PACE Centre South African PACE Centre CDM for Small-Scale Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Workshop for P romoting A ccess to C arbon E quity May 2005
PACE Centre Awareness of PACE Focus Positioning Stakeholder benefit South African PACE Centre CDM for Small-Scale Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Objectives of Workshop
PACE Centre South African PACE Centre CDM for Small-Scale Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency PACE OVERVIEW Dean Cooper, Managing Director, Parallax
PACE Centre PACE - Promoting Access to Carbon Equity Timing - Kyoto enters into force, UK influence Scope - international network, UKFCO support Duration - pilot project in first year Focus - small scale projects South African PACE Centre CDM for Small-Scale Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Framework for PACE
PACE Centre Key Features of PACE South African PACE Centre CDM for Small-Scale Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Neutral & independent – public benefit Not CDM specialists or carbon traders Conduit for SA services Key contact & information point for small scale Linking local and international
PACE Centre CDM Specialists DNA DOE Exec Board Financiers Brokers Exec Board DOE Project Participants CDM Specialists South African PACE Small-scale RE & EE projects Champion Identify Enable Co-ordinate Lobby Inform Advise PDD Baseline EIA Plan & Review Authorisation Validation Registration START UP Monitoring Verification Certification Issuance of CERs Trading Completion CDM Project Cycle Commencement Role of the PACE Centre
PACE Centre Objectives of PACE South African PACE Centre CDM for Small-Scale Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Raise awareness amongst stakeholders Lobby for enabling environment Identify & overcome key barriers Find appropriate support mechanisms Link to Local Economic Development Adapt to meet stakeholder needs
PACE Centre Partners for PACE South African PACE Centre CDM for Small-Scale Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Public sector - local & national Government - utilities - regulators Private sector - project implementers - project developers Civil society - NGOs - community organisations International - northern investors - south-south co-operation
PACE Centre Scope of PACE Operations South African PACE Centre CDM for Small-Scale Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Need to focus but adapt to opportunities Geographic focus – KZN, Gauteng, W Cape Technology focus – SWH, bio-fuels, cookstoves, household energy efficiency Stakeholder focus – entrepreneurs, developers, investors, DNA, DME, local Govt
PACE Centre Enabling Environment CDM Developers Potential CDM Implementers CDM Investors PACE Centre Identify investor needs Find mechanisms to package projects to attract investment Identify potential implementers Provide Information Promote CDM & raise awareness Understand existing capacity Create new CDM business for developers Facilitate process & link to developers & investors Matching Implementers with Developers and Investors The South African PACE Centre P ROMOTING A CCESS TO C ARBON E QUITY