Page 2 Preparing for GEO Post-2015 Beijing Ministerial Declaration (2010) “…recommendations for the governance, role and future work of GEO beyond 2015 and to take the necessary decisions” GEO-VII (2011) “assess options and scenarios for next phase of GEOSS implementation” Geneva Ministerial Declaration (2014) “renew the mandate of GEO through 2025 […] and agree to develop the work of GEO through 2025…” GEO-X (2014) “draft Implementation Plan for initial review at the GEO-XI Plenary and for acceptance at the GEO-XII Plenary …”
Page 3 Drivers for change Why do we need a new plan? GEO achievements GEO challenges New technologies Evolving international agendas
Page 4 Progress since GEO-XI Plenary IPWG-4 Private Sector engagement (World Bank) Commercial Sector (ESRI World Conference) UN engagement IPWG-5 Ministerial WG M&E WG Also consulted… Implementation Boards Data Sharing WG Data Management WG December January February 1st draft WPS ExCom-33 March April
Page 5 What’s new? Unique value defined Strategic Objecives refined GEOSS better described Core Functions refined; targets & indicators added Implementing Mechanisms consolidated SBAs revised Work Programme developed further; Resources indicative scale; specific contributions Governance Programme Board added Legal status analyzed
Page 6 Unique Value GEO must clarify its unique value proposition improve the quality, timeliness, range and availability of Earth observations facilitate the development of efficient, sustainable solutions to environmental societal challenges broker combinations of actors to understand Earth system processes and respond to societal challenges GEO does more than build GEOSS Uniqueness of GEO is in its convening power
Page 7 Strategic objectives GEO value must be made clear to policy-makers Three Strategic Objectives in the Areas of Action – Advocate, Engage, Deliver Encompass major GEO achievements and success –Data Sharing Principles / Data Management Principles –Flagship Initiatives –Communities High level message on what GEO strives for Evolution, not revolution Advocate Engage Deliver
Page 8 GEOSS Need to clarify what GEOSS is and what GEO‘s role is Observation and Information Systems GEO implements central components, based on clear high-level principles Name principles for central GEOSS components: openness, effectiveness, flexibility, adaptability, sustainability, reliability One simple description of GEOSS GEO’s role is enabling GEOSS
Page 9 Core Functions What does GEO do – and what does it not do? Evolved Core Functions Developed SMART targets (Annex) and Indicators Comprehensive list of high-level actions for GEO Targets and indicator support M&E Specific scoping helps cooperation with others
Page 10 Advocate Core Functions for Data Sharing Data Management Gap analyses Best practices for citizen science Radio frequency protection
Page 11 Engage Core Functions for Creating partnerships Resource mobilization Creating visibility and awareness Broadening the user bases Capacity building Promoting EO use in development activities
Page 12 Deliver Core Functions for Operating common elements of GEOSS Documenting data quality & provenance Maintaining a knowledge base Conducting implementation pilots Incubating services through initiatives
Page 13 Implementation Mechanisms Need for appropriate processes and simple structures for effective and efficient implementation Defined four Implementation Mechanisms –GEO Community Activities –GEO Initiatives –GEO Flagships –GEO Foundational Tasks Clear understanding of how GEO implements its actions Expectations and process clarified Handle diversity of actions effectively
Page 14 Revised SBA Current SBA did not fully enable coordination and user-engagement Application-oriented SBA proposed – to be discussed further
Page 15 Work Programme Need to prioritze actions and match ambition to resources 3-year Work Programmes, transitional Work Programme for 2016 Include all GEO action, decide on priorities Discuss and agree in GEO Programme Board Include indicative resource planning Work Programme concept developed further Community input needed, including here
Page 16 Governance Governance needs to clearly support implementation needs Evolve ExCom for more equitable participation –Expand to 15 seats plus 3 PO observers –Enable rotation of Co-Chairs GEO Programme Board to discuss implementation –Include PO and Members –Nominate PO observers in ExCom Establish GEO as independent legal persona Form follows function GEO Programme Board to oversee Work Programme
Page 17 Resourcing Address lack of resources at all levels, but remain voluntary Commitments maintained as voluntary Support for use of an indicative scale of contributions, ideally multi-year Commitments to be specified for Flagships and Initiatives Resource allocations specified in Work Programme Mechanisms suggested to strengthen reliability of resourcing in voluntary context of GEO
Page 18 Document Suite Ministerial Summary (2 pg) Strategic Plan (~10 pg, framework document) Annexes: –Targets and Indicators –Description of Implementation Mechanisms –Architectural elements –M&E framework Transitional Work Programme Update to the Rules of Procedure
Page 19 Schedule Consult Plenary (inter-session) Further develop Strategic Plan and Annexes –IPWG-6, IPWG-7 –Next version for ExCom-34 Prepare draft Work Programm –Work Programme Symposium –Written input from GEO Members / POs Continued Engagement –Alongside IPWG-6 (Tokio) –Exchanges with GEO Community March / April Mai – July May – Sept May - Sept