What do we do when students don’t learn?.  (How information is delivered) Pace of instruction Mode of delivery Time allocated to activities Positive.


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Presentation transcript:

What do we do when students don’t learn?

 (How information is delivered) Pace of instruction Mode of delivery Time allocated to activities Positive supportive classroom interactions Clear expectations Sufficient teacher-student interactions, questioning, re-explaining, check for understanding Explicit task directions Explicit and frequent feedback Instructional demands math student skill level. Sufficient practice, application and review activities Classroom management procedures and routines Effective error corrections procedures High rate of academic engaged time Provision of guided practice prior to independent practice Frequent and direct measurement of student progress

 (Classroom, school, community, or home factors) Seating arrangement Lighting Noise Level Teacher pupil ratio School ambiance Hallway monitoring Availability of drugs, alcohol, or firearms Transitions and mobility Collaborative staff efforts Clarity of classroom rules High expectations with necessary support Use of out of school time Parent support for learning Time devoted to homework with monitoring Family management Neighborhood attachment and community organization

 Uniform—Group of strategies that everyone knows and uses  Research based  Differentiated for different learners  Varied to meet different learning styles  Professional development provided as needed

 Resource section has examples from the ILP.

Activity 1

 Research based (Examples)  Cooperative learning  Thinking maps  Differentiated instruction  Tiered assignments  Nine highly effective instructional strategies  Most effective for time, effort and cost  Professional development needed

 Support from federal programs  Para support  Volunteers  Peer tutors and mentors

 Uninterrupted reading block  How to fit in “specials”?  Lunch  Recess/seminars  After school programs  Master schedule for support staff  “staggered” scheduling for reading and math

Activity 2

Activity 3

 Needs  What type of professional development do we need?  Who is going to do it?  When are we going to do it?  Length of time needed  Follow-up/Accountability  Options

For more information on MTSS, contact HPEC For additional information on MTSS visit