM Program tags application in ADMIT: EP ADMIT Available space in ELI? GS Admissible ? Yes No GDP evaluates application for EP Conditional Admission GDP recommends admission with/wo dept/program conditions? No Program tags application in ADMIT: EP DENY- PROGRAM ELI evaluates for program space availability ELI tags application in ADMIT: EP ELI No OGA denies applicant and tags application in ADMIT: EP ELI DENY No Process Ends Yes 2 1 OGA denies applicant and tag remains ADMIT: EP- DENY PROGRAM Draft, 10/11/12, yk
1 OGA approves other ELI? No Yes OGA denies applicant exception (customized letter) and tag remains EP ELI DENY OGA admits applicant and tags application EP Cond Admit 2 ELI tags application in ADMIT: EP ELI YES OGA notifies applicant of EP conditional admit and tags application in ADMIT: EP Cond Admit and EP-I20 In Banner and ADMIT, OGA backs term of entry 1 semester ELI issues I-20 DRAFT, 10/18/12, YK